DomiNations Cheats & Hack for Crowns, Gold & Food -

DomiNations Cheats & Hack for Crowns, Gold & Food

DomiNations is a free strategy game that is being offered by Nexon M Incorporated. In this game, you will build up your own civilization, create an army, build houses and mine gold, as well as hunt and farm. You basically are civilization building, in a similar model to Clash of Clans, with battles that allow you to take resources from other players, and the ability to take over nations by winning fights. You will have to have strategies to be able to pull off making your civilization the best, whether you choose to make a tough army to protect your town or you get a lot of people in your town to help you create a huge landscape. You will move through periods of time in history, exploring new ages and civilizations, adding new technology to your arsenal, and also trying to become the biggest and baddest nation on the planet.


You can download DomiNations free for your Android and iOS devices. If you are downloading this game for your Android device, you will need OS 3.0 and above, and this game has a low maturity rating in terms of content. If you are downloading this game for your iOS device, you will need iOS version 7.0 and above, with the current version of the game being 1.2.51. DomiNations is 86.7 MB and you can only download it in English. You can play DomiNations on your iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. This game is optimized for your iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. This game is rated for children ages 12 and above due to the mild or infrequent fantasy violence, as well as realistic and cartoon violence. Whether you are downloading DomiNations for your iOS device or Android device, you will have the opportunity to purchase items through the in-app purchasing option.


In-App Purchases

There are a few different items you can purchase in-app with DomiNations, but these items are really expensive, so you should avoid purchasing these in-app items at all costs. Some of the most common purchases include a pile of crowns for $6.49, a starter pack for $12.99, and a mound of crowns for $24.99. The most expensive purchases you can make in DomiNations includes a plethora of crowns for $64.99, and a mountain of crowns for $124.99. As you can see, the in-app purchases are not very cheap at all, and just one or two purchases can easily run you over $100. If you have children, it would be a good idea to turn off the in-app purchasing ability, especially if you have a credit or debit card linked to your Android or iOS account.

DomiNations Cheats & Tips

Always Add Houses When You Can: In DomiNations, you want to always be adding houses with every opportunity you are given to do so. Since one house increases your population by two, the more houses you add, the more people you will have in your town. The more people you have, the better defenses you will have, which then means you have less of a chance of being attacked. You will also be able to do a lot more things with more people, and you will be able to keep people stationed at various buildings throughout your area, whether it’s at the town center or defense tower. If you continue to get houses and get more people, then your city will be expanding quickly, and this also helps you earn more money and unlock more features. You need a lot of people to be able to progress in the game quickly, so never pass up that chance to build your house, even if it means rearranging buildings to put a house down or clearing out trees to put a house down.

Build Roads A lot: In this game, if you want to earn a lot of gold, you will need to build a lot of roads. You then will want to connect those roads to buildings, since that is how you are able to earn even more gold, and you don’t even have to do much work. You can cut down the trees to put in buildings, then build roads connecting the buildings to one another, and you can do this all through your town. You always want to look for spaces where you can connect to buildings together, even if it’s just two mills or two tower defenses. The more roads you have connected to a structure, the bigger payouts you will continuously generate, and that helps you tremendously in this game.


Raid Often: While the raiding system is not always setup the best in terms of being able to defend your own town, you can exploit this bad design by raiding other people to steal their resources too. You want to raid as much as you can because raiding is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get resources, and you don’t even have to spend hours doing anything to get the resources. Raids take no time at all to pull off, as long as you have a halfway decent army, and even if you don’t win the battle, you can still end up with mass resources from the enemy. The more raiding you do, the more experience in battle you will get as well, so it’s basically a win-win situation, since you get battle time and also mass resources to take back to your town.

Always Be Looking to Upgrade: In terms of how to be the most successful in DomiNations, you want to make sure you are always trying to upgrade anything and everything you can. By this I mean you need to always be mining the gold and adding more fruit trees so that you have more fruit, which will allow you to maximize your gold and food output. You should also keep expanding and building more houses, which gives you the chance to have more people, and build more markets as well as mills and other buildings that help you. You don’t want to just be going through one project at a time, you want to be doing at least two or three things at once, so that you are always upgrading and adding more to your resources and currency.

