This guide for Curse of Naxxramas, i.e. the first adventure for Hearthstone, is a plentiful source of knowledge about the cards available in the game and opponents. From this guide, you will learn how to complete all five wings of the fortress, defeat all of the bosses there. The text suggests the individual decks for the individual battles, as well as simple tactics that will enable you to win those battles. From this guide, you will learn about how to complete the game in both the Normal and the Heroic mode. Also, it the text describes class challenges, which take on the form of logic puzzles that you solve using the cards prepared by the developers. Thanks to this guide, you will learn what you are going to be rewarded with for defeating the individual opponents. The Curse of Naxxramas is the first adventure that focuses on the single player mode, created for the popular card game Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, which is set in the Warcraft universe, authored by the Blizzard Studios which officially debuted in the middle of the March 2014. The popularity of the game was high even, at the stage of its month-long bets tests. The reception of the game made the developers announce the introduction of the single player mode, in April that year. This is what the Curse of Naxxramas is. While playing, the players can visit five realms of the Naxxramas necropolis, known from World of Warcraft. These are the The Arachnid Quarter, The Plague Quarter, The Military Quarter, The Construct Quarter and the Frostwyrm Lair. You gain access to the individual wings of the structure by using the gold that you obtain in the game, or by paying with the actual money, in the microtransaction system.
Patryk "Irtan" Grochala ()
Curse of Naxxramas is the first adventure for Hearthstone, which offers new card sets, AI controlled opponents and special challenges, in the form of class challenges and the Heroic mode.
The full adventure for Curse of Naxxramas includes:
The adventure has been divided into 5 wings, which are unlocked each week. The first wing is free to play, for a month, following the games release (since 22.07.2014), and all the rest are 5,99 or 700 GP per wing (2800 for all four).
If you buy several wings at a time, you receive discounts:
Curse of Naxxramas has 3 modes that are to be played solely in the single player mode, against the AI controlled opponent:
Normal- The main mode of the campaign. It allows you to pick any class and any deck , and then square up against the successive bosses in a specified wing. For each opponents he defeats, the player receives an unique neutral adventure card and, for the completion of the entire wing 0- a neutral legendary card. To unlock the remaining two wings, you need to complete this mode.
Heroic - fights against bosses of the Normal mode but, at a much higher difficulty level and with modified rules (e.g. higher amount of health points in bosses). For defeating bosses in all the quarters, you are rewarded with special card reverse.
Class challenges - challenges that are to be taken on by individual classes. You need to defeat one of the bosses, of a given wing, using a special deck of cards, whose make-up is unknown before the battle starts.
Anub'Rekhan is the first boss in Naxxramas. This is a relatively easy opponents and you can defeat, nearly, with any set of cards. He is a combination of a mage and a sorcerer, which is why you should expect spell cards of these two classes.
Hero Power: Skitter (2) - Summon Nerubian3/1
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1) x2
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Scarlet Crusader (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
The above deck is excellent against all of the normal bosses of this quarter.
The initial stage: Just like in the case of a any other Zoo deck, also here you should pick the cards with low mana values. Start filling the table with your units and try to hold, at least, one card with Taunt, to protect the remaining ones, or the Death Charger (1), which has the ability to Charge. Do not worry too much about his hero power, because he rarely uses it.
The middle stage: Do not ignore the opponent's minions. Hold control over the battlefield and bring about the exchanges profitable for you. Only the spells, like e.g. Soulfire (0) leave for serious threats or for Taunt.
The final stage: If you have been keeping the table in control, you should now have no problems finishing the opponent off. For an additional attack, play the Doomguard (5).
Remember, however that this card removes two other, random, cards from your hand so, it is best to play this one, when it is the last card left in your hand.
Reward: Haunted Creeper (2)
The heroic version of Anub'Rekhan has 45 health points, just like the remaining bosses of this quarter, and an upgraded hero power that allows him to summon Nerubian 4/4. The behavior of the opponent is similar to the one in the normal version.
