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MORTAL KOMBAT X Guides and Tips

MORTAL KOMBAT X Guides and Tips

I believe that you had never imagined before that you are able to play Mortal Kombat in mobile device, not until this day. Yes that is right the popular fighting game series is now available on mobile as Warner Bros released it recently. Mortal Kombat X let you enjoy a simple one-touch tap fighting. So if you enjoy playing Marvel Avenger Alliance, you will surely like this game knowing that you will get in touch with popular Mortal Kombat characters. Experience to bring the power of the next generation gaming with mobile device into a groundbreaking fighting experience with great gameplay and graphics in one. Here you will create your team of Mortal Kombat warriors and be the great fighter in the world with arcade and card collection game. Now if you are ready to take your stand, we recommend to take a look with some tips and guides for playing Mortal Kombat X effectively.

1. Understand the right timing to defend. The game is not about the saying, “offense is the best defense” since literally you really need to know when to defend to win the game. The key here is that defense is actually important as your offense. And for you to do the defense move, you need hold down two fingers to make your character block and this will reduce the incoming damage. If happens that you are attacking an opponent with a 3-hit combo and then you see them blocking, it is better for you to stop attacking. If happens that you are fast enough and not tapping rapidly, you will see that your character will stop attacking and you will be able to react on it. This is important since the lat hit in the standard combo has a lot of ending lag, so your character we be vulnerable for counter attack if ever that your opponent successfully blocked all of the attacks.

2. Take advantage with your special attacks. You will start having the level 1 special attacks and you can use it as your special attack meter charges up whenever you make or receive damage. From this system you will see that this can be charge up faster which you can take advantage by using your special attack whenever it is ready so you can amplify your damage you to unleash against your opponent. Plus you can do additional effects based on character so we are expecting that you will use your special attack as often as possible. In this game, special attack require complex inputs such as tapping a circle rapidly, swiping rapidly and so on. And definitely the faster you do the execution, the more damage you can inflict to your opponent.

3. Never play this game with just a random tapping. In this game there are times wherein upon completing a standard combo, you will get a chance for a power attack. These attacks are considerably strong which some with single hits with swipe prompt. Upon a successful land of these big hits, you will see great damage on it but then there is a possibility for you to miss it especially if you are not paying attention. So the key here is to fight with precision and skill and don’t just do random tapping.

4. Start leveling up your characters before you tackle the daily event. In this game there are two modes of play such as the regular campaign battle mode and the daily event mode. As for the daily event this goes on for a certain amount of time but you will play it just like the battle mode the only difference is that you will fight with sets of characters with time restriction. Well in this case, it is better to level and empower up your character first at least 5 before you try the bronze level of daily event as this is more challenging than the other mode. Yes you need more power here and if you manage to beat that event you will be rewarded with more coins.

5. Empower our characters. Just like what we mentioned above, you need first to strengthen your character and there are lots of things you can do here to empower your characters. Starting from the tutorial, you will get one silver characters which is higher tier than the usual character. From this tier, you can focus on it to empower. Yes just aim for it since additional card packs and individual character are expensive. at the first level of battle mode, you will have 20,000 coins which is enough to purchase bronze tier character. From here you can earn more coins that you can spend for higher tier. Just keep in mind that before fighting, you can manage your team and use their advantage based on your strategy specifically individual character has their own advantage which you need to understand so you can use them to their full potential. Here you can power up their special attacks, or fuse support card and lastly you can consider giving them good equipment. So if you are having problem with some fights, don’t close your door in improving your card individually especially those in higher tier.

6. Card fusion. We mentioned above that you can extend your card potential through card fusion. Well to start it, first you need to find a support cards that you own already. Eventually you will get the same support cards but you don’t need to worry on it as you can fuse them with each other to improve their strength. Actually it has a simple formula, just fuse two same cards to get one more powerful card. For isntance, you have two +3% bonus attack cards, you can use them to get +6% bonus attack card. The only thing you need to keep in mind in fusion is that this feature come in expensive way, specifically you need to spend 5,000 coins for it.