Always Hunt: No matter if the item is big or small, you always should be hunting, even if it’s just a rabbit. You can hunt bears, but that takes a lot of manpower and time, so don’t just focus on the big animals like bears. You want to be hunting deer every chance you get as well as rabbits, and anything else that you can take down. Even small animals add to your food and currency, so you want to keep this in mind when you see a deer walking by. Think of it like the animal having dollar signs above it, and if you don’t hunt it, you are letting money walk right out the door. Every time you enter into a new age, the amount of money you get from hunting animals increases too, so the small animals are worth more as you progress through the game. Plus, hunting is a good way to pass the time if you are waiting for a battle or waiting for a project to get completed.

Pick Wonder Carefully: When it comes to picking your wonder, you might think that you will just go with what you like or what you feel, but this is never a good way to go through life. In this game, you want to pick your wonder from a strategical point of view, such as what type of environment and city you have built for yourself already. Think about the people and the troops you have obtained, about what your goal is in the game, and how the wonder will help you achieve your goal. If you are really into collecting resources and money, you want to pick a wonder that helps keep you economically sound. If you are more into troop building and having an army, then a wonder that is more of a military powerhouse would be the best option. While you might think that picking the wonder doesn’t really matter, it does, and you have to play smart to win smart. Don’t just choose what sounds good to you or what your friend chose on their game, you have to pick what will benefit you the most based on the type of civilization you are or want to become.

DomiNations Hack for Crowns, Gold & Food

If you want to build the best civilization and take over in DomiNations, you’re going to need lots of resources to support your efforts.  Gold and food can be earned and harvested slowly over time, but crowns cost real money.  Most players choose not to spend their money on a free game.

The hack for DomiNations enables players to add unlimited amounts of crowns, gold, and food to their accounts, free of charge.  The tool is available for Android & iOS devices and is free to download.  You can find the DomiNations hack here at AGC.

After downloading the hack, you’ll see a menu of the different options for the tool.  Follow the steps listed below to complete the hack.


The DomiNations hack tool installs itself automatically after you download it.  Begin by selecting the kind of device you are using to play the game, iOS or Android.  Next, type in the amounts of gold, crowns and food you want to add to your account.  You can also tick the boxes on the right to unlock all levels, unlimited citizens, and double XP.

After you’ve filled out the information, tap the “Start” button to begin the hack process.  The DomiNations hack will be finished in about 30 seconds.  Now open your DomiNations app and you’ll see the crowns, gold, and food in your account.  Use these resources to build the biggest civilization and take over the world!

Review of DomiNations

When you first load up the game, you will go through a fairly long tutorial, which will show you how to get started in the game, such as how to make the most out of your nation. You will learn how to make a fire with a pile of sticks, hunt for deer, gather fruit from the trees, and you will learn how to make your first house. All of the moves you make in this game are done by tapping the screen or tapping certain locations, so there are no real difficult moves you have to make, at least starting off. You will be shown how to finish the projects early, which means you don’t have to wait for the timer to finish, although this will cost you a crown. You will start off with one house, then you will have to clear the forest so that you can build more houses and other buildings in the area. Some of the other structures you will need include mills and barns, but you need farms and gardens as well. In DomiNations, you will also be able to mine gold if you get a gold mine in your area, and you will also find various hidden gold deposits within the forests that you clear.


Since this is your nation, you will also need a lot of people, which is called civilization, and you need to get people so that you can build various buildings in your nation. The theory comes full circle though, because you also need to have a lot of houses and other buildings in order to attract more people, so both of these strategies go hand in hand. Each house you build will hold two people. You will be shown how to build the town center, which you can place anywhere on the center of your screen. You must guard the town center very carefully, because that is the heart of your town, and someone could possibly come in and take all of your items if you are not paying attention. You will also have a tower, which needs to be somewhere near the town center, and you will need defenses guarding the tower at all times. This would be where you would first spot an enemy coming upon your town center, and it will keep the barbarians from attacking you.

Barbarians are the group of people in DomiNations that come in and take the resources of other nations. As you progress, you will also be shown how to build barracks, which is where you house your troops and train your troops, which are then used to defend your town against the barbarians and other invaders. You will be moving location to location crushing the barbarians one camp at a time, and this is essentially your main goal of the game. You will just be able to tap a province to start battle, and then you have to build up your army, and you will need a lot of various troop types to be successful. You will also notice that all of your surviving troops will come home again and be ready for the next battle, which is nice because in this game only the troops that die will stay gone. This also means you don’t have to keep spending money on getting more troops, and you could keep the same men for a long time before you have to get a whole new army. You can upgrade the troops and power them up as they gain more experience and move up levels, with some troops being very specialized and will do a lot of damage to the opponent.

