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This Means WAR! Strategy Guides and Cheats

This Means WAR! Strategy Guides and Cheats

All we can say that this game is much improved Clash of Clans-liked game where you will experience different excitement from playing strategy based game. If you are believing that Clash of Clans or somewhat Boom Beach is the best when it comes to real times strategy massively multiplayer online game, you better check This Means WAR! by TapZen. Compare with other MMORTS, you will also experience invading enemy bases while defending it with other players wish to attack you to ransack your resources. When it comes to different approach, you will like the battling-side of things where in you will experience there are lots of features for strategy game to cater. So for those who already playing the game or wish to try the very best of it, you better check out some of guides and tips we discovered from other players alike on how they dominated the game:

1. Based your strategy with fewer building comes more upgrade. The concept is simple, this is to let you focus and ensure maximum upgrades with fewer buildings. Compare to other apps, here in This Means WAR! you need to focus on few buildings from the very beginning. Having a fewer buildings let you consume smaller space which is healthy in playing game like this. Space is one of your biggest advantage or can be your disadvantage without a proper strategy. To be specific, you should start upgrading with your storage first. This is a rule of thumb in any games belong on this genre. You should focus on getting resources so it can support your needs in defending and attacking other players. So start with Red Mercury Collectors. Next to resources buildings, you can start upgrading your Army camps which will give you a better offensive factors. Because you have enough supply of resources, you can now start improving your offensive sectors. And lastly, as you proved that you have already lots of resources as well as fame in attacking other players, you should now have your defensive effort for other players who wish to attack you. Start building and improving your defenses with Command Center and Troop producing buildings.

2. Improve your attacking capabilities. Just don’t forget to work out with your resources buildings first so you have a wider margin in building up your offensive system. That is your key for dominating the game and here comes the strategy for winning battles. First is to give more focus on taking out the troop bunkers first as they are the most annoying in game improving the defense system of your opponent. After dealing with troop bunkers, you can start taking care on your opponent defensive turrets and other troops. The most important thing in making a strategy is to familiarize yourself with your current set up or with every different troop you can provide in game. You must know the way how troops works of having the advantage from one another and improving their disadvantage by creating a team strategy. Ensure to deploy units that have advantage on specific stage.

3. Start attacking other players as soon as possible. This is a common mistake for most players as they are enjoying the simulation part of the game and they almost forgot that they are capable of attacking other players as part of improving their resources. Yes, improving your resources building is the most important as we mentioned, but you should not play the game only for that field, as you need also to start attacking other players early on. So as long as you can hold lots of resources by upgrading your storage and provide a good numbers of units, you start invading other players. The trick here is to just keep searching with a possible target that you can attack in the early on. Just keep in mind the this concept of dealing with enemy base with few defenses but lots of resources to steal with. You can repeatedly do this trick so you can have lots of resources but don’t forget the advantage of getting defeated as this can let you play the game with couples of easier bases to capture. But if you can’t make to stay low profiled you should prepare your game with lots of tough battles later on. You can start upgrading your war factory so you are able to start training heavy machinery as well as Command Center since when it reach level 4, you are able to build an Aircraft Factory that can let your diversify your troops from different possibilities of offensive measure.

4. Preparing yourself for easy win. The best method to get an easy win or a strategy that will not require you to do lot of thinking and techniques is to train troops based on strengths and numbers. For instance, grunts can make much damage but they have a lot of health and that is making this unit cheap. While for Rocket troops, they can do far more damage and gladly to say that they have a better ranged for more attacking capabilities but the downside they have a less health. You can consider hackers are a very powerful part of your offensive strategy but consider it as expensive to include. Snipers, just like Rocket Troops in having lower health, they can use their range and great firepower to be one of your key units. When dealing with enemy buildings, you can consider including Hijackers that can do lots of damage by hijacking your enemy structures. Easy win requires lots of numbers of cheap units. Here you don’t need to think about a good placement for your Snipers or other units, everything will come with greater numbers. Yes this can let you win with easy stages but as you make progress in game, you should work out with your strategy as you are not able to play the game in this trick all the way. In addition, you will find it to costly to deploy ineffective units as once the get killed, you need to train another units to replace them.

5. Defensive strategy. This is the final concern of playing This Means WAR! as you need of course to defend your territory too from other players. The most important concept regarding with improving your defense is keep in mind that everything you can do in game in terms of attacking others can also do other players unto you. You can also learn defending your territory with other players. For instance you attacked players with good defensive system that you can’t even win against it then you can imitate how this player defended his territory. Or if you encounter opponent having the same defensive strategy as yours and then win against it and discovered the weaknesses from your same strategy, you can work it out by making changes to comply with fortifying your territory even more.

From scratch, you can start with row of walls right at the front and then put behind them a couples of most useless structures in game such as resource producing buildings and worker stations. Then you can put up your bunkers centrally to cover the whole base together with towers to both sides. Of course you should also put up defensive structure to the front and middle area as possible since other players can also do some technical strategies to go for alternate route. But basically, most players will attack you from the center so don’t forget to use flanks as it is pretty much exposed but you have a better protection out of it.

6. Dropping your medal cheat. So why you need to drop medal in This Means WAR! as other games will rate you for that. Actually it is not about rating as you started the game, you need first to work with your entire performance in game such as resources, offenses and defense. And the best trick to ensure that you are able to manage that three key areas of playing this game, is having a better supply of resources. That is the reason why other players wish to download cheats so they can have unlimited Red Mercury, Power Cells and other resources. But actually there is a trick that you can do repeatedly to ensure that you are able to acquire lots of resources. For those who are asking why they need to drop medals it is because this is how the game find opponents for you. The higher numbers of medals you have, the difficult the enemy you will encounter and most of the time those advanced players can manage their resources wisely so you are not able to get more from them. Though you can skip those players who are likely difficult to defeat, but then with higher lots of medals you have, you will find same difficult fight over and over again. So the trick here is to drop your medal so you are stay low profiled and let the game find easy opponent for you. This is the reason why we said that you need also to be defeated too so you are able to drop medal. Should I say this is the compensation of losing a game. But actually there is a trick on this part and this is to fight another players and send just one troop and quit battle. Definitely you will lose and drop your medals all the way.