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Ingress Cheats and Guides for iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Ingress Cheats and Guides for iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Developed under Google Inc., Ingress that once taken the popularity on Android is now available to play on iOS. In this game you will experience the rush of alternate-reality hacking game as you need to deal with bizarre routes around cities and meeting up with different portal collections under the two main factions: Enlightened and Resistance. Just like how players dominated this game on Android we want also to share to you some cheats and guides that you can use to play the game effectively for iOS.

1. Switching Factions. For those who are asking on how they can switch factions from Enlightened to Resistance or vice-versa, the only way for you to do it is to delete Ingress and then re-install it so you can make a new account under your same device for Ingress. When your game is integrated on social network, you can go to the device menu and then you can sign out and re-log in under different username. Learning both resistance can let you experience different perspectives in game. For me it is better to play the game using both resistance than picking with only one. Just provide two different account for it.

2. Focus on your objectives. Your primary goals here is to collect XMP, deploy resonators so you can create a new portals and then line those portals together so it can develop fields and finally hack the friendly portals for goodies. In working with this goal, you can use your blasters to attack and destroy other faction’s portals and after they are pinned down, you can steal them for your own faction.

3. Geolocation cheat. If you have in your mind to cheat by manipulating your geolocation, you must keep this ways to look as natural so you will not get banned from the game. This game is published by Google so expect that you need to keep everything fine or else do you use any Ingress cheats anymore so you can play it safe. But then, everyone has their own option so if you decided to spoof, just get into the most crowded city center so that you can barely even have to move as well as you will encounter massive portal farms to explore.

4. Blasting other portals. There is no other way to play this game effectively than to blast other portals and set up your own portals and develop links from them. Keep in mind that when you acquire those friendly portals, you will earn items from them. It is battle of attacking other players rather than defending. You will get much advantage from attacking other portals than defending it so you must keep in mind that still offense is the best defense. As possible, you must blast other portals and acquire this as your assets.

5. Team up with friends. Just like with other social games, you need to play Ingress with friends so you will get the upperhand from it. With your friends, you can play as a driver and and let them as a player or vice-versa. You can also take the bust or another vehicle and ride around your city as you collect XMP and do your interest against your opponent.