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20 Godus Cheats and Guides

20 Godus Cheats and Guides

We already share tips and tricks as well as guides for getting easy beliefs. Now we want to share massive list of cheats that you can use in playing Godus so you can obtain your ultimate advantage and dominate the game easily. So let’s roll the list now:

1. Getting Diamonds easily. This is the most important currency in game as this can be used to speed up constructions and let you place Gifts for God on your land. That is the reason from some players they wish to download cheats that can turn diamonds unlimited. While developer offers free diamonds yet this is very difficult to claim unless you follow some tricks that other players do. What they are doing here to get easy diamonds is to  have completely destroyed the Astari first. At first view this is less challenging upon hearing it but actually this will require you to keep expanding your population until you unlock the Swamp card in your god powers. This will cost you 4,000 beliefs, thanks to unlimited Godus Belief cheats we can instantly comply with this number of required beliefs to acquire the said in-game feature. From here, you place Swamps on the Astari settlement and wipe them out from the land. Now that you already eliminated Astari in your game, you can now work in getting free Diamonds by just simply send as many follwers as you can into the temple of doom and since you don’t have Astari in your game anymore, you don’t need to worry about their happiness and turn it into diamond-producing tricks without the risk of losing followers. With this guide, you are able to get hundreds of free diamonds to boost up you gameplay.

2. Instantly complete your construction cheats. Since time lapse glitch is working in Godus, you can easily complete every wait in game such as building construction. Just like what you did in collecting beliefs infinitely, you can set the time of your gadget in advance to complete the wait instantly and after completing the task through cheats you can then go back to the game and set the time again into exact hour. This is not only working for beliefs and construction time but also in collecting with farms and mines or even in chest with stickers of gems that you are able to find appearing on your land. The good thing with this cheat is that you can use this as often as you want and turn your gameplay pretty easy.

3. Build structure under the same level. The tricks to access a big settlements is to have your abodes and huts constructed under the same level. Meaning to say, you will have to work a little bit to remove the high layers wherein you need to spend lots of belief but definitely in the long run this will benefit you. Also as you take some huge areas of land of the same level will guarantee you the best possible level of hut or abode and from it you will see how’s the popular will increase massively.

4. Look for the type of land that can let you have the best huts. From this tip, you need to see what type of landscape can gives you the best abode. For example on early phase of the game, it will probably on the beach so you need to build there. You can use your power finger of god to destroy houses and get the extra layers and build new houses there. This is perfect after you completed dealing with Astari.

5. Finding treasure chests easily. There is way for you to find chest easily and this is to look for where coins or confetti appear in midair. As you see it in game, just clear out the land around that area and after digging through a few layers you will find a chest. Of course this will require patience from you as you need to dig three or even four layers to reach the chest. It is also a good practice to regularly check new chests in game. Chests with new Stickers and even diamonds get respawned regularly on the surface of the earth so every time you log in back to the game after couples of days of not playing it, you can check out the map and you will see if there is available new chests appeared. There are some cases that you will are able to find new treasure chests in areas where you can’t reach them or those buried between houses well just ignore them and focus on those chests that you can access easily.

6. Focus on building homes as many as possible. As you get advanced in game, you need to you need to ensure that you have lots of supplies for your resources that you need to build up population. Yes you can use Godus cheats for unlimited resources but try to look that you are going to play the game and make progress without defending in glitch anymore. Let the tricks help you in the beginning but as you get advanced in game, you must ensure you have enough supply from beliefs and other resources as these are connected from one another.

7. Keeping your citizens happy. With some tricks given above, you will never find resources as a big challenging part. So for us what makes little challenging that will require for our attention is the happiness plus because of Astari you really need to work with the happiness of your people. Ironically you will find people happiness getting swings everytime and most of the time it will let them down while for Astari they are happy at all times. The game mechanics told you that you need to let your people happy than the Astari during the festival or else you will lose some followers and that is definitely a hindrance to your progress. Well here are some tricks to keep your citizens happy and this is by using god powers. The first thing you need to consider is the god seed wherein it will allows you to plant trees in order to increase the population. So ensure that you have planted trees just before an Astari festival starts and enough for your followers to be above the Astari. Just plan it out as each seed will cost you more the price as you continue using it. As you make progress in game, you are able to use Rain of Purity as well as Beautify as good god powers that will help you preserve the happiness. You can also do the opposite against the Astari, since you are competing with Astari, instead of building up the happiness with your people, you can interfere with the happiness of the Astari by using meteor showers, swamps or even fingers of god that can destroy it.

8. Consider your wheat and ore just like your population. Simple math comes in game here, you will have a set amount of ore for each mine and a set amount of wheat for each farm that you build. So the game requires you more ore and more wheat as you continue making progress to build more abodes and settlements to increase your population. With this, you will say to yourself that you need to consider both equally so you will never stuck up in a situation wherein you need to wait for the production of either wheat or ore to construct.

