Downwell - Hints, tips, and tricks direct from developer Ojiro

Downwell is pretty damn good, isn't it?

But it's also super tough. Especially when you first pick it up and start dying over and over again. No one likes to die.

So we reached out to the game's developer, Ojiro Fumoto, to see if he could answer a few questions to help out first time players, and drop some hefty knowledge for more advanced gunbooters.

If you've got your own tips, feel free to stick them in the comments below. Together, we can get to the end of Downwell.


Harry Slater: What are the best tips for someone picking up the game for the first time?

Ojiro: Play the game! Try not to give up even if you die a lot - I promise the game will open up to you as you continue to immerse yourself in Downwell and start to gain knowledge of various gameplay elements.

What should new players look out for?

Enemies which are coloured mostly in red are generally dangerous and you should keep your distance from them!

Are there any more advanced skills when players are used to the game?

Aim for big combos! Landing a big enough one will reward you with stat upgrades.

What do you think the best weapon in the game is?

This really depends on which area you’re in, but I suppose the Machinegun is a good all-rounder!

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Which enemies should players be looking out for?


Which is the best style for advanced players?

Probably Arm Swing Style.

What's the biggest mistake you've seen players make?

Avoiding weapons! Don’t avoid them just because you don’t like a particular one - they either increase your charge or heal your HP, so skipping them basically means you’re losing out on those stat gains. Try to be able to play relatively well with all weapons!