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Xibalba Tips and Tricks

Xibalba Tips and Tricks

Big fan of playing Quake? Now it is your time to bring back the memories with Xibalba on iOS platform as this game is heavily influenced by the said first person shooting game. In this game you will be entertained on shooting your way through dealing with different creatures before for you to be killed. So just the same with other FPS, you must be prepared always so take this shared tips and tricks for playing Xibalba as this for those beginners especially if you don’t have experience playing such kind of game on your mobile device:

1. Ammunition. For every level there is a corresponding guns that the game will provide for you together with ammunition. There is an instances where you will find ammunition for a gun that you don’t have yet so meaning to say you are able to acquire that gun somewhere within the current levels. Sometimes you need to pass those ammunition as you are not able to use this yet. You must collect ammunition based on what weapon you are going to use as well as you must use weapon based on the amount of ammunition per level. So if you are playing in a current stage heavily supplied with shotgun ammo well you should use shotgun compare with other weapon. You can also get the idea of what you will encounter in the stage ahead. For instance you are seeing lots of ammo, expect that you will face tough challenge as you need to release more firepower against your enemies ahead. By following the guide you can prepare as well as you can manage your ammunition as well as your weapon.

2. Hit point. You must keep your eye with your hit point same in playing with other role playing game. As this is a matter of life and death or success and fail and it is very easy to take this advice but actually when you are in the midst of enemies most player forget to look at their health bar so they can have their idea if they are going to stand on the hordes or enemies or run and find a better opportunity. If you are minding your health, it is more likely for you to manage getting health packs scattered along the stage. Most likely you will find this packs in the corner  so don’t forget to explore every stage and check the location of you this hp-restoring pack. You can also consider this trick, if happens that you have still lots of HP and you found this pack, you better pass on it and remember the location so you can return in times of trouble. Everything will lies on how you manage your gameplay and resources in game.

3. Explore the stage while killing every single enemy. As we mentioned of your awareness with your environment this will let you explore the entire stage to earn health packs as well as ammunition. The trick here is you must exterminate every single enemy so you are free without much worry with them as you go back with previous location to earn additional items. In addition, since the graphics and level design look similar from one another this will challenge you from exploring around, it is better to kill them all so if happens that you encounter enemies later on meaning to say you still not explore this area.

4. Controls. You will never find control too difficult in this game as the game mechanics are very simple. Don’t worry as there is a tutorial as you start the game. This will automatically prompts you and helps you regarding with your control. This will happens by tapping or moving across in order to make the character shoot and move. Yes it is simple and for the complex one, this is by combining both movements together and that is reason why it is challenging for players to move while attacking which is very effective as you can do both defense and offensive together. For instance turning and shooting, this is very efficient especially when facing an enemy as they will move and your aim based on moving the gun either right or left. From here, for you to do shooting while you are moving, must use two fingers to control both actions. This will let you to move the character with your left hand at the same time giving you an chance to avoid attacks as well. You really need this strategy especially when dealing with fast enemies.

5. Use your distance. This is your friend in game as this can protect you from your enemies just ensure that you are doing it right since distance can suffer your accuracy. To use distance to the fullest you must plan it ahead as you see an enemy. You must think first on what is the best weapon you can use before they see  you. Most of the time, you can see enemies from the distance before you approach them and trigger their line of sight and from it you can shoot them from a distance giving you a better chance of not giving them an opportunity to make an attack. Through distance you can also build up other defense mechanism like using walls as your cover or by back tracking or moving behind an object as cover. You can also do cheap shot against your enemies while moving back to your hiding place.

6. Weapons. Just like what we mentioned in making a plan ahead and using the appropriate weapon for every enemy here you will think what kind of weapon you can use for specific enemy. Definitely weapons play a big role in this game as this your primary tool to win the game. There are lots of weapon and you can based it from the strategy you are doing while as a rule of thumb, bigger enemies require more powerful weapon.