Teeter Tips And Tricks For A Better Strategy

Teeter is a super fun game that’s a blast to play for both minute sessions and extended periods of time. But if you’re having trouble grasping the concept, or having difficulty getting through the levels, then you’ll want to check out these Teeter tips and tricks. These wil aid you in your general Teeter gameplay, and should improve your game.

So let’s waste no time, and get right to the Teeter tips and tricks!

1. Know how good your phone is at sensing movement. Only you will be able to tell this, as you know your phone better than anyone. Get a feel for how much you need to tilt it, and go from there.

2. Trying to overshoot a hole is quite the challenge. If possible, go around through another route.

3. The little mazes are difficult to navigate, and the holes are problematic. Plan your route out beforehand.

4. Try and take the level slow. You’re not on a time limit. Yes, trying to beat the level fast is cool, but get your strategy figure out first.

5. Finally, don’t forget about the free play mode. If you’re struggling with the momentum the ball gains or are having trouble navigating the course, this mode can really help.

Hopefully these Teeter tips and tricks aid your game, now go own the levels up!