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My NBA 2K15 Cheats and Guides

My NBA 2K15 Cheats and Guides

If there’s a card version of WWE through WWE Supercard, now here’s the collectible card based game of NBA 2K15 for mobile devices. This is perfect for NBA fanatic since if you enjoy the wrestling based game and saw your favorite wrestler there, this time you will enjoy NBA superstars as your primary units in game. Well it is how we shared tricks on playing that game but almost winning every match up, this time we want also to guide you on how can you play the game effectively. So let’s get ready to jumpball.

1. Prepare lots of energy. This a good part of planning ahead especially if you have in your mind to play on season. The trick here is if you start a season with a full set of energy you will see that your cards have better chances of winning. Actually energy allows you to keep your starting players at top energy which gives you more chances to win the games and season. You can make it as a rule of a thumb to always start with 20 energies and log in regularly in game to fill up the stamina of your starting players as well as playing quick games to acquire more energy. This is a good foundation of winning but in the contrary, players are excited to play the game and they can’t afford to wait for a full set of energy, so it will only end up losing the season.

2. Assign player positions wisely. This is another important factor of playing My NBA2K15. You must match the player’s starting line with their preferred position and consider it is very important factor in acquiring bonuses. You must try to set up a complete roster when starting a season while having all your positions filled with high-end players. If you notice in Quick Game mode, all your players having a preferred position for them will get a small stat boost on it while for Season mode, those in the right position will consume their stamina slower.

3. How you should start playing the game as a beginner. Now that you know the basic way of winning the game even without exerting too much effort on the game but pure strategy, this time we want to share a guide on how you should start playing NBA2K15 especially as a beginner. So once you arrived in game, start playing with Quick Games until you have a good line up of Rare and Uncommon cards. Quick Games is a good provider of additional mid-end card. But don’t train any cards yet, just collect and do the best possible starting line up from cards on your hand. After that, you can keep competing against people with a very few matches, you can consider those who have zero if possible as you can get your easy win from them expecting that they don’t have experience yet in battle and posses the least cards on their hands. From that matches, you can keep on collecting cards until you fill up your deck and then you can select the top 5 from them. Definitely the more cards in your hand, the more chances that you will build the best top 5 to use as your primary line up.

4. Pick opponents wisely. The same trick on winning almost every match in WWE Supercard, you must also choose your opponents in this game wisely so you can ensure that you will be always the winner for every match. From what we mentioned above on keep playing with players having the least number of matches that is the basic factor of finding an opponent to battle with. But of course, this will not work forever since you are improving and you need more challenging game to play with so you can say to yourself that you are improving plus it is tedious to see same concept of playing over and over again. But if you are serious in this game and you don’t want to see yourself losing, you must pick your opponents wisely where you can have an easy win. Actually the good thing in this game that even if you lose, you can still draw a card but if you manage to win, you can draw two cards and definitely that is what you need to keep in your head. Aside from numbers of matches, you can also look for the winning rate of your opponent under their number of wins and losses. If you see players having more losses than their winning number, you can consider his deck might be easy to beat and definitely that is a perfect opponent to play with and get your easy win from it.

5. No-defeat cheat. If you consider those guides above but still you can’t manage to win of all your matches or if you don’t want to see many losses under your name as good bases for other players to fight you and draw victory against you, you can consider this winning cheat. Think that other players can consider those tips above and use it against you. So if you have lots of losses, they will consider you as easy-to-beat player and of course you will never like that. That is the reason, it is better to keep your record clean. To do the trick, whenever you are about to lose a game, just simply quit the app and remove it from the cache and then you can start the game again and you will see that your previous match will not be counted anymore. Actually even you defeat in match you can still have a card but doing this cheat in MyNBA2K15, you will lose that opportunity to get one card but then you can keep your record clean.

6. Train and combine. We already mentioned the term train above and this is very important to improve your arsenal in game. Though we never consider this especially for beginner who don’t have much card to boost but if you think you have a lineup that you can use in the long run, you boost it and improve to its full potential. The first thing you need to do is to train your cards to maximum levels as this is the rule before you can combine them to obtain the maximum stats. From combining you will see that you will get better ratings every time you level while you have always an advantage over those cards with same PRO Version (already combined) but didn’t reached the maximum level before combining them. Of course doing it will require you to pay currency so you must keep in your mind that your opportunity to train your cards is very limited based on your progress in game.

7. Enhance your PRO cards. Now that you have your PRO version of your cards, you can start enhancing as there is a rule of thumb in this game that you should only enhance those PRO cards. Though it is really tempting to enhance your players from the very beginning but since enhancing is also limited in your part, you must always do it with at least a rare PRO card in your hand which you are able to use in the long run. That is the rule you must consider, ask yourself if you are going to use this card or not, if yes then you can enhance this to empower more.

8. Use boost wisely. If you are experiencing a difficult match in a latter part of the game, you will find that using the right boost is come in handy. My NBA 2K15 offers lots boost in the game and upon using it correctly, you can win every tough match. As with other recommendation, you should not use a boost in the first two matches since that’s when the opponent usually uses theirs. You must reserve your boost in the later part of your battle. Also in managing a boost, try to go with a boosts that can cover as many skills of your cards.

9. Play with the right tiers. This part must be strategize too as this is very important in this game. Keep in your mind that the better the tier, the better your chances of getting a top card but you must not push too much especially if you are not ready to play with high tier players. For instance, you have more chances of winning if you are playing at the end of the Super Rare tier compare with Super Rare Plus one so it is better to consider those you can win with higher percentage than risking your time with a big push. Though you can always use the no defeat cheat so clean up your record but still losing a game is also consider as losing your time in playing it. What you can do here is to play in the closer margin of tier you are so you are able to get higher tier cards with much winning percentage.