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Bike Unchained Guides and Tips

Bike Unchained Guides and Tips

Prepare your way into an endless shredding of sweet trails while getting the coolest bikes in game. On your way you can form your crew and travel the world’s mountains riding against your number one rival – Team Praedor. From the competition, you need to reach the top spot on the podium. To ensure that you are going to spend hours in playing the game, developer included epic trails such as Enduro, Downhill and Slopestyle Mountain Biking experience. To inspire you a lot, you can meet the world’s top riders including Andreu Lacondeguy, Brandom Semenuk, Rachel Atherton and lot more and play the game with awesome freestyle action and insane stunts.

The comes into 60 different tracks and 3 amazing real-world locations including, Japan, Whistler and the Alps. You can also pump your bike down the slope for additional speed and get stylish air time and pull off tsunami flips and lot more. You can also build your own crew and customize their gear and skills to secure the pinnacle of the competition. Even you don’t have internet connection, still you have a choice if you are going to play this game either online or offline as well as letting you to play into different game modes including Special Contests, Campaign and Quick Play. Now for you to play this game effectively, we decided to share to you some tips and tricks below:

1. Do as many tricks as you can. In this game as you perform tricks in the air, you will see that your adrenaline meter will rise. And upon reaching the maximum adrenaline, you will gain a better speed boost and jump boost for a short time. Just try to perform as many tricks as you can in this case even there is not full ramps around. One thing you need to watch out is the small little humps and bumps which will give you a better boost. Also you need to be very careful when you are trying to be greedy. In case that you are still in the middle of a trick animation, and you hit the ground, you will lose all of your speed. Just ensure to hit the flow button right before you land for a smooth landing. This will help you preserve your speed.

2. Don’t forget to claim your free sponsor packs. From sponsor packs, you are able to get random parts and riders which you need to build your team up full of diverse riders. Also you should not forget to apply your experience packs. Keep in mind that your riders will not level up naturally on their own. You must apply those collect experience packs to them so you are able to acquire much experience which will leads you to level up.

3. You should get the flow timing down. The key here is to pay attention to the green lines located on the track. These will be your hint on when you should be flowing and when you should let go. As a rule of a thumb, whenever you see downhill slopes you should be flowing; if you see inclines or any kind of upward change, you should let go to preserve your speed. So upon getting the timing down on perfect flowing, you will get a faster times on it.

4. Just keep on your pedal. From the time that the race stars, it is obviously that you need to tap the flow button repeatedly to start your momentum. You can also do this when you face an incline. So instead of just waiting for your biker to pass up the hill, you can tap the flow button to have them pedal faster. Keep in mind that you will get up the incline much faster than you would if you just waited so you must try it out.

5. Timing is everything. In every level there are three separate rewards categories such as gold, silver and bronze. And this comes that the better your time is, the better your chance at getting gold. So before each level starts, you can check to see what time you need to beat. In this part, you get a separate reward for every tier so if you manage to get gold, you will get all three rewards. You should always try for gold since this is the only way to get obtanium or the premium currency in game.