This article covers the last 15 relics - from 4-A to 5-E. For the first 15, click here.Your main task in
Traps n' Gemstones is to find 25 different relics, which are hidden throughout the pyramid. And then, you must return them to their original resting place.
In this guide, we'll show you where to find each relic, how to get to the treasure chest, and where to place it down.
If you don't have access to a certain room, you may need to refer to our main guide. And you'll need a key for each chest, so take a look at our exhaustive key guide, too.
To make life easier, I've given all 25 relics a unique identifier. You can see them in the grid, below:

And as a quick reference guide, or a spoiler-free help guide, here's the location of each relic on the map. For more details, refer to the guides below.
Relic 4-A

This relic is easy to reach, once you're inside the room. To get here, use one of the cannons in the room below to fire yourself straight up. Once you're here, just hop on the platform and then open the chest.

This is the final home of relic 4-A.
Relic 4-B

This relic is here for the taking, as long as you enter the room from the door on the left. Once you get here, simply open the treasure chest to grab the loot from inside.

This is the final home of relic 4-B.
Relic 4-C

This chest is easy to get to. You enter from the right side of this room, and use the cannons to get over to this point. If you get shot somewhere else, get back in the cannons and try again until you're fired to this point.

This is the final home of relic 4-C.
Relic 4-D

Getting this relic is easy, but finding it isn't. To get to this room you must first put relics 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C in their resting place, in the golden statue hall. This opens a secret passage which leads to this room. Drop down to get to the chest.

This is the final home of relic 4-D.
Relic 4-E

To get to this relic, you have a small window of opportunity when the marching pharoah enemies are all clumped on the right side. When this happens, jump up, run left, and jump up to get the secret symbol and then open the chest on your right.

This is the final home of relic 4-E.
Relic 5-A

When you jump up, the pot on the right will fall down and hit the button, causing spikes to appear along the ground near the chest. Shoot the pot with your gun (spare ammo is avaialble on the top left) to make the spikes retract. Now go get your loot, adventurer!

This is the final home of relic 5-A.
Relic 5-B

This relic is in a room to the left of the fireman poles. To get to it, simply hop from pole to pole as you go left, and then climb up the platforms and open the treasure chest.

This is the final home of relic 5-B.
Relic 5-C

To get to this chest you must kill the two spiders. They take three hits with the whip so get your timing right and don't stop hitting the whip button until both are dead. Then hop up and open the chest.

This is the final home of relic 5-C.
Relic 5-D

This one is at the very bottom of the map, which can be accessed once you reach the very bottom of the elevator shaft. You'll have to get through the rat room on the left by jumping down and running along beside them when there's a gap in the rat convoy. Get through it, and this relic is your reward.

This is the final home of relic 5-D.
Relic 5-E

To get to this room, you need to fiddle with the red and blue switches in the room to the left. Go all the way down to the bottom, hit the red switch, and then go all the way back up so you can walk through the door in the top right corner. You are now in the room shown above.
Press the red switch to make the chest and crate fall down. Then press the blue switch so they fall to the golden platform. Now open the chest to get this relic.

This is the final home of relic 5-E.
This article covers the last 15 relics - from 4-A to 5-E. For the first 15, click here.