Sky Streaker Cheats: Tips & Strategy to Get as High Up as Possible

Cartoon Network has launched a hilarious and deceptively simple (at least in concept) game on the App Store under the name of Sky Streaker. We’re having a ton of fun playing this lighthearted game, realizing at the same time that it’s insanely difficult and sometimes frustrating. If you’re in a similar situation, we’ve decided to come to your help with some Sky Streaker cheats and tips to get a high score, as many coins as possible and unlock everything. Because that is, in the end, the ultimate goal.

So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below Touch Tap Play’s Sky Streaker tips and cheats for a perfect run up!

1. Take your time

Even though your family members are coming after you, it does take them a little while to get to you, so you have some time on your hands. In other words, don’t rush to tap the left and right arrows because you risk losing your run. Take your time, see how things go and slowly up the pace as you get better. But your main goal at first is to get the hand of the game and collect as many coins as possible.

2. Power-ups are extremely useful

The items that you can purchase in the shop are extremely helpful and you should make sure you get them as soon as you afford them: in my case, I started making a lot more coins after unlocking the headphones, then even more after getting the eye glasses that give me the Platinum coin. The same goes for all power-ups, so get them ASAP!

3. Eventually, it’s all about going as high up as possible

Even though at first your main goal is to get as many coins as possible, you will slowly start to want to get a score as high as possible. So you can start ignoring the coins and only focus on the obstacles: you’ll get coins along the way anyway, especially with the power-ups and special items that you get. So once you are comfortable with the game, ignore the coins and focus on getting as high up as possible.

4. Count

It takes a bit of practice, but I found out that if I count my taps and try to get into a rhythm, I can go a lot higher than otherwise. Pretty soon, you will start to anticipate the number of taps you need to make in order to reach the next obstacle and counting will help you get going for as long as possible and get your best score ever.

5. Practice a lot!

Practice makes perfect and that’s the case of Sky Streaker as well: the more you play, the better you get at this game, so remember to invest as much time as possible in it. But also take breaks to rest your eyes and especially calm down if you get too frustrated over losing – you won’t get too far if you are tired or frustrated.

As you can see, we don’t have any real cheats, but we’re still looking – if you have them or other Sky Streaker tips and tricks, don’t hesitate to share them with us in the comment section below.