Hard Time Cheats (iOS Game by Mdickie)

Hard Time (Prison Sim) is a really strange iOS game that doesn’t tell us much in terms of what we have to do and how to do it. Therefore, I have decided to create this Hard Time cheats article that will act as a guide for you and tell you everything you need to know about how to play the game and how to get the most out of everything. Because otherwise there’s a lot of figuring out that you have to do on your own.

So let’s start checking out the Hard Time cheats and guide below and hope that you’ll get out of jail really soon!

1. Remember your cell number
When you first join the prison, the warden tells you your cell number – make sure you remember it, because that’s where you have to be over the night. If you somehow fail to remember it, try to interact with other cell mates and some of them will address you by the cell number. Also, pay attention to the dialogs because every now and then you will be moved to a new cell.

2. Sleep a lot
You do have to sleep a lot to regenerate your stats and sometimes the whole night is not enough. So make sure that you get enough sleep during the day too.

3. Use the toilets
Try to learn where the closest toilet is and always be ready to go there. Your character will have the need to go to the toilet once per day and if you fail to get there, things will get messy and you will lose reputation. In order to use the toilet, simply walk next to it and tap the up button until you sit on it.

4. Use weapons
Fists and combos might be great, but they are difficult to use. A lot easier is to get a sword or other long, sticky object and use it as a weapon to send your opponents to the other world. It lacks the finesse, but it does the job.

5. Make money easily
The easiest way to make money is to get cigarettes on the floor and walk around near other prisoners. Eventually, one will make an offer to purchase it. Just make sure no warden sees you – you’re not allowed to have cigarettes in the prison and you might get extra jail time.

6. Learn the combos
It takes time to learn them and master them, but there are actually a ton of kicks and grabs and attacks that you can perform. Run and hit the A button for a super attack, and try attacking while pressing different directional arrows. You will have different attacks each time – learn to use the best of them.

7. Stay away from gangs
A golden rule of thumb is not to mess with the prison gangs at first because they will seek revenge and destroy you. If you happen to attack a cell mate and he says that he’s from whatever gang, go to a different room to get rid of him. You need gangs on your side – to join them. In order to do so, attack adversaries of the gangs and eventually you will be invited to join.

8. Eat constantly (but not too much)
Every day you can go to the mess hall and eat. However, there is all sort of food scattered around the prison, so you don’t really have to go there to do it. Just make sure that you don’t eat too much or you will puke, lose all the benefits of being well fed and some reputation.

9. Correction in front of everyone
The easiest way to gain reputation is to start beating the living hell out of a person (preferably warden) while other prisoners are watching. This will gladly increase your reputation, but make sure that if you start a job, you complete it especially when it comes to wardens. And make sure there are no other guards around to tackle you and increase your sentence.

And this is it. These are the tips and tricks that we have to share with you right now for Hard Time for iOS, the prison sim game by mdickie. Do you have other tips and strategies to share with fellow players? Let us know by commenting below.