Hellraid: The Escape is a dark and dingy puzzler, made by Shortbreak Studios to celebrate the upcoming Techland game,
While that next-gen game is a co-op slash-em-up, this is a more cerebral affair, with
The Room-style puzzles littered throughout dungeons and torture chambers.
It can be tricky. So if you get stuck, consult this guide to find out exactly how to get through, and get out.
Oh, and in this guide we'll use the word "focus" a lot. That simply means to double tap on a section that is sparkling with gold to zoom in, so you can manipulate the environment.

Focus on the hand of this female statue and grab the piece of paper from under her arm.

Look at the scroll in your inventory and trace your finger over the image in one unbroken line to activate the magic spell. This gives you an out of body experience where you can whizz around the room and see hidden things.

Which certainly comes in handy in this room, as the combination code for the door lock is written on the walls in invisible ink. So activate the spell and look for the four numbers. The first - 8 - is under the archway.

The next two - 4 and 5 - are in and near this barrel.

And the final number - 3 - is above the lock.

Now enter the code (8453) into the combination lock to open the door.

In the next room, activate the magic spell and look at the piano. You'll hear the song
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (or is it the alphabet?) and see the keys being depressed. Back out, focus on the piano, and play the song for yourself.
If you need help, check out the image above for the exact order in which to press the keys.

Playing the tune correctly will deactivate the spike traps in this room and you can now walk about freely. Walk over to the small bag on the floor and open it to find a gold coin. Take it.

In the next room (a corridor with big swinging axes), look at the king's head on the table and plop the golden coin in his eye socket. This will cause the axes to slow down considerably, making it easy to get to the other side of the room.

At the other end of the room is a big wheel on the wall. Turn it to stop the axes entirely, which makes it easier to get around the level.

Look through the door in your current room and you'll notice a jolly big chasm. Activate the spell again and fly through the room to find this chap stomping about in a cage. Tap on him and choose 'Yes' when asked whether you want to possess his body.

As this big ugly brute, look on the floor to find some small stones. Take a handful.

Now, just like in chapter two, use the rock to hit the lever outside your cage. To do this, take the stone out of your inventory, aim at the lever, and swipe up.

Do it right and a bridge will appear in the big chasm from earlier. And you'll be transported back to your original, human form. Now focus on the bridge and tilt your iOS device back and forth to carefully cross the gap.

Walk into the next room, through the forcefield. Now, quickly activate the spell and posses the monster that is walking about in this room.

Walk over to this door and kill yourself on the spikes. You'll be transported back to your human form and can walk over the spikes without getting hurt. Waltz through the arch to finish the stage.