How to kill as many people as possible in Overkill 3: Hints, tips, and tricks

Overkill 3 is a big silly game about shooting people repeatedly in the face. And if that's your sort of thing there's a lot to get excited about.

But it might not be as straightforward as it firsts seems, so we thought we should walk you through some of the intricacies of the game's systems to make sure you're never firing blanks.

We'll also teach you how to get the most out of the game without spending any of your hard earned cash. Because we're good like that.

Sometimes there's no point hiding

The cover system in Overkill 3 isn't as all encompassing as we've come to expect from our third persons shooters. Just because you've ducked behind a groin-high wall, it doesn't mean that you're going to be invulnerable.

This isn't so much a game about choosing the right time to fire as one that's obsessed with firing all the time.

If you're taking damage while you're in cover, there's really no point being in cover. Pop up and try to clear the bad guys who are doing the damage.

The damage indicator, which pops up to show you where the harm is coming from, isn't that great. So don't snap to your sights straight away. Find the threat and neutralise it.

Droning on

The drones that hover around carrying boosts can really turn the tide of a scrap. Not just by giving you boosts and buffs, but by taking out some bad guys at the same time.

It's worth learning what the different coloured containers contain. The best ones to risk your life for are the ones that top up your health, and the ones that top up your ammo.

It's worth considering where you shoot down the drones as well. Some of them go with quite a bang, so if they're hovering over a group of bad guys you can save yourself some ammo and get some extra goodies in one fell swoop.

If you're chasing a health container and getting shot to bits, don't forget you've got your own stash of health packs that might be worth using first.

Upgrades upgrades upgrades

It's a good idea to save up as much of the various currencies as you can to upgrade your armour as quickly as possible. This is the one thing that keeps you from death, and after a couple of hours of play you're going to be behind the curve if you don't.

Focus on weapon upgrades that increase the accuracy and damage. Clear headshots in Overkill 3 are probably going to miss if your accuracy rating isn't high enough.

When you need to buy a specific gun to carry on the story, which happens about three hours in, head back to earlier missions and grind your way back through to earn more money.

It's not the best way to do things, but with your upgraded armour and weapons it shouldn't take too long to earn what you need.

Take the easy road

The first time you play a level it's sensible to take the easier routes. It might seem like copping out, but there's a very good chance you're going to be underprepared for the rigours of the more difficult road.

You can always come back and tackle the more difficult section when you've upgraded your guns and armour that bit more.

Another good tip is to take out the snipers first. You'll be able to see them thanks to their telltale laser sights. Their shots can knock you down and do some real damage, so take them out quickly.

Look at the rating above people's heads to get an idea of who's going to give you the most trouble and take them down accordingly. Or just, y'know, shoot them all.

Tips and tricks

As soon as you see the grenade icon it's a good bet to duck under cover. This is the one time when being behind that small wall is actually going to do you some good.

The last thing you want is to be blinded by a flash-bang or tossed onto the floor by something with bit more kicking power.

Check the challenges you've got left to complete on the levels you've already played and try to focus on finishing them to get extra rewards.

It's a good idea to top up on equipment after you've failed a level. That way you're spending currency that you know is going to get some use.

Oh, and make sure you high-five Dude Broington when he puts his hand up at the end of a level. You'll get some extra XP.