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Legend Online Pocket Edition Guides and Tricks

Legend Online Pocket Edition Guides and Tricks

This month there are couple of games released under card trading based game such as Magimon Adventures, Pokemon TCG Online and lot more. And now we are here to share another card collection based game with role playing elements for Android and iOS powered device. Here you will experience intense fights with lots of cards well as upgrading it to unlock more in-game feature. You can customize your deck that you can use in battle against AI controlled player or even through player vs player duel. You have more 200 cards to play with which you can collect from the game which you can craft and upgrade for more power. Every card has their own rarity in game while you will find that higher tier cards are more difficult to collect.

In playing such game, you really need to have a good strategy to empower every card in your deck. This is not only about rarity as you can win the game even you have a lower tier only you need to have a better strategy and luck of course. A good combination and gameplay will let you win the game most of the time. You really need to have a better strategy as once you have deployed your cards in formation, everything will completely goes automatically. What you need to do is to hold your device and just watch the battle and then harvest your piles of rewards. Ready to play the game? You better consider some guides and tips we learned from other player below and use it to earn your advantage of playing Legend Online Pocket Edition.

1. Adding more friends. This is not the first time we suggest to add more friends in playing such mobile game if you really wish to earn advantage without doing anything from the game as you really don’t know how to do play it effectively, you can just add friends. Here you don’t need to do anything in game, just lend your patience in dropping a request with other players telling that you really need friends to play with. In this game, you can add over 20 friends where you can get free energy from them. So you don’t need to download Legend Online Pocket Edition cheats anymore, all you have to do is to ask free energy from your friends. Not only you can claim free energy but you can also send them too, so if you have dummy account, you can use this for give and take tricks of getting free energy. Not only energy, but you can also get Friend Points which you can use in Friend Shop to purchase new cards. You are able to locate this shop through friends menu.

2. Visit the game daily. The same with other apps, you can get freebies by constantly logging in game. If you can make it in 7 consecutive days of logging in, you will receive a good rewards including premium currency and top cards.Actually you don’t need to play the game, just check it if you really don’t have time. You can ask someone to just log in and then close it. Just like in adding friends, you can take advantage in this way even without doing much in game.

3. Focus with your best cards. In Legend Online Pocket Edition, you will find that there are lots of cards to pick with and the fact is, you are not able to use them all. So when it comes in improving them, you must prioritize your best card in leveling them up. Focus with higher tier which you are able to use in the long run. Start upgrading your best card such as leader as well as those cards having multiple star rating. Though it is tempting to improve all your cards at the beginning since this will not cost you much from your coins but knowing that you will only replace it with better card, this is really a waste of coins.

4. Place your card wisely. Just like what we mentioned about card collecting game, you really need to have a good strategy. And in this game, strategy requires from the first time you place our card. Yes card placement plays important part in your game. In system, there are two rows and the first ones will be attacked first. Meaning to say, it is better for you to place your tank cards or those cards with higher defense or health points in the first row that serve as tanker. You will see these cards having a shield icon. And for those damage dealer or nuker or those cards with poor health point, you can place it at the bottom. Just experiment with your placement that works the best with yourf strategy.

5. Unlocking the Einherjar mode. To let you access the Einherjar, you need to complete every map in the game. This is a special feature that works an extra bonus which you are able to use in battle. You can either spend coins to get the map pieces faster through the research or just simply play the map levels over and over again. Aside from what we mentioned above, you can decompose existing Einherjars so you are able to get the materials required to upgrade. This is the test of luck upon tapping the update button in the menu. Usually, you are ale to get lower skills but then later on you will get better ones upon spending time of trying it over and over again.

6. Improve your cards. To greatly boost your card, you must evolve it. Though in this game, it is little bit trickier to do since you need different equipment cards to evolve a card you already have in your hand. But then the good news is that you can grind on the levels to get those rewards. So as you start receiving cards that you can use for evolving, ensure to replay those levels and get all the required materials to improve your cards.