Real Racing 3: Tips and Tricks

Admit it you’ve played Real Racing 3 and it is one of the most beautiful racing games to ever come out onto an Android device. And the best part it is free, so why not try it. What do you have to lose? Sure racing your car to the finish line can be a bit tricky. Never fear the Android Entity is here to help you racers out. Please read on and follow these helpful tips.

  1.  Master the brakes, manually – Mastering this technique can be tricky but practise does make perfect. Turn off the “Braking Assist”. When the computer does the braking for you, it does it conservatively. At least by turning off, it will greatly decrease your time. So in other words manual breaks will equal to faster times.
  2. Get inside the track – every race you start, you will always start in last place everytime. You can usually jump up at least half way up the standings in the first couple  turns with smart maneuvering. The key here is to not follow the car in front of  you. If you do that you can only go as fast as they are going, and the car in  front of them, etc. Pick your own path, preferably on the inside of the turn,  and zoom past the other cars as they all line up and then slow down when the car  in front of them. So don’t follow the other car.
  3. Build your stable…..Wisely-  You will need a single car that is one of the 3-4 for each circuit to race in  that circuit. But you will need all of the cars in the circuit to complete it  100% as there will be races that require each car in the circuit.
  4. If you fail……….try again – racing to the finish line isn’t easy, so when you do re-race, study the track, cut corners if you have to. And if you do cut a corner use the grass to help assist you in braking as you cut corners.

Well there you have it gamers. Hopefully these tips will be able to help you out race first to the finish line. Good luck and have fun, Happy Gaming Gamers