100 Rooms Walkthrough: Level 21 and Level 22 Solution

100 Rooms has been updated with a bunch of new levels and the Android escape the room game got tougher. Fortunately, I am here to share with you a walkthrough to 100 Rooms Level 21 and 100 Rooms Level 22 and help you exit those rooms as fast as possible. So if you got stuck (and you probably did, because we’re talking about a really hard game here), check out this walkthrough and escape!

We’ll start with a 100 Rooms Level 21 walkthrough

Here we must assemble a rifle and exit the room, but first we must make one. So here is what you need to do:

- Get 2 wires from the right side of the wall, near the door
- On the right, tap the top side of the cabinet and take salt, a knife and tap the paper towels to get an iron bar.
- Tap the top right drawer and take matches and rolling pin.
- Go right and take a ball from the plate in front of the window.
- Now it’s time to make that rifle! First, tap the rolling pin and use the knife on it. Then use the iron bar and finally use the wires.
- Double tap the matches and use the knife on them to get a powder. Use that with the salt.
- Double tap the base of the shotgun and use with it the matches, then the powder, then the ball. And you have a shotgun: just use it on the door and blast your way out.

100 Rooms Level 22 walkthrough

On the first wall, the code is different from what I initially thought: we have to divide all the framed numbers by 2 and those who end with a .0 decimal are the right ones. Only 2 and 4 are like this, so the first number is 24. Then we have 4 furniture pieces there, which means that our second number is 4

On the next image, we have the sun thing, where we have to think that one day is 24 hours long, which means that divided by 2 (as seen in the image) is 12 – this is the third number.

Next, the final one is waaaay too much: after counting the fish and birds, remove the number of fish that the birds would eat, so you end up with 10 birds and 11 fish (the final 2 numbers).

So the code for the door is: 244121011

And this is the walkthrough to levels 21 and level 22 in 100 Rooms. Thanks for reading – I really hope that you found it useful. If you need help with the previous levels, check out the walkthrough. And stay tuned as we’ll update the site as soon as new levels are here!

Thanks, Unigamesity for the walkthrough for level 22!