CleaveStrengthEnduranceGold6-50Deals 2.5x normal weapon damage to all enemies in front of you. Requires a melee weapon. (Passive)Shield TrainingStrengthEnduranceGold6675Allows the use of shields. (Passive)DefendStrengthEnduranceGold87100Ready your shield, absorbing all physical damage for four seconds. Requires a shield equipped. (15-sec cooldown)ArmsmanStrengthEnduranceGold99125Increases damage with all bladed weapons by ten percent. (Passive)IntimidateStrengthEnduranceGold1111150A terrifying shout which paralyses your target in fear, and forces other nearby enemies to panic for five seconds. (24-sec cooldown)Shield WallStrengthEnduranceGold1214175Reduces all damage you take by 50 percent for ten seconds. Requires a shield. (30-sec cooldown)GritStrengthEnduranceGold1417200Increases weapon damage by 50 percent of your endurance, and reduces the duration of negative status effects by 50 percent. (Passive)Shield RushStrengthEnduranceGold1621225Charges your target, knocking it down and dealing damage. Requires a shield, and a minimum distance from the target. (8-sec cooldown)Sundering StrikesStrengthEnduranceGold1825250Your attacks erode your enemies armour, causing two percent additional damage taken, stacking up to 5x. (Passive)Victory BannerStrengthEnduranceGold2129275Plants a battle standard on the field. While within its area of effect, your crit chance is increased by 50 percent and damage is increased by 20 percent. (45-sec cooldown)ChivalryStrengthEnduranceGold2434300Increases your armour by 25 percent. (Passive)RevengeStrengthEnduranceGold2838325For six seconds, all enemies who dare strike you instantly take damage. The damage is increased by your own strength as well as the force of the incoming blow. (30-sec cooldown)