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Everyone loves Dragon Ball Z and I believe upon introducing this new app under Dragon Ball Z franchise. Dokkan Battle is an all new chapter of the series wherein you will enjoy a new action game that will let you assemble a team of fighters across the Dragon Ball Z world. So here you need to work with Trunks as he tries to find the source of a dimensional tear that’s throwing the timeline of the Dragon Ball world into chaos. Now if you are ready to start your journey in this new game, you can consider some tips and tricks below:

1.  You can skip enemies. This is the best way you can do to save your time as you can see there are enemies that are not marked with a big red stop sight on the board which you are able to pass by. If happens that you don’t land on them, you can skip them. But then for the sake of your enjoyment and the reason why you play this game, you should try to fight every single enemy on the board. Plus every victory that you can draw on your fight will rewards you additional zeni and experience points for your fighters which will make them stronger in the long run.

2. Always go for Ki bursts. If happens that you don’t have enough of the same type of ki spheres lined up for you so you can make a significant charge, don’t worry since you can always go for burst instead. In bursts, this happens when you have same-type ki sphere int eh same row. It will count towards more charge for your fighter, so just try to look for these if ever that you don’t have a clear link.

3. Defending yourself works best as you are attacking your enemy. In this game while attacking with a fighters taht is advanced against your enemy, it is even more important to know for you how exactly defending works. So if you see that your enemy is ready to attack, just move one of your fighters that are strong enough against your enemy in front. For instance, if a PHY type enemy is about to attack you, you can defend yourself using a STR type to dramatically reduce the amount of damage you are going to take. The first thing you need to do here is to understand how each type affects one another so you can always ensure that you have the advantage over it.

4. Take advantage the social community of the game. In DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE, before every stage that you enter, you can opt to bring an ally player with you. By doing this, you are able to earn friend points which is another advantage for you plus it is better to play this game with someone who can support you and definitely can share some guides to you so you can play this game even more. Always remember that two heads is better than one and this is very applicable in this situation since you can ask for the help of your friends  to dominate them. Actually from the beginning, this is what developers plan for you to do so you are able to invite players to play their game in return of free currencies. Through community, you can converse with your friends and ask for their personal tips on how they play the game effectively, or you can ask them on where they can download DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE cheats. The more friends you have in your list, the better so don’t forget to send friend request and make more circle of friends.

5. Land with accuracy. To ensure that you are going to invest a good advantage, you should land exactly on the things you want to. During the adventure mode, events on the board will only activate if you land exactly on top of them. Meaning to say, you can skip things you don’t want such as red spaces. Just ensure to grab all the zeni and items along the way so you can prepare yourself to a decisive boss battle.

6. Always mind the battle timeline. From here you can see if the enemy is about to attack you and if any link skills will happen. The battle plays out from left to right so ensure to pay attention to the timeline before you launch an attack to make sure you’ve planned for everything. Just don’t forget that you can move your fighters around so that they can attack in different position.

7. Explore every different type of fighter. To make sure that you are ready for any type of battles, you should try to include a fighter from different type. In this game, your team can hold six fighters, and there are five types so you have always a room for one additional. This will ensure that you will always have at least one fighter that has an advantage over your opponent and one that can defend properly.