You will notice that once you get out of the tutorial mode, you will begin fighting other players, which is through the multiplayer mode. While it seems like a good thing, this is one area where DomiNations failed a little, because levels don’t mean anything when it comes to who you are fighting or who is fighting you. You might be a level 10 and end up fighting a level 30, which is not really fair or good for either party involved. This might be a trick in the game though, because you can move onto another opponent, but it will cost you gold, so the developers could have messed up the matchmaking so that you have to spend gold to get out of a fight you know you would easily lose. This is one thing that makes the game a little bad, because it’s not fun when you have to spend money to get to someone worth fighting, and it’s like you are being punished because DomiNations was not setup the right way in terms of matchmaking you with someone of a similar level and skill.


This also is really bad because if you get invaded, if the person is really high level, there is nothing you can do to stop it. This means that your money and resources could all get taken in about 5 minutes, and if that took you weeks to build up, then it can all be gone in a blink of an eye because of how the game is horribly setup in terms of who can attack who. Maybe this was setup that way so you would want to spend real money to get the currency and items back quickly or just a bad design flaw, either way, it’s not right that someone 20 levels higher can just come into your city and take everything you’ve worked weeks on collecting.

When you progress through the game you will also notice that as you move up in levels, new ages of civilization appear. The new ages are important because it will unlock new technology and new buildings for you to use, and these will be important for you when you begin going into the higher level nations you will have to fight. You will also be able to pick a nation to represent you once you get high enough in level, but you have to think about this choice carefully, because it impacts the troops you can have and the type of environment you will be living in. You will really like how you go through the periods in history, learning new things, and building up your civilization. It’s almost like Clash of Clans but a lot more exciting in terms of the civilization building. This is definitely one of those games where you really enjoy playing it, even if it’s just to login every day to hunt something or farm, and you will find yourself coming back just to keep expanding your civilization.


Gameplay: The gameplay in this game gets a 9/10 because it is really smooth and fluid, without any lag or glitches. While a lot of the actions in this game are just tapping on items and check marks, it doesn’t take away from the detail and depth of the game itself. There is so much customization to this game, depending on the type of civilization you want, and you can go back through and play it out as many different ways as you want. It’s fun to explore and take down the trees only to find stacks of gold waiting for you. You get more items and abilities as you progress through the game, unlocking new territory to explore, and it is just one of those games where everything is just so well thought out and designed that you know someone spent hours making this game a reality. You will really appreciate the hard work that went into creating this epic battle of nations, and you will love how easy and also gory and detailed the battle scenes and raids are.

Graphics: This game gets an 8/10 on graphics, because the gore in the battle and raid scenes are amazing, and very detailed. It can sometimes be hard to see what is on your land, whether you are seeing deer or people, but if you zoom into the screen you are able to see a lot of the details just fine. You will be amazed at how you can scroll up and down and from side-to-side, which allows you to see just about every inch of the land you own. The trees and the gardens and farms are so clear and so realistic, which can also be said about the fighting scenes and battles. You will really feel like you are in the middle of this new civilization, where you are constantly finding new items and new adventures, with even more depth and detail as you keep digging your way through the game.

Music: Music in DomiNations is really fun and enjoyable, with lively sounds that make you feel like you really are in the middle of a newly-built city. You will enjoy the level of the music since it’s not ever too loud or too soft, but it will help you feel like you are ready to go out and explore the new world. You will find it sometimes peaceful and calm, while other times it will energize you to get into a battle, but it gets a 9/10 just for being entertaining.

Overall: Overall this game gets a 9/10 because it is like Clash of Clans, but a lot different, and in some ways it is better. While the multiplayer matchmaking isn’t a good thing, it is only one minor glitch in an otherwise really well designed and thought out game. You will really love how you can customize your civilization to be whatever you want it to be, whether it’s a city full of people, a more hunter and gatherer type of area, and even a city that is built on a very powerful military. You will find it to be a lot of fun upgrading and exploring the new ages in the game, which gives you a lot of different technology items and accessories to use. This game is fun on many levels, without you needing to purchase any of the items in the app itself, although it can take a while to really build up a lot of the currency. You will have fun with this game when it comes to raiding and battling other nations, and you will just feel like you are traveling back in history exploring a new world. You also want to make sure you are taking every move into consideration for how it affects you later, which is something that a lot of other games forget in terms of objectives. When you play this game you will really notice how each of your moves and actions will affect you either in a positive or negative way down the road, and that is a really fun and exciting experience.