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FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Strategy Guides and Tips

FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Strategy Guides and Tips

If you are fan of playing Final Fantasy series you will surely like this game wherein you will encounter different Final Fantasy titles such as FF VII, FFX, and even the latest FF XIII: Lightning Returns. The game is perfect for you to relive your favorite Final Fantasy moments through this strategy based game. In this game you need to create your ultimate team and putting with a twist of your journey. Final Fantasy known for amazing sets of spells and weapons as a matter of fact, they popularized unique weapon such as Squall’s Gunblade, Cloud Strife’s Fusion Swords and lot more. To make it even more interesting to play, the game offers special events every week wherein you can complete new chapters and collect limited edition characters, abilities and gear. The ironic part here is that the game is not developed by SquareEnix only been franchised by DeNa.

As for the story, the game sets in a glorious kingdom that thrives on the fantastic era of magic and art and wherein epic tales of valor and hope have been pass from one generation to the next generation. The kingdom sealed with this records inside paintings to safeguard the balance of the world. But the challenge will begin without warning, the records within the paintings began to fade away. And now the the time has come for you to save the kingdom’s future. The game started as they planned for the Motorola RAZR and now it was branded as best f2p game that SquareEnix has ever released. What more interesting in this game is that you will hear the masterpiece of Nobuo Uematsu in battle music. So if you are now ready to play this game, you can consider checking guides and tips below first:

1. Getting free premium currency. In this game, you have two premium currency, Mythril and Gems are the two premium currencies in this game. Basically you can use your real cash to buy it from in-app store and that is why they called premium currency. In this game, there is no requirement to spend real cash in this game for you to excel as a matter of fact you can get premium currency even without spending cash. You can consider acquiring Mythril by beating dungeons wherein the drop rate will be based on your score. The higher your scores in every dungeon, the higher the possibility for you to acquire Mythril but generally this will only happens if it’s your first time playing on the dungeon. Meaning to say you are not able to farm for Mythril by repeatedly running the same dungeon over and over again. But in the end, just like what I’ve said, it is not about having premium currency but everything relies on your strategy and skills.

2. Grind for experience levels. Yes you are not able to acquire premium currency by grinding in game but it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to grind it all. Remember this is based from Final Fantasy series and as far as I know that is the game that thought me to spend hours in grinding. Yes you are not able to get gems but considering experience points this is perfect to boost your arsenal. You can fight battles and gain levels and to maximize this, just take your character to their corresponding realms. For instance, you can take Squall to Final Fantasy VIII realm while Tidus should be played on X. In this method, you will have a double experience points compensation.

3. Take advantage with auto-battle system of the game. In mobile game that has auto-battle features, don’t forget that this system is not made for nonsense. Well in this game what you need to keep in mind is the limitation it offers. We mentioned about the term grinding above, but actually unlike with Final Fantasy game, here you don’t need to literally spend time playing the game since there is a auto-battle system which works perfectly. But limitation is none of your limit breaks, magic and abilities will be use so you are not able to maximize your offensive measure. So when you are in auto-battle, the only thing that your character can do is normal attack. Actually this can take enemies for your to win but if you are in current level that you should play with or you are battling with boss, this is not actually a good idea. The only thing you can do here is to take character with their physical attack as their primary style. So you might not use those white and black mages and other magic users.

4. Take advantage with your opponent elemental weaknesses. In this game there are billion different element and the best thing you can do is to make a guest until you figure out enemy weaknesses the majority of the time. Technically you might counter any fire based enemy with water and ice attacks and metal enemy with lightning or light enemy with mist or pearl in its name or do on something the same with dark attacks. Just do some experience and never get tired in doing something new to find out that spells are most effective against on specific enemy.

5. Based your equipment on your characters’ realm. Don’t forget to equip your character with effective weapons and other equipment based from their native realms so you are able to acquire additional compensation. In between battles, you can enhance your weapons and equipment into two ways. You can consider upgrading it using unused equipment and sacrifice it to empower your higher tier equipment or you can also consider combining two identical pieces of equipment to boost up their rarity level and base stats. The best thing to start in this part is to have at least two stars.