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Plunder Pirates Strategy Guides and Tricks

Plunder Pirates Strategy Guides and Tricks

This is the not the first time we published guides and tricks in this kind of game and actually this is one of our favorite to discuss. Plunder Pirates is a massively multiplayer real time strategy game. Remember Clash of Clans? Yeah this is the Rovio Stars version of that game. Actually though the concept of the game is based on Clash of Clans, we can’t still brand it as a clone app since there are lots of new features you will see and enjoy from this game that is not present in other applications. As a strategy game, you really need to have a good plan and that is why we are here to help you formulate your own strategy to dominate the game.

1. Start working with your resources. This is the primary strategy that is proven effective from other MMORTS and definitely this should be included as your starting line in playing Plunder Pirates. When it comes in working with your resources, you really need to focus everything including your resources/currency to empower your resources. So you will pass battling other players as well as developing your defense mechanism instead putting everything to improve your income. We will explain it why it is better to put up your resources first. The key of it is that there is nothing more important for beginner to do aside from empowering their resources. But unfortunately most players played it wronged since they are busy and excited to enjoy the fight scene and win easy battles from starting line. Yes battling and getting a victory is your primary objective in playing Plunder Pirates and actually your inspiration to continue playing but actually as for beginner, this is very crucial. You need to focus on things that will benefits you in the long term and this is by working with your resources first. Aside from offensive, it is not also a good decision to start improving your defenses first since you have nothing to defend. Just think about, you are just started playing the game and you have very limited resources, is there anyone from the game interested to attack you especially if they can attack several players that can benefit them. So before improving your defensive unit, work first into something that you will defend against your opponent. Aside from that, the game offers 24 hours protection from other attacks while you will forfeit this protection once you start attacking other players. From here, you can take advantage this free shield as you are confident that no one can attack and steal your resources and you can focus everything in building up your income for a long run advantage. We are serious in starting line as this is the most important part of the game though this is not the most interesting but you can see as you plan it all the way, everything will work together based on your advantage.

2. Purchase additional workers. To add workers, you need to build workers hut that will ask you to pay gems. Gems stand as your premium currency and this is why there are some players searching for Pirates Plunder cheats to let them have unlimited gems as this will cost them real cash. The most important currency in game that can let you adds also one of the most important elements to increase your progress – workers. In adding hut, you will get the second builder as you complete the tutorials and spend 100 gems to build the second builder’s hut. From here you can say that saving all gems that you collected from game can let you build the next builder for even faster progress. Don’t spend your gems in just speeding up process instead save it so you can add works for permanent speeding up process.

3. Complete your quest. As a player you can do all you want in game including fighting, clearing, building, exploring and etc. But as a beginner, just as we mentioned you need to work with your resources first and after that you should complete your quest one by one. This set of tasks is a good guide to let you know if you are playing the game effectively based on how developers designed their game for players to play. So if you can complete your quest easily, meaning to say you are in the right thing in playing otherwise you need to improve more. Quests will reward you upon completion and this is not only a good measurement for your progress but actually your in-game guide in playing Plunder Pirates. Quest categorized into three based on their difficulties on completion. You can check them all to see what kind of tasks possible for you to complete. In addition, for those who don’t wish to download cheats they can still complete quest to get free gems for adding new workers.

4. Getting free gems guides. Aside from completing quest, there are other ways to get free gems and this is by exploring the seas. Whenever you explore the seas, there is a chance for you to get free gems in random. Yes this is through random process and it is really worth trying out by keeping your ship busy in exploring the waters around you. There is also a chance for you to get free gems by clearing the obstacles. Upon building your island, you will see that there are lots of obstacles scattered through it which block your way. Clearing those obstacles will give you a chance to earn few gems. There is also a free gem from making a bundle purchase. Upon buying with expensive package, you will see that there are free gems on it. For instance you get the Sack of Gems, you will get 400 free gems from it in addition to 1,000 EP and BP.

5. Exploration guides. We already mentioned about the exploration and this can let you get gems. Actually there are tricks on exploration as this is one of the interesting features of Plunder Pirates that you are not able to experience in other MMORTS. Through exploration you will discover islands to attack and other game content. So to start the tricks, you must do all the exploration early as possible while always leave your ship exploring the further distances especially when you schedule to log out from the game and not able play the game for long time so you can use the longer waits for your advantage. Aside from that you can consider sticking to clear waters if you are actively playing the game and you will see that clear waters are fastest to sail while you will encounter no dangers from it. Just try to build your routes based on the clear waters around you. Yes you should choose your route carefully, keep in mind that there is a possibility for you to encounter a ship or other danger that your ship will engage battle. You should also collect resources from islands you already discovered or captured. From the start, they will generate lots of resources from you.

6. Offensive guides. And finally, what you are waiting to do as this will boost you to be addicted in playing Plunder Pirates. The most interesting yet crucial to thing to do as you have lots of elements to consider. To maximize your arsenal, you should know every unit and details you can include in battle. Think about each pirate has their own special characteristics and behavior in battle. For instance, the Gunner who comes as ranged unit but it has a weak defense makes them vulnerable in taking much damage. So for you to consider, it is better to use other units to protect them while using his range advantage above all. Unlike with other apps having this genre, once you deployed the unit, it will lose forever and you need to product new units to replace them. So battling with so many units deployed is just a waste of resources while winning battle with minimum units deployed is so called domination. What you need to do is to formulate a strategy based on what kinds of opponent you are dealing and how can you use your units to take advantage from it. You must unlock and product all types of units as possible so you have always cards in your hand once you need to draw it.

7. Base/Defense guides. Now that you are winning battles and plundering resources from other players, expect that they will revenge against you or other players to attack you as you are getting hotter in gaming scene. From here you need to ensure that you have a good strategy measure to defend your resources too. To start building your defense mechanism, you can start with surrounding your structures with walls. When it comes of using walls, you will realize that making your building closer together will give you ease in surrounding them all as well as ensuring that your tower can look for it or they are inside of a given range. It also a good way to consider creating as many chambers as possible to make it difficult for your enemy troops to get from one building to another. Since you are looking for chamber to confuse the intruders, you can also consider making a decoy by means of constructing buildings outside the walls that doesn’t affect your resources that much. Another strategy is to increase the distance troops to cover before they get to your primary buildings and this is by using decorations to extend your land. And because your opponent can also deploy units on water, having a several land for them to cross before they get to your buildings will let them cross your towers to be killed before reaching their target. The key is to place decorations as far away as possible from the main island but still close enough to leave no drop of water available for the opposing troops to deploy. And last strategy in making your defensive system works, is to imitate other players defense especially those opponent that you personally found too difficult to crash their defensive measure. Since you experience difficulties in this set up, definitely you can say that this is really effective and you can go for it.