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Star Realms Walkthrough Guides and Wiki Tips

Star Realms Walkthrough Guides and Wiki Tips

If you enjoy Star Realms as deck building card battling based game, I believe you will consider different strategy and techniques for playing it effectively. Yeah when it comes in card battling there are different ways to dominate the game but that is not the end of the story since you need to compete with other players and that is how the real match will begin. Well we are here to share to you guides and wiki tips that you can use to empower your strategy and definitely let you handle different situation and win the battle. So let rock!


You will begin playing with a total of 10 cards consisting of 8 Scouts and 2 Vipers. So these two kinds of cards will give you different feature in game such as for scout this will let you do trading while vipers will let you engage battle. In trading this is what you need to acquire bases and ships while combat is used to destroy bases and to attack your opponent’s authority. As you start playing the game, you will be given 50 Authority and your objective is to attack and reduce your opponent’s Authority while defending yours.

For trading deck, this consists of Ships and Bases as card types. There will be five cards located at the top of your deck that are drawn to the center between the two players that will make a row. The five cards that drawn can be acquired through trade. Actually these five cards can let you give another type such as explore that will stand as ship cards. If there is a ship card there is also a base card. You will see that ships will deliver supplies but only take place once while there you will find out that bases act just like ships but only they remain active and can deliver supplies until your opponent destroys it. Basically those cards are available from the trade row. If happens that your personal deck runs out of cards, you can shuffle your discard pile to bring new personal deck. By doing this technique, you will gain access to the powerful ships and bases in the trade row as you are able to determine the strategy and direction that is suited for your personal deck whether to attack and draw victory against your opponent.

Main Phase

Battle system endorse alternate taking turn while each turn has three phases such as main phase, discard phase and draw phase. So let start with main phase. In this phase you may perform any of the following actions such as Use the ally or the scrap abilities in-play ships and bases, play cards from your hand, use combat mode to attack an opponent or directly on their bases, use the primary abilities from in-play bases, and do trade to achieve new cards from the trade row.

Discard Phase

Aside from main phase, discard phase is also an important part of the game. Upon removing a card in your table it will place face-up in your discard pile that any player may look through your discard pile at any time. You can put any cards as you will from your hand to your discard pile so you can draw new sets of cards.

Draw Phase

Definitely upon discarding or removing your card, you need to add cards to your hand and this is through draw phase. During this phase you are able to draw five cards and then end your turn. If you wish to draw and you see that your deck is already empty, you can shuffle your discard pile and place it face-down as your new deck.


The different between ships and bases, bases are not discarded at the end of the turn but instead they remain in play until they are destroyed or scrapped by opposing player. We can also say that unlike ships you may choose when during the phase to activate its ability. For every base, there is a defense number stats that will represents the amount of hit that can receive before it totally destroy. Upon reaching the required number it will destroy and put up into discard pile. There are also bases with the outpost designates and this will protect you and your other bases. If you have available outpost in play, you may not be attacked and your bases without outpost will not also available to attack or even to target until all of your outposts are destroyed.


Aside from ship’s primary ability that we mentioned above, players can also use different abilities on their ships and bases at any time as he is still on his main phase. But there is a rule in using ability, this is to use it only once for each turn. You might fight some abilities as static abilities which can bring you permanent boost such as mech world wherein you will find it helpful for all factions. If you find out ability that can gives you a boost for combat or trade, that resource goes into a resource pool which you can use at any point during the main phase. In addition, if ability grants additional authority, immediately it will add to your authority score. You will notice that some abilities will allow you to choose from different effects such as 3 combat or 5 authority. Just ensure that you know what ability you are choosing and their effect in your gameplay. When it comes to abilities there are ally abilities and scrap abilities that come into different ways. Ally abilities are indicated by a faction in the text box. On your turn, an ally ability may be activated as soon as you have another ship or even bases of that faction in game. Ally abilities are available to use in game any time during your main phase. And for scrap abilities, you might find that there are some ships and bases have a scrap ability indicated by a can trash symbol located at the text box. Same with ally abilities, you can use it any time during the main phase that might remove it from the place and placing it to the scrap heap. Once they fall into the scrap heap they are not able to return to your deck anymore so from here you need to decide very carefully.

Collecting Cards

As we mentioned there are different abilities in game that will let you trade and this will let you collect cards from trade row or from the explorer pile. You will find a card’s cost located at the trade symbol on the upper right hand corner. From here you can compute an equation for acquiring card by subtracting trade from your trade pool equal to the card’s cost and then put the card into your discard pile. Once you acquired card, this will not count as playing so it will not go into play and you are not able to use its abilities unless you call for it. For the remaining trade, this will be saved and can be used to acquire additional cards during the main phase. There are also card’s ability that will instruct you to collect a card. If you encounter this part, you can immediately acquire the card without paying its cost.


As we already stated above there are some card abilities that will give you combat. Upon getting the combat it will go into a combat pool which you may add to and use over your main phase if you wish to. These combat abilities will let you cast an attack against your opponent. For you to attack a base, you must subtract combat from your combat pool equal to the base’s defense. And if you successful destroyed your opponent base that will go to discard pile. You will also encounter card’s ability telling you to destroy target base and this will let you destroy the base instantly without using combat.