Kero Blaster Tips And Tricks

If controlling a walking frog armed to the teeth is too much for you, this Kero Blaster Tips and Tricks guide will help showing you that something like this is not as unnatural as it may seem.

Kero Blaster is a sidescrolling game developed by Studio Pixel, the team behind another successful 2D game, Cave Story. In the game, you will be taking control of a walking frog who’s armed with a deadly laser gun looking to save his lover frog. While the game is quite light on the story department, the same cannot be said for the gameplay experience, which is really well done. If you’re not afraid of a little old school action, Kero Blaster is a game worth checking out.

  • Weapons

Just like another classic sidescrolling game, Megaman, in Kero Blaster you will receive weapons when defeating bosses. These weapons are actually pretty different from one another and are best used in certain situations. Don’t be afraid to use them as the situation requires and experiment with them when you get the chance.

  • Upgrades

Kero Blaster allows gamers to upgrade their stats as well as their arsenal. As a general rule, it’s better to focus on improving the frog’s health first. Permanent upgrades also take priority, since they will make your life way easier than a simple extra life.

Since we’re talking about the game’s store, never forget to replenish your health before heading into a new stage. It’s easy to forget this.

  • Grinding

Later stages in Kero Blaster are quite though, but the rewards are also quite nice. Completing one of the later stages over and over will allow you to obtain good amounts of cash for upgrades. Don’t waste your time in grinding in easier levels, as the payouts won’t be as nice.

  • Secret Passages

Kero Blaster is filled with treasures to collect. Some of these treasures, however, are actually hidden inside secret passages that can be accessed by walking through specific walls. Make sure to always check everything out with care in each stage so that you won’t be missing any treasure.