9. Unlock those cards based from your preferences. You must access card in game the way you want to. Since not all the cards are as important as the others, you need to build up your preferences in unlocking them. For instance the x3 Stronger Sculpting bring more disadvantage than the actual pros you are able to obtain from this card while there are some cards that you need a lot such as finger of god and swamps that you can use to eliminate Astari.

10. Always win in the sailing mini games. This mini game is a good source of entertainment and stickers that will challenge you to win either on simply set up or events. The method here to obtain 100% winning rate is to follow these given tips and tricks:

  • Do not speed up reinforcements. Upon doing this, you will only get lose every time instead keep the gems for better content such as buying fountains that can boost your people’s happiness.
  • There are some obstacles that will automatically spawned in some islands that you can use to earn advantage just like with block paths as this is the easiest way to stop your follower from choosing the negative direction. In Godus, you can block their path to give them alternative way instead of choosing the bad direction.
  • Don’t send more followers more than you need to save. If you lose, you will lose them all. And as you reach enough level you will find out that there is no more island where you can sacrifice followers for you to win.
  • You must strategize your moves. Plan it ahead by looking at the island and see what you have to do to see where the obstacles are and plan a way to avoid them.

11. Look for abandoned mines and farms. When you are planning to expand your territory, you should look for abandoned mines and farms. Here you don’t need to build new farms and mines, you need only to re-activate them by leveling out the land enough for your followers to access the land and reach the mines and farms. After that you can start building settlements near the old farms and mines that will let you train farmers who can work with your newly added mines and farms.

12. Use god powers wisely. For you to use this effectively, you must understand the effect of every power you can activate. The main concept of using power is to boost your follower and belief. You can use the seeding power to plant trees around settlements and abodes or you can simply build closer to trees that already existed for you to acquire this for free. You can use Rain of Purity to speed up the grow of farms and fields. This is perfect especially if you don’t have in your mind to use such cheats.

13. Always ensure you have a free space around your settlements. You must keep your farms and mines at lease once plot away from one another so that you can avail room to continue expanding settlements. Have you heard the term planning the game ahead and this what the meaning of it. You must always consider later upgrade and improvement/upgrade in game when placing everything in game. With space but closer enough for the to interact easily with one another. Try to think that settlements will cause abodes to cluster together. From here you must spend more time in planning it ahead. You must cluster the new settlements right next to the old settlements so that there is a little to a closer space in between the two.

14. Use Lasso method for confused followers. In game you will experience follower sometimes appear to have no sense of direction. Well in this case you can use the lasso method for both single or multiple followers at the same time by just holding down on one until the blue circle appears and then you can drag your finger over to the place where you want them to go and after that you can release the hold. This is perfect method for sending your followers to temples and other useful establishment.

15. Innovation also comes by destroying older settlements. From here you will say to yourself that the best way to fit more population into the same amount of space is to destroy those older settlements after you upgrade your housing. For you to do this you need to activate first the god powers that you unlocked after a certain population level and accessible by tapping on the belief counter. You can also use finger of god to destroy an old settlement and let your followers build a new and latest structure. This is also a perfect option if you found out that you already running out of space to work on.

16. Boost your farms and miners to keep them working on its full potential. Ensure that you are active in boosting your people since if their stamina runs out, they will quit working and I believe you really don’t want that to happen. So prevention is still better than cure, thus you need to inspire them and make them happy as they are working hard for you.

17. Tribal warfare strategy. To win battle you can easily use your god powers but actually there is a good strategy to keep on winning in tribal warfare even without use any power so it will be more fun and challenging to do. The trick here is to start boxing them in by manipulating layers to build steep mountains or start drowning them by taking away layers until you hit water and case their tribesmen to land in the water. If you feel boring on this part you can use god powers as you can do lots of things from it. You can create a swamp for an instantly blighted land and you will find that the opposing tribals can’t across it. You can also use meteorite attacks to eliminate the entire enemy.

18. Filling the follower bar. For you to fill this bar, you need to earn new cards as you build enough new abodes. From this bar you are able to earn stickers which you can use for the activation of the cards and from finding chest or even going to voyages. You can use the map in searching for chest. Upon getting all available chest and find out that there is no more chest to claim, you can use the time lapse glitch to advance the time and bring it back again and you will see that there will be more new chests re-spawned.

19. Keep your eye from newly assigned followers. As you decided to appoint new task for your followers you need first to keep eye on it to check if he can perform his current duty well. There are some instances where they will stop moving because they might be blocked or they might complete run out of energy. That is the reason why I mentioned a future plan especially with the flow of you followers as they will not get blocked by obstacles. Don’t forget that you can tap them and boost to recover their fatigue.

20. To access voyages, your followers need to make it to the temple. The challenging part here is that your followers tend to act stupidly so it will require you to manipulate them by following the designated path. You must make the steps up and down as simple for them as possible. You can consider making a wide set up for them to treat it simply. If happens that widening is not a good option for your situation you can consider blocking the incorrect pathways for them while providing them the easy path as possible to obtain their task.