The Curse is a new 69p / 99c iOS and Android puzzle game that's packed with 100 mind-bending brainteasers. We've played it, and some of them are tricky.
Believe us: this game will frustrate you to the point where you'll be ripping your hair out every two minutes.
Some puzzles challenge you to correctly match rotating objects, while others task you with solving riddles, completing Sudoku-like math squares, and repeating sequences that are displayed on-screen. Basically, there's lots to learn.
Luckily for you, this little walkthrough will, well, walk you through each puzzle. Some are randomly generated, so we can't really help with those. The majority are set, however, so we've provided solutions for them.
Let's go...
Puzzle 1: Tangram #1
Rank: Easy

The first puzzle you'll come up against is a tangram puzzle in which you have to rotate and drag a variety of coloured shapes into a silhouette. Replicate the image above to progress.
Puzzle 2: Riddle #1
Rank: Easy

Puzzle 2 is a riddle, and a fairly easy one at that. Simply input the word 'stars' and tap on the 'submit' button to move onto puzzle 3.
Puzzle 3: Magic Squares #1
Rank: Easy

The third puzzle you'll come up against can be tricky, but shouldn't pose much of a threat if you're familiar with math-based games such as sudoku. Drag each number into the square above it and ensure that every direction adds up to 15.
It's randomly generated, so the image above is the solution to only one puzzle permutation.
Puzzle 4: Sliding Blocks #1
Rank: Easy

Now, puzzle 4 is a sliding blocks brainteaser, which makes it a lot harder to explain. Use the images to track where you're up to.
Firstly, move the largest right-most block upwards and the small block that's below it downwards - this should create a gap.
Next, slide the large vertical block that's situated underneath the Mannequin block to the right, then slide the large horizontal block both to the right and downwards.

Now, move both of the small squares in the top-left corner down and to the right so that they sit under the Mannequin block. Slide the Mannequin block to the left and move the same small squares upwards.
They should now be sitting to the right of the Mannequin block. Finally (for now), move one of the squares in the bottom-left corner of the board to replicate the image below.

Slide the Mannequin block downwards and move the two squares that you moved in the last part until they're above it.
Next, slide the large block situated at the top-right corner of the grid to the left, and the large block that used to be sat under it upwards.
Slide the small square in the bottom right of the grid upwards, too, and then slide both of the large horizontal blocks at the bottom of the grid to the right.

Slide the Mannequin block downwards and move one of the small squares in the top left of the screen under the other one. Move both of the large vertical blocks to the left, and both of the small squares that sit under them upwards until they're in the top right of the grid.
Finally (for good this time), slide the two large horizontal blocks upwards, and the small square in the bottom left to the right. Hey presto!

Slide the Mannequin block down to complete the puzzle.
Puzzle 5: Button Gauge #1
Rank: Easy

The order in which you have to press the buttons in puzzle 5 appears to change every time you play, so we can't really help you. This puzzle is pretty straightforward, though, so you shouldn't have much trouble completing it.
Just tap the slowest button first and the fastest button last. Yup, it's that easy.
Puzzle 6: Match-It #1
Rank: Easy

Again, it's pretty hard to help you with this puzzle as you simply have to match two objects. Plus, the placement of said objects changes every time you play. Still, you'll fly through this puzzle without our help.
Puzzle 7: Bulbs #1
Rank: Easy

Another puzzle we can't explain in print. All you have to do to complete this brainteaser is watch a sequence of flashing lights and then replicate it. There are three rounds to this puzzle.
Puzzle 8: Tangram #2
Rank: Easy

Simply drag, rotate, and place the colourful on-screen shapes into the silhouette.
Puzzle 9: Draw The Line #1
Rank: Easy

In order to complete puzzle 9, you have to divide the on-screen pins into red and yellow pairs by drawing lines with your finger. Replicate the image above to progress.
Puzzle 10: Riddle #2
Rank: Easy

Another easy riddle. Enter the word 'paper' and you'll be allowed to move onto puzzle 11.
Puzzle 11: Circuit #1
Rank: Easy

