We already shared Gobus strategy guides and tricks for effective gameplay of this iOS app and since there are lots of players expecting us to share more tips from it, we are here again to share to you on how can you get lots of beliefs and followers in Godus. We decided to put it up in a list so you can easily do it one by one or know what are seems more effective for you. So here’s the roll:
1. Maximizing the number of abodes you have. As we mentioned in our previous post regarding with Godus, belief is your primary currency in game and for you to dominate the game you need to have good income of belief that you can spend in some in-game content. Above the abode you are able to see a pink dot together with settlement or anything that generate belief for you. Upon seeing this pink dot, meaning to say you are able to collect them. Always collect belief as possible so it will generate again and from here the often you collect belief the better.
2. Unlimited Belief cheats. Belief collection regenerate over time and since this influenced with the time system, you can easily cheat it with time lapse glitch and let you get unlimited belief. So the trick here instead of waiting for specific time to collect you can simply adjust the time of your gadget equals to the number of minutes/hours for you to collect the belief. You can do this cheat as often as you want as this can let you get unlimited beliefs in Godus. Just a reminder, always bring back the time to exact hours upon doing the cheat.
3. Maximize the building of Settlements. This is the easiest and best way to get more followers at the same time – belief. Settlements allow you to build vertically instead of horizontally thus you don’t need to worry about the space. In this case, it is doesn’t really matter what kind of settlement you need to build so either it is farm or mine etc. In the other hand, buildings within the immediate circle will all cluster together to form a settlement.
4. Collecting beliefs from rocks as well. Since this guide aims to teach you how can you collect lots of beliefs, getting it from rocks and trees should be consider. In game you will see rocks and trees where you can collect beliefs by first tapping and holding on one tree/rock and then after that you can swipe around without letting go off the screen. This will let you destroy rock or cut down trees and give you beliefs in return. You can also swipe over trees or rocks that are in off-limits areas as long as they are connected over the border.
5. Keep your followers happy. To boost their loyalty with you and they will keep from straying away from you, you need to ensure that they are happy on what you are doing in game. This will ensure upon unlocking new cards and energizing them by tapping and boosting them so they can work on their full potential.
6. Convert other tribes as your follower. For you to convert them, you need first to confront with other tribes and upon the process of converting, this will require you to defeat them in battle and diplomacy. Upon winning it will end up to open the opportunity for you to convert them and become your followers.