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Top 10 Deadwalk: The Last War Tricks

Top 10 Deadwalk: The Last War Tricks

Last week we shared to you guides for Deadwalk: The Last War on how can you play this game effectively now we are here to again to make some addition with this top 10 tricks that you can use to dominate the game. In this game, survival is your primary goal but that is not easy since you are in the zombie apocalyptic themed game where you need to defend the city of your last hope. Technically the game is a combination of city building and tactical elements wherein you will see turn based battle affairs that consist several waves of zombies. To ensure that you are going to enjoy this game, developer included high end graphics that will take your breath away. Now if you just started playing the game and you can’t still find a good way to play this game effectively, you can check some tips and guides below:

1. Boosting your marching speed. Keep in mind that the faster the marching speeds, it will give you a better percentage for your army to invades your opponent as well as resource tiles and let them come back home quicker. Now the key for increasing your marching speed is through distributing talent points to the Rapid March talent. Now the next question is how can you earn talent points and this is by letting your champion to level up. As a follow up question, on how can you get leveled up easier, this is by letting your champion fight more zombies through the Explore mode. For distributing your talent points, first you need to go to your City and then  you can tap on your Champion’s profile pic located at the top-left corner of your screen. After that you can tap on Details and go to the Talent Tab for each champion. Tap on the first talent which is on rapid march and then press upgrade.

2. Getting more soldiers. Before going to battle, ensure that you have lots of soldiers that you can use to fight for you. Keep in mind that the game is getting difficult as you make progress. But at first playing through numbers is very effective strategy to win most battles. The only thing you need to ensure is to have enough soldiers to fight for your side. You can also consider raising  your champion’s Leadership to add more soldiers for each slot this will help you maximize the number of your soldiers that you are able to deploy.  Now as for the leadership, you can tap on your champion’s profile and then tap on the big green plus button besides leadership. By means of improving  the leadership, it will bring extra space on each slot and you will be able to add more soldiers to it. What you need to have to increase your leadership is smart chip. Smart Chips are rewards by exploring chapters while there is sometimes a  free add option to increase your champion’s leadership by two points.

3. Don’t forget to heal your units after battle. It is not a good idea to attack another hordes of zombies without healing your units from the previous battle or if you have only few soldiers. Keep in mind as we mentioned earlier that the next zombie champion may have a stronger line of attack and defense compare to previous one so you need to keep improving in game. You can also consider healing all troops before jumping into the next battle. Now for you to do it, just go back to your base and then tap on barracks, after that go for heal tap. Just tap on the Queue Max button if you wish to heal all of your trained soldiers and then lastly tap the heal button.

4. Take advantage those lower level players and don’t forget to bookmark their city co-ordinates. If you are serious in this game and you really wish to earn more resource without risking yours is through invading lower level players. To start it just tap on Map and then scan it to hunt for lower-level cities. Upon finding your target, tap on the bookmark button to save its co-ordinates before pressing the attacking button. With such bookmark, you can easily comeback later on for another invasion for more resource to ransack. Just don’t forget that bookmarks expire within a day or two so ensure you attack the bookmarked city multiple times on the same to maximize your compensation from them.

5. Manual deployment is better than auto. You can consider auto deploy when getting the best units on the frontline but then since this is strategy game, you should go for manual deployment so you can control everything base on your strategy. You must manually select troops based on their advantage with the situation. Keep in mind that you have a total control on the selection procedure also you are able to decide which battalion of soldiers will lead and who will back up. You can consider deploying strikers as a frontliner as well for the back row slots. And for the remaining, slots, you can use Militia to fill those vacant slots. Now for you to deploy manually, just go to Explore and after that to Select Troops and then tap on your champion. Next you can tap on Deploy in every slot and choose the soldier type. Here you may choose the number of soldiers using the slider just drag the slider to the plus sign to select all soldiers that a particular slot can handle. Basic principle here is to place your best unit as a frontliner while maximizing their advantage over the other types of units in game.

6. Train those higher tier soldiers. As yo continue making progress, your battalion will encounter tougher zombies Here the game will require you to unlock more higher tier soldiers in game so you can eliminate this type of zombie. Just ensure to upgrade your barracks at regular intervals to train specialist such as Strikers, Commandos and Guardians which will help you a lot in game. To let you have this, first before upgrading barracks, you may have to upgrade other buildings first such as upgrading barracks to level 6, this will require you to level up the refugge camp, headquarters, city wall and even the fuel refinery. Just rush your barracks upgrade since you will need lots of higher trier troops to defend your land against opposing force.

7. You must have at least 2 champions. This is what you need to defend your city and the next one is for chapters exploration. Just think about getting only one champion then you will be able to use it either for defending your city or for exploration. So the best thing is to have two champions to cover up this two different task. Now to unlock champion slots you must level up your Clone lab. This is about defense and offense and to work it out, ensure to train more soldiers to keep a proper balance between defense and offense. Use the half of your total soldiers to go for your champion who has tasked to defend your city and other half is for invasion. Don’t forget to build and upgrade Clone lab so you are able to create champions. You will need coins to create one just ensure you save them for such task and don’t spend those premium currency on just upgrade especially if you don’t have in your mind to download Deadwalk: Last War cheats for unlimited coins with you. As for the clone lab, a normal clone can provide C to A class champions. But then an advanced clone will provide you a choice of 3 champions with one guaranteed class A champion. The good thing here is that normal clone come cheaper than advanced clone and you should go for it as soon as your reach at least 699 coins. You can even exchange DNA strands for a new champion here or you can also earn it through monthly login rewards.

8. Getting easy coins. This is the premium currency in game and most of the time, players wish to download cheats so they can have unlimited coins that you can use for their ultimate advantage in game. Actually you don’t need to do that since the game already offers a method so you can earn free coins. The very basic to earn your first free coins is by integrating your game to your Facebook account and this will let you earn 100 coins. You can also get additional 100 coins upon attacking enemy players and battle 1 time. To be exact, just tap on Quest and find out such objective that you can comply. There is a also circumstances that you will get free coins directly from developers through their special event/occasion such. Just complete individual events so you are able to earn coins. You can tap on the star button to access individual and league events. Just don’t forget to participate in individual league events as this is very easy which is also a requirement for you to complete your task such as killing each soldier type and etc.

9.  Consider upgrading the Signal Station. By means of improving your signal station, you are able to receive time helps faster. One of the primary benefits of joining a league is to let you receive Time Help from players. Either you wish to upgrade your city hall, train soldiers or other task, you can press the ask for help button to let other players help you with your task. So to maximize it, you can consider upgrading the Signal Station so you are able to receive their responses easier. This will also boost resource assist capacity.

10. Upgrade Resource Buildings. This is your primary objective in this game as this can enable you to unlock everything in game. Resource is very important in game as this is what you need to unlock most content of the game as well as what you need to make your effective strategy possible. So don’t forget to upgrade your farm, refugee camp, fuel refinery, metal recycling and waterworks to increase your production and storage capacity. Aside from upgrading, you can also build more than one resource building at a time. You can construct at least 2 farms, 2 refugee camps, 2 metal recycling and etc. In this manner you are able to get 2x resources plus you can upgrade both buildings.