Dead Trigger 2: Tips and Tricks

Shooting down waves of zombies is fun. Earning cash and coins not so much. But fear not the Android Entity is here to help you with some tricks. So please read on fellow gamers

  1. Aim for the head- this is the basic of a basic rules when it comes to killing zombies. When you do shoot a zombie in the head you will be rewarded bonus coins.
  2. Build it and it will come – when you are building barricades you will be rewarded money for your efforts
  3. Pick it up- Ammo is really hard to come by in this game. So if you don’t like to spend your hard earned coins on ammo, pick up an ammo box that you may find.
  4. Know you enemy – Some zombies will explode when you kill them, so be careful that you are not around when they do explode.
  5. Play as long as you want- seriously folks with energy system gone from the game, you can play as long as you want, so you can gain XP and build up your currency.

Well hopefully these tips and tricks will help you out. Good luck, and have fun