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Tactile Wars Guides and Tips

Tactile Wars Guides and Tips

If you love to play strategy game through your mobile device, you can download Tactile Wars as a real time strategy game that will let you control a group of tactile soldiers. Here you need to pick a color and fight in the great color war. You can attack players under different color and conquer the world using different strategy that you will learn from the game. Your primary objective here is to conquer your opponent territories and I believe that this is not easy thing to do even you are able to play a very simple app in your gadget. You will start by choosing which color to join and it will be your team and that is how the war will start as you will attack other colors and defend yours. As for different units, you are to play with infantry, tanks, turrets, mercenary, mines, troop upgrades, recruitment and alliance while the game is all about strategy.

Aside from your starting units you can also high legendary mercenaries having special abilities and that will play a big part into the game. And if you believe that you already dominated the game, prove it through world ranking. Upon winning battles, you will earn points which will let you reach the top of the world rankings. And when it comes to competition, I believe that you really need some tips and tricks so you can always have an advantage with other players.

You better set up your defenses. After you select your color faction, you are a part of that team and other players from different colors is able to attack your base so you need to defend it with some effective strategy. As you just started playing the game, you will only have access to mines to defend your base but as you earn coins, you can unlock new types of defense structures that you can use to strengthen your defense mechanism. Just ensure you have some coins left over since defense are consumable and will automatically replace themselves if you have enough coins. If ever that you don’t have, you might be too vulnerable from receiving attacks.

Strike the shepherd and the ship will scatter. That saying also works here since once the leader of a group goes down, expect that the entire squad will follow him. If you manage to take down multiple squads in short success, there will be bonus medals for you so you should try to play very aggressive. Keep in mind that as long as they are within your range, your troops will prioritize enemy leaders. You will see them with their big flags.

Follow your objectives. Though the game has an open end set up which you can do whatever you want in this game, still it is better to follow your achievements and complete it. Achievements are optional objectives which you can clear for additional bonus coins and experience. Achievements is the best way to earn more coins so you better try to do as many quest as you can and it is better for you to check out which achievements you can complete before heading out to battle.

Always change your formations. Actually most of the time, a big factor in determining the outcome of battle is from your formation as well as your opponent’s formation. So what you need to do here is to counter your opponent formation with a better one. In this game positioning is everything just try to do formations that avoid the bulk of the group and flank the enemy leader.

Don’t pop leader bubbles right away. We mentioned about how leader affects the entire unit and when it comes on dealing with leader bubbles, you should not pop them right away. If you bubble an enemy leader, just don’t pop it right away. If there are more groups coming, just wait until you bubble that new leader and then pop them all in just one big succession. You will get a combo bonus by doing it and definitely this will results for more medals.