Blood Brothers 2 - Tips, Cheats, and Strategies for a Happy War
War is hell:
Is it the kind of hell you want to check out? Read our Blood Brothers 2 review to find out!
Blood Brothers 2, DeNA's follow-up to the original Blood Brothers, is an intriguing card collecting / role-playing / strategy hybrid. There's seemingly a lot to take in at first, but with 148Apps' help, you'll soon be able to effortlessly smack away whatever your enemies lob at you. Have at it!
War Tactics for Novices

- Claim your gifts when you play the first time - You should receive some gifts when you first play Blood Brothers 2, including a quantity of gold, some rare commanders, and some blood sigils (the game's hard currency). These all come in extremely handy for the early portions of the game, so make sure to claim them! In fact, make sure to claim all your gifts every day. You don't acquire them automatically, and if they sit in your mailbox for too long, they'll disappear.
- Pay attention to the weapon triangle - The key to victorious battles in Blood Brother 2 is adhering to the weapon triangle. Mounted units trump archers, which trump swordsmen, which trump mounted units. If you're wielding a stronger weapon than your enemy, you'll do double damage. However, if your enemy has the stronger weapon, you'll have twice as much damage inflicted on you.
- Save your blood sigils - When you lose a battle or run out of stamina, Blood Brothers 2 offers you the chance to continue or recharge for blood sigils. Don't take the offer. Save your sigils for pacts, which are necessary for summoning strong commanders.
- Don't miss your chance for daily pacts - You're allowed to conduct a pact for new commanders at three points in the day: Dawn, noon, and twilight. If you miss a draw, you can't go back. You have to wait for the next window.
Advanced Maiming

- Try not to let enemies get the first strike - Keep your distance from enemies when you're on the map screen. If a unit moves on you, they get the first strike. However, if you move on them, you get the first strike.
- Tap to select a commander, and swipe to use their skill - If your commander glows blue, it means they're ready to launch their special attack. Said attacks are usually best to save for strong enemies, however. Simply tap a commander's portrait to put them on the battlefield and execute normal attacks. If you'd like them to use their attack for that turn, swipe upwards when putting them on the field.
- Observe enemy details before choosing your commanders for a battle - You can take a look at enemy intel before starting a fight. Doing so lets you know what kind of enemies you're up against, how strong they are, whether or not they can be recruited, and most importantly, what weapons they're wielding. Always take a look at the facts, and choose your own troops accordingly.
Stay Alert, Stay Safe!

- Retreat to your base for healing - You can heal your units by retreating to your base. You regain hit points whenever you move out, then back in. Don't spam the trick, however: You only have a certain number of moves to achieve your goal in a level.
- Matching weapon-for-weapon will do in a pinch - Lacking the soldiers necessary to trump an enemy commander's weapon? No worries. Matching a foe weapon-for-weapon is acceptable, too. Just try very hard not to put yourself in a position where your weapon is weaker than your enemy's.
- Turns recharge tactics - Tactics are valuable because they let you attack enemies from a safe distance. Every turn charges your tactics, so use them strategically.
- Using tactics doesn't take up a turn - Utilizing tactics against the foe - the catapult, for instance - doesn't take up any turns. It's not a bad idea to save up tactics for boss characters. They can really soften up a fight, especially if you're hurting by the time you reach your final destination.
Blood Brothers 2 - Strategic Fantasy RPG
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Released: 2015-01-22 :: Category: Game
iPhone Screenshots
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iPad Screenshots
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