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Masters of the Masks Guides and Tips

Masters of the Masks Guides and Tips

In the land Ivren, a mysterious evil rising and now the only way for them to be defeated is through the help of masked warriors. Masters of the Masks is about a turn-based role playing game that will ask you to collect different masks and have their own special powers. So you will explore the world of Ivren to uncover recipes and create divine masks covered with powerful skills in game. The game is all about mask as a matter of fact you can fuse these mask to render more abilities that you can use based on your advantage. The game has a great twist of Cell-shaded art style new and unique through mobile role playing game. It has also a deep skill system that is easy to pick up and still this challenging to dominate. Now if you are ready to play this game, you better check out some tips and guides below:

1. Don’t forget to make some masks as possible. Aside from weapons and shields, as what we mentioned above, the most important thing in this game is mask. Your masks have the biggest influence on your characters stats actually. So you need to have powerful masks to will help you gain advantage from the very beginning. From the tutorial, the game thought you that every mask will receive a special skills attached to it when it’s created. These come as offensive skills which is perfect in inflicting damage against your opponent or a support skills that provide your team with some nice buffs. So the key here is to fuse two masks together to potentially provide a more powerful mask. Just ensure to take a look at the preview of possible skills you can get in game. In addition, you can re-roll a mask if you don’t get the skill you are aiming for.

2. Memorize the elemental property flow. The same with other role playing game that you can play on iOS and Android, there is an elemental property flow in this game that you should memorize so you can ensure that you can take it as your advantage. Yes it is not all the time that you can use it on your side since if you don’t know what to do or how the element works with one another you can’t use this as your edge in game. The flow goes like this, life is stronger against stone, fire is stronger against life, and definitely water is stronger against fire. So using the elements that you can have an advantage against your opponent will do the job. For you to determine what type of enemies you will be going up against, you can check their level’s icon. There you will see an elemental icon for every level.

3. Improve the Primal Anvil. In game there is a Yorniq, the powerhouse dwarf wherein you will starts the game out with the Primal Anvil mask. This mask has the God’s Hand skill on it which is capable of giving you a 30% heal. This skill is very effective especially on those early levels so you may want to stick with this mask. You can fuse it with other masks to boost your potency of healing. The good thing about this mask is that you can fuse it with other skill or goes for any other skill you’d like to level up. Just fuse the base mask with additional mask.

4. Eliminate first those enemies who are about to act. For every unit you will see a red bar on the screen which represents that unit’s action points. Upon refilling this bar up, the units gets to take their turn. From here you will have an idea on which enemies will take action against you. Use this as your advantage as you should always target the enemies that are about to reach their maximum action points. If you are fast enough, you might be able to go through the whole fight without taking a single scratch.

5. Check the game details through tap and hold. If you don’t know what EX skills can bring to the game, don’t worry because you can just tap and hold your character with your finger to examine it. This will give you a small window having details on what their EX skill does. You might have to refer to this often since a majority of the EX skill icons are not quite relevant to what the actual skill does.

6. Grind on previous levels. If are experience hard time with the current level you are facing, you can consider replaying those older levels for the sake of grinding. As you make your progress through the story move, you will notice that enemies are getting strong as you make through until you reach the level that you can’t complete anymore because of your opponent’s difficulty. Don’t forget that the main way to empower your character aside from mask fusing is through their equipment. So that is what you need to acquire together with experience level. As you play the game, you gain experience points which will make you to level up together with new items to collect. For you to craft a new equipment for your characters, you need materials that you will randomly get from the spinner at the end of every level. This will ask you to do some few runs on previous levels for the sake of grinding until you get enough equipment and experience to empower your arsenal. In this game, you will never find the term difficult as long as you have enough patience to grind on previous level to empower your characters.