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Marble Duel Guides and Walkthrough Tricks

Marble Duel Guides and Walkthrough Tricks

If you love to see Luxor and Zuma into different ways, you can play Marble Duel as a violent version of both games. Here upon matching marbles in a quest you will experience addictive game under new elements of matching game that never seen before. This time magic duels are the way to solve any commotion in a kingdom that is under by the cruel witch and her minions. For each monster you will encounter, they will challenge and you will see that the power of spells will help you beat your opponent. As you can see you are not only playing matching game but with storyline and cool gameplay. So here you need to master and improve the destructive power of the spheres and you will become the strongest mage  in the kingdom. This is a test of mind.  In case that you are not competitive enough for this game, you can some tips and tricks below for playing Marble Duel effectively:

1. Spend on upgrades wisely. Upon completing stages, you will earn currency that you can spend to upgrades your stats. Yes that is right, unlike with other apps under this genre, here you will play with the essence of role playing game where you can grind for more currency that you can use to boost your stats. So here as for recommendation on how you will spend you currency, on the early stages of the game, it is better to start boost your red balls for additional damage as well as the most important you have in game. And then after that you can extend your improvement through Blue Balls to increase your defensive factor with your shield and dodge. Just one upgrade to your health and then you can move to Green Balls. If you have still currency and you wish to upgrade more, you can do it through purple balls as a better way to do improvement compare on sticking with health balls. From the top of it, you must stay upgrading your damage since this will be your primary ingredient on winning games.

2. Focus on making combos. Strategize your board to the point that you will make combos in the future. Actually the concept here is the more matches you make, the more moves you will get so it is better to try for these combo moves wherein you need at least three matches for one additional move. In case that there is no combo available, just make it for the longest pair while considering your stats. For instance, if you are on full health, it is not good move to go for a five marble set of green balls instead just focus on building your offensive measure.

3. Keep your moves on the plan. Since you already have strategy, the only thing you need to do is to implement it by keeping your moves on the plan. Actually the biggest difference between Zuma and Luxor is how you play it, unlike with the said games that is all about reflexes, here in Marble Duel, you need to play it wisely, so you will experience slower paced and requires you to strategize a lot. Just plan your moves for future result and consider important elements in game including the balls you have and the type of matches you make. As for ball, you can notice them and you can switch between different balls that you are shooting to improve your strategy. Just fix in your mind the specific strategy you can do for your situation. You should also consider the types of matches that you make. You can say that different colors have different effects on the board although your primary objective here is to destroy your opponent and it is not all about the red balls. Actually when you are advanced enough to the game, you will learn to mix and match for bigger combos and not only focusing with your damage.

4. Play on your side. As you continue making progress, you will experience playing on some stages having the marbles placed in the way that one end is unreachable from your side while the other is unreachable from your opponent’s side too. If this is the case of your board, just work on building up your side first and then sabotage your opponent with your extra balls. In terms of sabotaging, this can be happened by breaking sets of two balls when you have no match to make. The less matches the opponent makes, the faster you win the game and definitely to earn three star rating.

5.  Keep your eye on the shield. There are some occasions wherein your opponent will manage to get its shield to 100% here is the case for your opponent to every any attack you can do to him. So it is better to be aware on this shield and go for a weak attack once your opponent shield’s activated.

6. Replay previous stages. This is perfect especially for those stages who haven’t earned three-star rating yet. There is nothing to worry about that actually as all players can’t play the game all the way into three stars rating. Most of the time, you need to replay those previous stages while believing that this time you can do better with additional experience advancement you have in your current situation. Plus, upon playing you will get more crystals that you can spend for your improvement. You can also do this trick if you get stuck in your current level and after spending couples of tries still you are not able to make it. Grinding and farming can boost your arsenal and also your gameplay so this is your always options when times get wrong.