Keys are an incredibly important commodity in Traps n' Gemstones. Without them, those relics would stay lost forever.
That's because each relic is locked inside a treasure chest, and you need a key to liberate each and every one of them. So, with 25 treasure chests in the game, that's 25 keys to find.
This guide will show you exactly how to get them. If you don't yet have access to one of the areas we show, refer to our main guide to open more areas in the pyramid.

Use your whip to knock this crate off the high ledge. When it smashes open you'll find a key inside.

Use your whip or roll into this pot to get a key.

In this room, you need to quickly swim across the water before the level drops, so you can reach the platform on the right. Make it, and you'll be able to find a key in the pot.

Toggle the switch here to make the trapdoors open. Grab the key and hop over the pharoah so you can get out alive.

The key is in the pot to the right of the treasure chest. You have a small window of opportunity when the marching pharoah enemies are all clumped on the right side. When this happens, jump up, run left, and jump up. Now smash the pot to get the key.

In this room, stand on the blue platform and wait for a beat and it will turn into an elevator. Ride it up and break the pots up here to find a key.

In this room, smack the rightmost crate to the left so it's positioned underneath the vertical tunnel. Then jump up to find a secret cannon that will shoot you up into a room with a key, which is hidden inside one of the pots.

To get to this area, swim down into the water and go left. You'll see an area where jellyfish are circling around a wall. Swim into the opening and then carefully swim around with the jellyfish to reach this chamber and get the key. You need the oxygen tank (refer to the main guide) or you'll drown.

Go to the left, and carefully whip the skeletons to death as you go. When you get to the left-most area (just before exiting the room), roll to the right and you'll bypass the spikes at the bottom and land safely on the floor. Smash the pots to find a key.

In the room with the cannon pots, one of the pots on the right will fire you directly into one of the secret signs. Underneath, you'll find a key lurking inside some of those oh-so smashy ceramic pots.

This one requires the rock hammer. Smash the blocks with your hammer to get access to the alcove with the symbol. You can smash blocks in mid-air if you hug against the rock during your jump. Smash the pot next to the secret symbol to get the key.

In this vertical room, jump in the middle cannon and overshoot it so you go straight over the bats and the right cannon and land safely in this area. Grab the key.

When you enter the room from the top left, four snakes will appear. Kill three, but jump over the last one. When it slithers over the trapdoor, hit the switch to make it fall. It will then hit the red button, making the pot and money sack fall down. A key is hidden inside the pot.

Smash through the first three rocks in this room, and the jump from the central rock to the platform near the chest. Then smash through the last block and break open the pot to get the key.

This key is inside this handy lost relic tutorial room. Just follow the Egyptian chap's instructions to get it.

An easy enough key to get. Just use the cannons in this room to fire yourself to this spot, kill the snake, and smash open the ceramic jug.

This key is easy to get, once you're inside the room. To get here, use one of the cannons in the room below to fire yourself straight up. Once you're here, just smash the pot on the left to find the key.

An easy get. Use the button at the bottom to unleash the arrows, and then jump up them like steps. Then, hop on the big blue platform in the middle and jump to the small area on the right. Smash the pot and grab the key.

In this room, start by smashing down the rocks. Then smash the pot at the bottom of the screen to get a key.

To get this key, you first need to press the blue button that is directly beneath it. Then, return to this alcove to grab the key. The catch is that if you die along the way, the button will reset and the blue blocks will reappear. So you'll need to dodge all the spears successfully to get this key.

Ride the elevator platform up and hit the switch to make the pot fall through the trapdoor and onto the red button. You can now access the lower area and get the key (and the symbol).

Get this key from the pot in this room. Just smash, whip, or shoot it open to get the key.

Push the lever on the left to make the elevator come down. Then hit the crate with your whip a couple times to get it onto the elevator. Hit the lever and quickly hop on the lift as it rises back up. Now jump on the crate and on the lift to get the key.

Push the lever on the right to turn the left platform into an elevator. Ride it up and then smash open the crate to rescue the first bird. Then smash open the other two cages to rescue the second and third birds. Now stand on the big lift to pull down the block on the right. Run past it and exit out of the door on the right. Then, in the next room, enter the door above you to get to the key.

Once you get to this tall chamber (from the door on the left), you can open a trapdoor with a lever and then slide down these poles like a fireman. On this bit, jump from pole to pole to get to this area. Smash the pot to get the key.