‘Island Experiment’: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know

Here are the top 10 character tips/tricks/cheats you need to know for Island Experiment!

1. You Should Make it a Habit to Focus on Food Production

Island Experiment is a game that focuses on venturing around an island that’s filled with scientists conducting illegal experiments. You get the “energy” (in mobile games lingo) to keep completing tasks. You should make it a priority to plant as many fields as you can, so you can produce as much food as you can. Upgrade them as soon as you get the chance so you’ll be able to grow even more food and keep your energy up.


• The main story missions in the game grant you coins, EXP and gems. You should make sure you play through these missions and complete them not only to advance the plot, but to unlock a litany of extras. As you finish off missions and gain new experience levels, you’ll gain access to new buildings and more space to venture throughout the island.

3. You’ll Gain the Ability to Build Multiple Copies of More Buildings

• Another great reward for finishing missions and gaining EXP is being granted the chance to build multiple versions of each building.

4. Upgrade Your Buildings

• You should definitely focus on upgrading the buildings that grant you more resources. You’ll net more coins and other items all the while during your buildings upgrading period.

5. Make Sure Your Harvest, Too

• You’ll also spot other resources on the map that can be gathered for harvesting, such as berries. You should clear them out and gather them in a focused pile on some area of your map. This method goes a long way towards giving you more space on the island for buildings, since your plants and berries will be placed in a certain location.