As the game explains, you have to connect similarly coloured orbs in this puzzle by drawing a line between them. You also have to use every square on the board, which makes your task a little bit more difficult.
Puzzle 12: Jars #1
Rank: Easy

Remember the puzzle in
Die Hard: With a Vengeance where Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson had to fill a jug with an exact amount of water? Well, puzzle 12 is just like that.
Firstly, tap the jar that contains eight litres of liquid and transfer part of its contents into the five-litre jar on the right.
Next, transfer liquid from the right jar into the middle jar, then transfer the middle jar into the tub on the left.
Now, pour the right jar - once again - into the middle jar, and the left jar into the right.
Finally, pour the right jar into the middle jar, and finish by pouring the liquid in the middle container into the left.
Puzzle 13: Lights Out #1
Rank: Easy

Your sole aim in this puzzle is to turn off all the lights. This is easier said than done, though, because tapping your screen has an effect on multiple bulbs.
Still, this puzzle is easy: just tap the middle bulb and then all four corner bulbs in any order. Simple.
Puzzle 14: Untangle #1
Rank: Easy

Unfortunately, puzzle 14 is another trial and error puzzle. Luckily, it's not that hard to complete.
Basically, keep moving the on-screen pins around the strings attached to them until they are untangled and turn white.
Puzzle 15: Sliding Blocks #2
Rank: Easy

Firstly, move the two small red squares in the centre of the puzzle downwards, and then repeat the process with the larger horizontal block.
Next, move the top two small square blocks on the right side of the board under the Mannequin block, and slide the large vertical block downwards.

Now, slide the Mannequin box to the right, and move the two small red squares that sit under it upwards so that they sit beside it.
Next, move the left-most small beige square upwards and the right-most small beige square to the left. This will allow you to slide the large horizontal block to the left, too.

Slide the large vertical block on the right side of the board to the left, and then slide the right-most small red square upwards one place.
Slide another small red square under the one you've just moved, and move the vertical block you've just touched downwards. From here, slide the Mannequin block downwards, and move the two small red squares that are in the left-hand side of the board above it.

Move the large vertical block on the left side of the board to the right, and slide the two small beige squares upwards and to the left of it. Slide the horizontal block upwards, too.
Now, slide both of the small red squares on the left side of the board so that they sit on top of each other, and slide the large vertical block all the way to the left.

On the right side of the grid are two small red blocks lined up vertically. Move them so that they're lined up horizontally at the bottom of the board, and slide the Mannequin cube downwards so that it sits above them.
Now, take the two small red squares that are situated in the top right and slide the left square under the right. Move the large vertical block to the right, too.
Next, move the bottom small beige square upwards so that it sits to the right of its brother, and move the large horizontal block upwards.
Lastly, slide the large vertical block upwards and the two small red squares that are beside it to the bottom of the board.

To finish this puzzle, slide both the large vertical block and the Mannequin block to the left, and the small red squares at the bottom of the board to the right. Done.
Puzzle 16: Burn The Rope #1
Rank: Easy

To complete this challenge, you have to burn every knot and return to where your fire started without crossing your own path. Check out the arrows on the above screenshot to complete this puzzle.
Puzzle 17: Logic Wheel
Rank: Easy

In puzzle 17, you have to recreate the pattern made from coloured squares in the centre of your screen by rotating and moving the gems that surround them. Again, this is mostly trial and error.
To make your life much easier, you'll first want to focus on moving all red gems to the top of the board and so on and so forth, rather than completing the puzzle.
Puzzle 18: Draw The Line #2
Rank: Easy

You know the drill. Reproduce the screenshot above to advance.
Puzzle 19: Riddle #3
Rank: Easy

Another riddle. This time, the answer is 'organ'.
Puzzle 20: Hamiltonian #1
Rank: Easy

Your aim in this puzzle is to construct a complete circuit by laying wire between the numerous pegs that are dotted around your screen. The solution is in the screenshot above, so you shouldn't have any trouble.
Need help with the rest of the game? Let us know in the comments below.