DEVICE 6 walkthrough - Chapter 3, Tiptoe Through the Tulips

DEVICE 6 is the latest game from Beat Sneak Bandit and Year Walk developer Simogo.

DEVICE 6 is part-interactive fiction, part-puzzle game. In this inventive adventure, Simogo is constantly testing you with tricky riddles and conundrums.

This guide - which you should use only as a last resort, i.e. when you've exhausted all possible solutions - will help you solve those puzzles, without spoiling the story.

Read on to help Anna escape this surreal nightmare.

Chapter 3 - Tiptoe Through the Tulips


Our goal in this chapter is to find the combination for the peculiar safe box in the time compass gazebo.

Once you've unlocked the Venetian Mask, you can turn it on by pressing the button in the bottom-right corner. This will reveal new clues (by making changes to certain images in this chapter).


Our first stop is the Life & Death wall. With the mask off, it says...


But with the mask on, and reading only the letters that have been blocked out (after all, it says, "only that which is not seen in disguise matters by the wall" on the lawn photo), it says...



Go back to the east castle garden and activate the mask while looking at the statues.

What previously said "IDIGT" now says "MIDNIGHT". Handy, especially as the flower photo says the statues "are the hours".


Now, go back to the section that says "There was a sign warning of sharks in the water."

Put on the mask and you'll see a new sentence and a new area called "the augmented bridge". Cross it.


At the end, in the botanical research facility, is a sign. Take off your mask to read it, and you'll see that it says, "Before the hours, south. After the minutes, east."


Below this, you'll see the clue "First come the hour, then come the minutes."

Go all the way back to the safe. Using the 'arrow' button to spin the dial and the 'Y' button to input each answer, enter the following combination:


30 (South), 60 (Midnight), 40 (Forty minutes), 15 (East)

This will open the box and finish the current chapter. Next!

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