2048 Tips and Tricks

If you missed my review of the amazing numbers game 2048, click here to read it first. If not, let me summarize it for you: it’s awesome and addictive and free, get it now! Many of you will be trying it out and coming away frustrated at always falling a little short of the titular number. This is where this guide will hopefully help you figure out the best way to reach that goal.

In my review, I mentioned that sometimes you will reach 1024 and then realize that you have to create another 1024, and that itself is a herculean task. I know people say this all the time, but don’t give up! Nothing worth having comes easy, so swipe away my avid readers!

Tip No 1: High numbers in the corner

This is probably the first tip that my friends gave to me, and I have to admit, it is the most important. Try to stash your high numbers away in one corner and keep building that corner up by swiping in its direction. That way, the numbers in that corner grows higher and higher, and it makes it much easier to join in a pair of high numbers when it comes time.

You have no idea how many times I have a 512 in two separate corners, and it either takes a hell of a time to get them together, or I end up losing the game in a desperate attempt to create baby 1024. So try to keep the high numbers in one corner.

Tip No 2: No Uppity

This actually ties in with the first tip. In trying to keep the high numbers in one corner, you should NEVER swipe up because it can potentially ruin your strategy. Swiping up can cause your high numbers to be separated and worse, it can cause a random number to pop up beneath it!


Trust me, there is nothing worse than having your 1024 floating around in the center of the grid. You definitely do NOT want that happening. Get your high numbers down and make it stay down even if it means not combining some pairs right away.

Tip No 3: Mind over Number

Try your best to keep your numbers under control. Be aware of what each swipe will do to every number currently on the board. Before you swipe, think and calculate in your mind what will be the outcome of the entire board. Don’t just see an 8 and 8 on top of one another and swipe (see Tip 2). The bigger picture is more important here.

I know that may seem like a lot of work, but isn’t that why you’re playing this game? It’s the challenge and the thought-provoking gameplay that drew all of us in, in the first place, and it is that aspect that keeps us swiping away into the night.

I read somewhere that if you follow Tips No 1 and 2, you have an 80% chance of reaching 2048. However, bear in mind that it’s not so easy to accomplish and follow those tips. You will be tempted at times to move in a certain direction to match two high numbers, but if you stay your course and always be on your toes, you will reach 2048 in no time. Trust me.