What’s the Saying Answers Level 61-80

Are you looking for help with the answers for What’s the Saying by Cheat Master and Friends level 61-80?
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What’s the Saying Level 61-80 Solution
What’s the Saying Level 61-80 Cheats

What’s the saying level 61 answer: Tr + “iPod” = Tripod
What’s the saying level 62 answer: Two inside a square of four 10’s = Too intense
What’s the saying level 63 answer: Va_ders = Space invaders
What’s the answer level 64 answer: Arrow pointing at a red “Secret” = Top secret
What’s the saying level 65 answer: A key on a chess board = Keyboard
What’s the saying level 66 answer: C i ii = See eye to eye
What’s the saying level 67 answer: Feet spelled in a square = Square feet
What’s the answer level 68 answer: Flu good ence = Good influence
What’s the saying level 69 answer: ten times ure = Tenure
What’s the saying level 70 answer: Finger pointing at the G in night = In the middle of the night
What’s the saying level 71 answer: For You on a table with You falling off it = Falling for you
What’s the answer level 72 answer: x qqqq me = Excuse me
What’s the saying level 73 answer: Seat spelled backward = Backseat
What’s the saying level 74 answer: Friend and need = A friend in need
What’s the answer level 75 answer: Star spelled in green downwards = Falling star
What’s the saying level 76 answer: Check spelled like a cross = Crosscheck
What’s the saying level 77 answer: A mermaid inside the chinese flag = Made in china
What’s the answer level 78 answer: 1xAll and 4xOne above the line and 4xAll and 1x One below = All for one and one for all
What’s the saying level 79 answer: 00012345 a clock and books = Counter Clockwise
What’s the saying level 80 answer: Sit pointing down and shut pointing up = Sit down and shut up

Want to continue playing? Check out our guide for level 81-95 right here!