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8 The Line by Ketchapp (iOS App) Walkthrough Tricks

8 The Line by Ketchapp (iOS App) Walkthrough Tricks

Finding an article related with The Line seems difficult since the title is too general to pin point what I really want. Fortunately I saw the name of the developer and included this to the query. Though there are lots of results cluttered with other subject under the name of The Line, it is really difficult to find guides regarding with this guide or maybe there are only few so it is really challenging to find out. So to make it easy, we want to share to you some walkthrough tricks we found out from other players so it will become easier for this helpful hints to spread out and let all players of The Line up be guided.

So your goal here is to get as far as you can that will corresponds with the score you will earn. Definitely the longer you play the game, the higher the score you will get. And for you to manage that, here are some tips and tricks you can follow:

1. Stay inside of the lines. Your primary objective is not to touch the outside of the line. You will manage this by dragging your finger across the green area located at the bottom to control the ball. As the game begins you can drag your finger across any area of the screen that you want to move the ball.

2. Change your perspective. In game you can change your viewpoint to see if there is a possible way to make it the puzzle easier for you to bring out aside from the standard top-down. You can simply turn your phone in different direction such as upside down, sideways and play it on that position. In this part, everything will be based on your personal preferences.

3. Swipe your finger up over the dot. You can actually tap the bar at the bottom but to make it easier to control, you can swipe your finger up and over the dot. In this method, you will have a better control of your dot but make sure not to move your finger too much high or in under the dot as you will certainly crash into a wall. If you can’t manage to keep your finger on the dot and keep ending higher, it is better to play the game with the default position on the line.

4. Master the long swipes. To keep your advantage in game, you should master the quick swipes that can let you do long swipes. Here you need to be precise with your swiping technique. Mastering it will requires lots of patience as well as practice to do long quick swipes.

5. Dot will let you smash through walls. As you play The Line, you will experience getting the shiny dot. This dot will let you go through the walls at your own pace. Yes it is really cool to smash through walls but if you are looking forward for effective gameplay I would still suggest to try running the line that will helps you keep momentum.

6. Wall breaker power up. To be exact with wall breaker power up, it is good to see in game that you can easily break up wall by tapping and sliding around. But most players mistake here is they are always getting them off guard as they enjoy the breaking scenario. Always keep your goal in game to make a good score. So in game upon getting 200 points and then with 350, 550 and so it will last for around 75 points worth of distance. Make sure you are in the right track before the boost runs out.

7. Crossing large gaps easily. The trick here is not to slide your finger all the way across but instead just lift up your finger and place it down where you want the ball to go. Just ensure you are doing it right using your pinky finger as this will give you ease with smaller finger.

8.  Play with smaller display. In some of game guides here, we mentioned upon using iPad to get advantage with wider display but now here in The Line by Ketchapp, you will get the best advantage from playing it with with smaller display or iPhone. Because with small display everything comes in short distance such as movements, gaps etc. You can try to play it with iPad and you will experience the point of playing it over smaller display.