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Weed Boss 2 Guides and Tips

Weed Boss 2 Guides and Tips

The game reminds of Weed Firm that has been shutdown and turn to Weed Empire Undercover. Well from the said apps, you can also find that in Weed Boss 2, selling weed isn’t difficult at all. In this game you will start growing weed in your basement and make it a firm that will bring billions to you. But that is not as easy as that since you will face all problems in this business that technically those problems that Weed Firm developer surpassed. The game is pretty simple, all you have to do is to keep tapping, tapping and tapping until you have enough weed to multiply and then grow and just keep multiplying on itself. I believe that this is not the first time you experience playing touch-tap game but as weed be the subject, this is new app to hear. For the complete instruction on how to play the game, you can go to settings tab of Weed Boss and learn the basic from there. To ensure that you you are going to enjoy this game for hours, Romit Dodhia (developer) included additional features on this sequel of Weed Boss 2 such as you can purchase different labs to grow different weed strains based on your strategy. You can also recruit gangs around the world to help you in your mission on spreading weed globally. As you continue making progress in game, you will see that your reputation will increase and this will help you progress more actively. From the basic you can make $10’s to thousands or even millions to billions. And for your ultimate advantage in playing this game, you can read some tips and tricks below:

1. Unlocking new strain of weed. Everytime that you gain a level up, you are entitled to unlock a new strain of weed. The bad things here is that you won’t make any extra money from that new strain of weed. You will only see a new color of buds in your ziplock bag. Just tap on the weed icon on the left side to pick from the various unlocked strains and see what’s next when you level up again.

2. Earn more money per bud. For you to make more money per each tap, just go to the blue ribbon icon and purchase a new reputation upgrade. Here you will see that the higher your reputation upgrade, the more money that you can make per tap. Actually this is the most important upgrade that you can avail in game which is capable of making lots of money for you for every tap you make.

3. Earning money without even playing the game at all. This is your ultimate goal since tapping is tiresome and you can’t tap all the way to the end but technically you really need to make more money. Well actually there is a way for you to earn to money even without doing a tap at all, all you have to do is to make an investment. All you have to do is to hit the little icon that looks like a globe and start purchasing new locations or upgrading locations that you already purchased in game. This will allow to earn money in game even without playing it. Plus after you earn enough money that is the time that you can purchase the offline production upgrade that will allow your territory to keep making money even your game is off.

4. Don’t click the weed boss and weed kingpin logos located at the top corners of the screen. You must stay away from clicking the Weed Boss and Weed Kingpin logos at the top corners of the screen since upon clicking them, those games will pop up on the app store and then upon closing it, it will return back to Weed Boss 2 with a whole round of ads will start popping up too. And that is the annoying part of the game.

5. Don’t forget to purchase farm and upgrade it. All you have to do is to hit the house icon to purchase a farm that you can use to multiply your earning. Farm will let you earn money either you are playing the game or not. Just hist the cash register icon and you can purchase more W’s on it. Or you can also watch an advertisement video for you to earn an instant 3,000 W’s for free. This is actually the best way to get lots of premium currency even without downloading Weed 2 Boss cheats.