Escape Game: “A Strange Invitation” Walkthrough

1. Open the closet door. Take the crowbar from the floor.

2. Examine the writing on the wall near the floor: “L8”.

3. Open the bathroom door (near the front door).

4. Inspect the mirror. You can’t take it off by hand. Use the crowbar and take the crystal bead from inside.

5. Go back to the main room. Zoom in on the table in the center of the room. Take a bottle of water.

6. Turn around and look for the fridge. The water you have is tepid, so put it in the fridge to chill it. Look at the left side of the fridge to see “S5” written on it. Walk around for a bit while the water cools. (You can walk around here and come back for the water, or come back for it later.)

7. Turn to the other side of the table and take the stepladder.

8. Turn to the wall with the TV behind glass. Zoom in on the alcove to the left. Slide open the left cabinet on the bottom and take out the tile of a baby.

9. Zoom in on the glass figures behind the glass. Take one of the glasses.

10. Turn to the wall with the clock. There’s a katana up on the right side. You can’t reach it. Put the stepladder on the ground below it and you can now reach. Take the katana. You can’t remove it from the stand yet.

11. Take the stepladder back.

12. The water should be cool now. If you didn’t get it yet, go back to the fridge and take it.

13. Pour the water into the glass you found. Tap on the glass a couple of times and some letters appear: “RLLRL”.


14. Go back near the front door. There’s a flashlight tied to the wall. Examine it closely.

15. Examine the katana. Now the glue has started to melt. Pour some water from the water pottle on it and it dissolves the rest of the glue. You can now remove the katana from its stand. Remove it from its sheath so you can use it. Use the katana to cut the thread around the flashlight. You now have a flashlight!

16. Place the stepladder under the clock. Now you can reach it. Remember S5 and L8? Move the short hand to 5 and the long hand to 8. Now the little door on the bottom of the clock is unlocked. Take the batteries out.

17. Move the pendulum six times and there’s a sound from behind you. Get down and make sure to take your stepladder back.

17. Place the batteries in the flashlight. It now works.

18. Stand on the table in the middle of the room and turn on the ceiling light. There’s a shadow. Something’s on top of the lamp. Tilt the lamp and take the round cushion.

19. Go to the room with the window. If you use the glass bead on the window, something reflects onto the ceiling. But you can’t see it like this. The ray of sun leads to the floor. Try using the glass bead, but you need to put it on something so it doesn’t roll. That’s where the cushion comes in. Place it under the ray of sun, then put the glass bead on it.

20. Some numbers appear on the ceiling, but they’re too blurry to see.

21. Place the flashlight in the sword stand. Now put it next to the glass bead so it shines more light on it.


22. Look back up at the ceiling and you can see the numbers “39518”. Zoom in on it so you’ve seen it clearly, then take back the stand and flashlight.


23. Turn to the TV. Place the stepladder in front of it to reach the cabinet above. Open it and take the scissors. Don’t forget the stepladder.

24. Turn to the hanging bathrobe. Cut at it with the scissors and you get the rod.

23. Go back to the white closet from the very beginning. Place the stepladder in front and reach the cabinet above. It’s too dark to see anything, so turn on the flashlight and use it. Take the string. And take the stepladder back.

26. Now turn to the TV. We need to use the clue “RLLRL” with “39518”. Turn the dial only one notch at a time, starting right and ending at 3, then turn it 9 times left, one notch at a time, ending at 4. Then turn it 5 more times left, ending at 9. Then once right, ending at 0. Last, go 8 times left ending at 2. Then press ENTER. The TV turns on if you got it right.

27. There’s a picture of a table leg and the woman is pointing down. If you tap the screen, she points up.

28. Turn to the white closet. Zoom in on the mat (or tile) in front of the right door. Use the crowbar to lift it up. Take the ghost tile from underneath.

29. Now you can lift the table in the middle of the room. Touch the bottom of it and something comes off on your fingers. Use water on the table and some drawings and writing appears. Make sure to examine each part.


30. Now go back to the small alcove next to the glass doors. There’s a cabinet in the right wall. Open it up and place the two tiles you found in the empty spots.

31. Arrange the tiles in this order:

32. You hear a sound from up above. Place the stepladder in front of the alcove and look up at the ceiling. There’s something there. Use the rod on it and something falls.

32. Zoom back out and find the small item that dropped below the hanging tapestry. (You may need to move the stepladder to get to it.) Take it, it’s part of a key.

33. Get back up on the ladder and examine the piece in the ceiling again. Then combine the rod with the katana and tie them together with the string. Stick the metal piece that looks like a key onto the tip of the katana.

34. Use the contraption you just created in the ceiling again. A noise comes from the door!

35. Head to the front door and escape. You made it. Congratulations!