Flow Free Levels 1

Flow Free is a fun puzzle game available on Android. It’s got the lasting appeal to keep you coming back, and the simplicity to make it available to pretty much everyone. The addicting nature of this game makes it extremely appealing. But if you’re having some trouble with the game, or can’t figure out the solution to a puzzle, or you want to reduce your number of moves, look no further! This walkthrough will help you get through each of the beginning levels in the minimum amount of moves possible!

This walkthrough will assist you in getting through the first levels, so anyone having trouble with these, just keep reading! Now, without further delay, the walkthrough! These walkthroughs are for the regular pack, easy levels.

Level 1 walkthrough

Take the top left red dot, and drag it down 4 spaces and right 1. Then take the green dot on the top row and take it left 1 space, and then down 3. Take the blue dot in the second row from the top and drag it straight down to the other blue dot. Grab the orange dot on the bottom row and go right once, then up 3 to connect to the other orange dot. Then take the yellow one and go left 1 space, then down 3 to connect to the remaining yellow dot.

Level 2 walkthrough

Take the yellow dot in the top left corner and go right 4 spaces, then down 3 to complete the yellow dots. Now take the blue dot on the left and go up 2 spaces, right 3 spaces, down 3 spaces, and right 1 space to connect to the other blue dot. Take the red dot in the bottom left corner and go right 2 and up 1 to finish the red dots. Finally, take either green dot and go either left and down or up and right to finish this level.

Stay tuned for more walkthroughs for Flow Free!