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Smash Champs Tips and Walkthrough Hints

Smash Champs Tips and Walkthrough Hints

We already shared Smash Champs guides and tricks as we found high potential on this game, we are here again to enrich your vocabulary on how can you dominate the game. As for simple reviews, this app is about an action game developed by Kiloo Games where in you can swipe at balls on-screen to train your animal fighter and compete it with your opponent to test the result of your practice. The fight goes automatically but it doesn’t mean that you will get bored in playing this game for hours since the basis of winning and losing for your fighter still lies on your hand so you really need to train them hard so you can win the game. With other method of playing this game effectively, you can read some walkthrough hints and tips below:

1. Stay your finger on your screen when bouncing back balls. Once you are in game, you may be easily tempted to slash at balls like what you did in Fruit Ninja but actually it is best for you to keep your finger on the screen and trace a path through them. By doing this technique, it is easier for you to control your slash and clear everything in your screen.

2. Always slash with combo. From here you can swipe as many balls in a row as you can to initiate combo. You will notice it upon swiping as many balls as possible in a row, it will gives you a combo bonus that will boost your training score. Yes you need to swipe as many as you can but the common mistakes here is that players use to swipe as faster as they can that will lead their finger to be exhausted. One thing you should keep in your mind, even with the faster action you should still do it with accuracy and you shouldn’t use your effort for nothing. It is better to stay in the game longer than to be tired easily. Combo is not how faster you can do but how long you can maintain the series of slash with accuracy.

3. Getting clear bonus. This is one of the most useful bonus in game and for you to acquire it, you need to swipe all the balls on screen. You shouldn’t let any balls get away while swiping all of them with a single action will let you activate the clear bonus. This is perfect especially if you are lots of things need to clear in your screen right away.

4. Keep in mind that training score does matter. Yes you have different basis to judge if you are going to win the match or not but among this basis what makes the biggest factor is the training score. So even you have major disadvantage with level and elemental property while you have gap and advantage with training score, you are still able to win the match.

5. Avoid swiping on bombs. You will see bombs while you are in training and bombs are often mixed up in the balls he throws at you. If you mistakenly swipe with this bombs, they are capable of blowing all the balls on screen which will gives you disadvantage with your score. The best thing you can do is to avoid them. This is the reason why it is better to play the game with higher accuracy than relying with your speed alone. You must understand what you are doing and not only to do faster random swipe.