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This War of Mine Guides and Tips

This War of Mine Guides and Tips

Though most of the time, you can play iOS and |Android games for free, still if you want something more decent game, you can check out some paid applications such as this “This War of Mine” wherein you need to spend $9.99 before you can download it and play to your iOS powered gadget. In this game you will not play as an elite solider but a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city that struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. And that is actually that war you need to surpass. There is no exact hour for war as this imposed through day and night cycle. During the day, snipers outside stop you from leaving your fortress, so from here you need to focus on maintaining your hideout through trading, crafting, and taking care of your survivors and at night, you need to take one of your civilians on a missions to scavenge through a set of unique locations to strive for items which will help you stay alive. So this is about a life-and-death driven by your conscience. Just try protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them so you can lengthen your survival rate. In war, your decision is very critical while you can do good or bad decisions here just for the sake of survival. So to help you with your survival, we decided to share some tips and tricks for playing this game effectively.

1. There is no rest for survivors. You need to keep in mind that survivors don’t actually sleep at night. So from here there is no point in having your survivors sleep during the night, when most of the dangers lurk outside. So what you need to do is to let them guard your camp during the night and then let them rest during the day. In this manner, you will see that the more defending, the better just try to give them weapons for ever better stats. And as soon as the day stars, just send those tired survivors in slumber and keep someone to do some crafting. Just try to switch roles as soon as one is up and you will always have well rested survivors.

2. Tricks for surviving fights. Actually the first thing you need to do is to never get into a fight. But that exist and inevitable so you need to prepare yourself for it. The game will let you experience the situation when conflict arises. So from here it is best to use a combination of stealth and melee weapons: wait in the shadows for an enemy to pass, then when the icon is yellow, just take it out stealthily. You can also consider sneaking up on them and take them out. When it happens that there are lots of enemies around and you can do the stealth technique, you can draw them into good areas for a kill: just run around to make noise, which will attract them toward your position. Just hide in the shadows if possible and use stealth to take them out. Just don’t forget that this will gonna work if you are not outnumbered. Or else, it is best for you to keep calm and wait for the perfect moment to execute your action.

3.  Try to explore your house as soon as possible. As you start playing the game, you will get a new character together with a new loot in your house. This is the reason why it is really important to explore it as fast as possible and get the reconstruction process started which you can do to heal any sick survivors. Just ensure that you use the building materials and build as much as possible too or else you risk losing the resources after the first raid.

4. Don’t forget to feed the survivors to keep them alive. This is the most important thing you need to in game. Food is actually scarce in the game and in this game, you will deal more on food problem than actually a war problem since you really have a very limited amount of supply. The trick here is to only feed your survivors every other day and even if you have a lot of excess food. It is better to keep it for when you won’t have as much as possible.

5. Getting the most stuff out of scavenging. This is your primary source of items and the most important thing to consider is when you are sending somebody to scavenge, you need to ensure it has a bigger backpack size as this is far better than the small one. If there are more people with the same backpack space, you can send your best runner or even your soldier for it. Don’t forget that you have to leave the area before 5AM or else you will risk losing your survivor. So the trick here is to let them leave at 4AM if the exist is nearby or 3AM if this will go lot of distance to cover up. And when it comes to the loot, prioritize on getting food as this more important and so ensure to always carry it with you. You can also bring back components such as wood and medicine. A good strategy to do here is to carry items around and then replace them if you find better ones. Just never return home with empty spaces in your backpack to maximizing your scavenging. The first thing you need to do in scavenging is to start investigating areas first and ignore those that have no food. Investigate everything when an eye symbol appears as you can stumble upon hidden loot. Also think about the AI scavenges areas too, so it is better for you to start with the safes and easiest then work in depth as you continue making progress until you get all those easy loot. In scavenging, the things you need to bring is a useful equipment to help you get more items. I know that this will takes space but it will let you saves a lot of time. You can consider building stockpiles of loot closer to the exit which is usually works. In doing this, there are risk that somebody steal your entire stash but it’s OK, as this can pay you better rewards later on. Ultimately, the best thing you can do not only in fighting but also in scavenging is to do it stealthy while you are always ready to kill the enemies on your way. The trick here is to send Roman over if you have him to clean swipe the entire area. 

6. Pick effective characters. In this game you will realize that the effectiveness of your gameplay is based on characters and items that you get together with your survival. You will see that if you have character with no vices, try the items used for vices so you can get some great deals such us trading cigarettes, coffee and etc. Just like in real life, vices will be your burden especially in times like this wherein you really need to survive and fight the war of your life.

7. Better build your base at the bottom of the house. I don’t if you also notice it but it is better for you to build your your base at the bottom of the house and try to cram as many in one place as possible in order to reduce the distance that has to be covered with your characters during the day. You can consider finding a perfect balance between fixing the house and building a new stuff but always prepare for the winter as it is really difficult to survive in winter.