Plunder Pirates Guide: How to Get More Gems

After sharing with you some beginner tips and tricks in our Plunder Pirates cheats article, it’s time to get to more advanced things and what can be more advanced than the type of resource everybody wants in the game? Yes, I am talking about gems here, the premium currency, and this article is being created for me to share with you all the details on how to get more gems in Plunder Pirates.

Fortunately, the developers have created enough methods for us to get FREE Gems in Plunder Pirates, and there are some extra ones that you have to consider, so let’s not waste any time and let’s see how to fill up our virtual vaults with the premium currency!

Complete Quests

This is the easiest way to get some free gems in the game: simply follow the quests that the game throws at you, complete them and not only that you get a better island and overall a better understanding of the game, but you also get some free gems in the process. The perfect match! Don’t forget to check out all the three sections of the missions (Building, Exploration and Fight) in order to see all the missions that you have available.

Explore the Seas

Whenever you explore the seas, there is a small chance that you will get some free diamonds. This is a random process, but it’s really worth trying it out and always keep your sheep on the go, exploring the waters around you. Even though you get only one diamond from doing this, do it often enough and you’ll soon have a bunch!

Clean the waters

When building your island, you will see that there are a lot of “obstacles” blocking your way. Clean these obstacles and you have the chance of earning a few Gems for free every time you do so. And it’s a must do thing anyway, so why not take advantage of the bonus?

Buy large packs of gold

I know that this is not exactly “free” Gems since you have to make a purchase, but consider this especially if you know that eventually you will end up spending some real money in the game: go for the larger, more expensive packs! If you get the second pack, for example, you win 200 free Gems. If you get the Sack of Gems, which is even more expensive, you you will get 400 free Gems, plus 1,000 EP and BP for each purchase. So it’s best to time your purchases: instead of making 4 small ones per month (for example), better make just one bigger one during the same time frame. You get some free Gems this way and a lot more bang for your buck!

Have you managed to find out other ways of earning free Gems in Plunder Pirates? Share your methods with us by commenting below. If not, use our methods to get the most out of the game!