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Circulate. Strategy Guides and Tricks

Circulate. Strategy Guides and Tricks

Want a brainstorming game that you can play for free directly from your iOS and Android powered? You can download Circulate for free. In this game you have to tap once and only once to shoot the dot from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen in order to beat a level but the main challenge here is to tap at exactly the right time. The key for completing the puzzle is to wait until all of the obstacles are out of the way just enough that you can sneak the dot through. So you need to circulate by simply tapping to reach your goal. Yes it is very simply and yet really difficult to master. As additional features you can access epic slow mo, 50 insane levels and the most ultimate challenge, the infinite hard mode. Now if you are ready to circulate and try your best in solving puzzle, you better start with some tips and tricks below:

1. Just go for your goal. You will see that in this game, every obstacles is different from the other but actually the same things remains true for all of them. Just sit and let them turn, move and spin for as long as you need for you to line up the shot and after that you can take the shot. Keep in mind that if you aim perfectly you will get the shot through. There is a challenge here since it is not always easy to do since there are some stages have turning obstacles that appear symmetrical and yet they are not. You need to wait an extra cycle or even two on these levels in order to shoot them through the right hole. Keep in mind that if you wait for the extra period or two, then it is really easy for you to do.

2. Take advantage with skip feature of the game. If can’t proceed to the next level because of the difficulty of it, you can always buy a skip and pass this level. And if are not fan of spending money for it, you can have it for free. Using your internet connection you can watch advertisement video and get a free skip. Just take advantage with this free skip and use it on fifty levels. Yes there is a limit and don’t be too reliant with such feature as this can spoil entirely the game anyway you are here to play the game and not totally to skip everything on it.

3. Patience is a virtue. You have to wait as long as you to in order to get a good shot. There are some stages which will requires you to wait quite awhile if they have a lot of different lines going in a lot of different directions. So the key here is to sit there and wait for them to line up perfectly for you to get the ball through.

4. Analyze the speed that level moves after you shoot the ball. Actually it still moves and it moves just enough to totally screw up what you are trying to do, so you might have to shoot the ball just a little bit early for you to get it through the last leg.