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Bubble Witch Saga 2 Cheats and Walkthrough Guides

Bubble Witch Saga 2 Cheats and Walkthrough Guides

Of course this will be a massive success for King after bringing a sequel from the first release of Bubble Witch Saga 2. Known for their Candy Crush Saga. And now we can’t let this game skip from our hands without sharing any cheats and guides for it. We are expecting there will be lots of players might this article can help with as this Bubble Witch Saga 2 is available on Facebook, Android and iOS. Well, if you already knew the gameplay from the predecessor both games have the same from content and feature with just slight of extra feature added based from the original formula. Well let’s roll it:

1. Unlimited lives cheat. This is working on iOS and Android and not on Facebook, so if you are playing the game on social network, you should play through mobile app to activate the cheat. This is already working in most apps and still you can use it to take advantage from having unlimited lives here in Bubble Witch Saga 2. So the trick here is to take advantage from the time lapse glitch. In game you have maximum of 5 lives and it will only consume if you failed in a certain stage. So as long as you can play it and complete the round, you can play it all you can or else if you missed a certain level it will deduct it to your lives. If you consumed all your lives, you need for this to replenish automatically over time. Now here’s the catch, instead of waiting for minutes before your lives gauge completely replenish, you can simply change your gadget’s time in advance based on how many hours/minutes you need to wait and you will see that your lives instantly replenished. After changing your time, you should change it back to the exacts hours so it will not bother you in the future. Don’t worry because bringing back the time will not take effect with your lives anymore and you can use that lives for another try of matching game.

2. Getting extra lives. If you don’t wish to manipulate your gadget or just an honest player, don’t worry because you can still get lives for free easily. Just ensure to integrate your account through Facebook no matter what platform you are using. Here you can ask your friends to give you lives or you can send them for returning the favor. It is not too difficult to add friends in game, just visit their official fan page and encourage them to add you as a friend. You can also use this website as a portal by dropping a comment below request for an add or you can read other players’ comment and let you add them in Facebook and start giving favor from one another. The trick here is to pick the right person to play this game and don’t just add, add and add without knowing if they are interested to play the game with you and give you extra lives.

3. Create combos. It is a good way to make score here is by making consecutive matches in a row to start a combo. You will see in game such 3 hit!, 4hit! etc and this corresponds with a good combination you made. Definitely the longer the combo, the more spiders will appear on the bottom of your screen that will act as a point-scoring pinball posts if happens that bubbles fall. As you made your combo, it can be boosted by activating a score double-points per combo under limited time.

4. Banking shots of the wall can help you. The trick here is to practice such special shot. The non-banked shots in game will come very easy and straightforward because of the dotted line that will help you aim but when it comes to banked shots, those dotted line cuts off at the wall. So your objective here is to guess where the ball will be after the bounce. Basically the more accurate you are, the better the combos you can do.