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Armored Storm Strategy Guides and Tips

Armored Storm Strategy Guides and Tips

In Armored Storm, you are in the battle between the crisis of the befallen world and as the tensions are growing as well as conflict is inevitable. And now you are in game to lead and protect your city from other intruders who want to steal resources from you. So if you love to enjoy a city management battle based game, you can download and play Armored Storm for free. And the core to dominate this game this is to have a perfect strategy from battle and city management and that is the reason why we are here to share to you strategy guides and tips for Armored Storm.

1. Start improving your income. There are lots of ways to improve your income and the best thing to do here is to upgrade your resource building so you can have a passive income that you can use to every branch you wish to improve. But basically what is happening is that players are excited to enjoy the battle system of the game that is why they are putting all their potential in offensive feature of the game but actually if you are yearning to see long run advantage it should start by improving your resources so it can support your expenses later on which is more challenging part. Yes it will ask you to stay patient until you reach a stable income with upgraded resources building and this is annoying especially if you are looking forward for some action but that is this is the best way to play any other MMORTS including Armored Storm.

2. Don’t forget to collect your mystery gift. In this game there is a compensation that you are able to collect every 5 minutes and this is the mystery gift. This is reason to remain active in game and as you started playing the game every compensation is essential so it will help you have a better jumpstart. You will see it that come in shining blue suitcase located at the bottom right of your screen. You can tap it to collect your freebies. Just remain active to take advantage in this feature.

3. Complete your quest. Though the game has an open end, meaning to say you can do what you wish as long as this can bring advantage to you. But actually if you are asking for some recommendation, it is better to follow your quest which is there to guide you too on how you should play the game. You will see that there is a quest ticker located at the top of the screen and as you tap this, it will show you your next main quest. The good thing in questing is that you can earn rewards from it upon completion. This will help you develop your city and for the first 30 quest, this is about a basic tutorial which will let you get free insta-build options for all the buildings you construct so you don’t need to wait too long. It is also a good way to determine if you are playing the game effectively or not, definitely you can complete your task easier you are doing the right thing, if not maybe you need to do something more like downloading cheats or formulating more effective guides. Also there are some optional quests that you can complete in addition to your main quest line. If you tap the quest button at the right, you will see that there is a daily quest, alliance quest as finally the VIP quest. These quests are valid in limited time only so you don’t have to actually do anything. Just start up the quest, wait the required amount of time and then come back to collect rewards. Just always check the available side quest for additional resources also a good way to love the game since you have always a frame to do what you need to do based on your progress. But I believe that you will ignore it as you wish to play the game with rush with the action part of the game and that is to attack other castles and ransack their resources.

3. Ensure that you have a constant upgrade. This game is all about strategy and in terms of strategy you need to manage it carefully. The best way to manage here is to keep your building upgraded. Yes you can upgrade it later on but that that will be expensive as well as you will find it difficult so it is better to keep it easier by doing a step by step upgrade or constant upgrade. In buildings you will see that these are divided into three different categories such as storage, military and resource production. Of course your priority is the resources related building but it doesn’t mean that you will not upgrade other building anymore. Just balance it and later on as you reach difficult level, you will say to yourself that you are in right decision for constant upgrade.

4. Don’t forget to add skill points to unlock higher tier. As you gain new level, you will receive a skill points that you can distribute to your personal skills. These skills are capable of giving you a passive bonuses such as reduced build time and lot more. In game you have a skill three to build with and as you earn additional skill points, don’t forget to use it to unlock higher tier skills. Just tap on the skills next to the ones you have already unlocked to see higher tier.

5. Take advantage with the alliance. In game you can join an alliance or a group of players who work together for the same interest. You can either join a random alliance by tapping the button located at the right bar. Actually quest will ask you to join an alliance and that is reason why we mention above that it is a good idea to follow your quest. You can ask for building assistance from other players  from the circle of your alliance or you can even get help from them when you receive an attack with aggressive player. Just keep an eye on the purple alliance icon that shows up from time to time at the bottom left so you will have an update from other players. This will shows other members of your alliance who are asking for a help and from here there only one tap away to grant it.