AlphaBetty Saga Cheats: Tips, Tricks & Strategy Guide

Scrabble meets Candy Crush Saga in this creative new word game from King! AlphaBetty Saga is a unique puzzle game where you need to match tiles just like in Candy Crush, but with one twist – the tiles are all letters and you need to form words! We’ll help you top the score charts with our AlphaBetty Saga cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

1. Take your time!

The longer your words are, the more points you’ll get, and you’ll end up with a special tile afterwards. Take your time and plan out your words; don’t rush! There is no time limit and you’re rewarded for accuracy rather than speed.

2. Use the shuffler!

The shuffler can be used for free if you charge it up beforehand. To do so, any kind of word match will fill up the icon meter. Longer words will fill it up more, and when it’s maxed out you can use it for free before it needs to be charged again. The shuffler is extremely useful for when you just had a “dead zone,” where there are a lot of bad letters, like a bunch of U’s, O’s, or Z’s or whatever. It shuffles the whole board though, so be careful you don’t accidentally remove a potential word.

3. Make letter beams!

You’ll learn early on that words with five or more letters will create a purple letter beam. When that letter is activated, it’ll shoot out a beam that destroys letters. The more letters you use to create the letter beam, the more directions it’ll cover.

4. Be careful when dealing with cheese!

There are levels where you need to bring cheese tiles all the way down to the bottom of the board.  On some levels, the cheese will be sectioned off in an area that you cannot reach. In order to bring these cheeses down, you need to use crowned letters. When you make a word with four and only four letters, a random letter on the board will receive a crown. Making a word with the crowned letter will automatically destroy the tile directly below one of the cheeses. Note that making a word with five or more letters will not crown a letter, so be careful!

5. Be efficient with your moves!

In conjunction with the first tip, be smart with your moves! At the end of a level, your remaining number of moves will turn random tiles on the board into letter beams. This is often required in order to get all three stars on the level! Plan out your moves and make sure not to waste any by making little words!

6. Look out for the wild card!

Occasionally, you’ll see a blank tile on the board. These blank tiles work like wild cards – they’ll take the place of any letter. If you’re having trouble making up a word or you’re just missing one letter, these babies will save the day! When you’re trying to think of a word, try throwing in a wild card at any section of the word and who knows, you might end up with a word you didn’t know existed!

That’s all for for now. If you have any other tips or tricks to share with the community, let us know in the comments below!