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Scrap Force – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Scrap Force is a new RPG for the iOS and Android platforms with a unique twist. The battle system is pure RPG but the goal is similar as that in base-attack games such as Plants vs Zombies, where the first team to destroy the other’s base wins. Along the way you can get rare weapons and fighters, crystals, and other goodies. Read on for some tips and tricks for Scrap Force!

In battle, make sure that you match up your characters against the opponent based on the elements. Plant beats electricity, electricity beats water, water beats fire, and fire beats plant. In addition, your attack power is exactly the same as your current hit points, so match up characters based on hit points as well.

However as much as possible, you need to line them up to hit the enemy’s base. Take your highest-damage characters and move them so that they line up in such a way that they can attack the enemy base. Or, stick them behind a different character, one who matches up against an enemy by element. Use the front character to kill the enemy character in one shot, then use the back character to nail the base.

As you continue through the game, completing quests and beating boss levels, you will earn crystals, which are the premium currency of the game. The best use of crystals (arguably) is to spend them in the warp zone, on rare 3, 4, and 5 star characters. These characters cost more gems to summon in battle but they provide a huge boost to your strategy.

Level up all of your characters using the charge dust that you get in battle. Match the color up with the element in order to get more experience points for your dust. If you need dust of a particular color, scroll through your old battles and look at the potential prizes, so that you can figure out what color dust each particular stage gives you, and when you find the one that you want to earn, battle for a shot at winning it.

Evolving and skill upping your heroes is a more advanced way of upgrading them. To evolve a hero, they have to be maximum level. Then you will need a specific item, such as plant stones, other elemental items, or even duct tape. It all depends on the hero. Then you can evolve them. To skill-up a hero, merge them with another hero who has the same skill. Sacrifice the common hero to help the rare hero.