Hero Power: Skitter (2) - Summon Nerubian 4/4
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Geomancer Kobold (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem(3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Protector (8) x2
The initial stage: Anub'Rekhan is very happy with his power and uses it often. Do not be surprised because for merely 2 mana, he can summon an ally 5/5. Since the opponent always starts with a coin, he frequently summons a minion 5/5 using the coin in the first turn. The provided druid deck is very slow, which is why you need to get it in full swing, as quickly as possible. You are going to need Invigorate (0) and Wild Growth (2) for that, to reach the higher mana levels. Use the Harvest Golem (3) and Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4), to slow the opponent down.
The middle stage: Start playing the more powerful minions with Taunt, to gain control over the battlefield. Cards like Druid of the Claw (5), Sun worshipper (6) and Chillwind Yeti (4) or Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) in combination with Mark of the Wild (2), are ideal for blocking the opponent. Try to attack the face of the opponent as often as you get the opportunity to. The number of cards that you have is limited but, not his minions 5/5.
The final stage: If you need the cards, use the Saturate (5). For the elimination of the enemy minions, you can use Geomancer Kobold (2) in combination with Swipe (4) to max out on damage. Keeper of the Grove (4) retain mainly for Silence, which may be useful against some of the opponent's minions. If you are in control, you can play Ironbark Protector (8), to block the enemy ultimately.
The next boss in the Arachnid Quarter is Faerlina, who is the keeper of this wing and is responsible for the production of deadly poisons for the Lich King. Her class is the warrior, which is why you should be prepared not only for the spell cards of this class, but also for direct attacks, just like in the case of using weapons.
Hero Power: Rain of Fire (2) - fire a projectile per opponent's each card
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1) x2
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Scarlet Crusader (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
The initial stage: The first thing that you should do is wipe out all of the cards in her hands. Faerlina's Hero power allows one random projectile, which deals 1 pt damage, pear each card in your hand, which is why you should not have more than 2 cards in your hand, in this battle. This will bring down damage that you take. This deck is perfect for this kind of game. Try to play all of the cards to the table and keep control over the battlefield, by eliminating opponent's minions.
The middle stage: Play the cards with Taunt with consideration. The opponent will play special minions occasionally - Worshipper (3). This card ensures Faerlina with 1 pt. of attack in each turn, which is why the minions with Taunt, like e.g. Shieldmasta (1) or Voidwalker(1), are perfect for blocking her attacks. Eliminate Worshippers (3), as soon as possible.
The final stage: IF your cards were not too unfavorable and you managed to seize control at the initial stage, bringing down of the enemy's health should be a matter of time. Try to play all of the cards in your hand, for the whole time, to prevent being hit with the projectile. Also, keep your minion's health above 1 pt., Faerlina likes using Inner Rage (0) to eliminate the enemy units.
Reward: Nerub'ar Weblord (2)
The heroic Ferlina does not stand out from the normal version too much. Her health points are raised to 45 pt., and the hero power gets cheaper from 2 to 1. Her behavior remains unchanged, just like her class, which is the warrior.
Hero Power: Rain of Fire (1) - fire a projectile per opponent's each card
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Naxx Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
The initial stage: Just like in the case of her normal version, you need to hold as little cards in your hand as possible to avoid taking heavy damage from her hero power. Try to play efficiently and use up the entire mana from the very beginning. You should start with cards like, e.g. Argent Squire (1), Novice (1) and Flame Imp (1). Also, play Nerubian Egg (2) and provide them with the opportunity to attack, by playing Abusive Sergeant (1) or Dire Wolf Alpha (2), to turn them into Nerubians 4/4. Your primary objective is to control the battlefield.
The middle stage: Use your minions with Taunt with consideration, because there are not too many of them in this deck and they may be very valuable in this battle. Keep Soulfire (0) for the greatest threats and use them as the last ones in the hand, to prevent losing cards. Also, remember that the effects of Deathrattle on cards such as Haunted Creeper (2) and Harvest Golem(3), harmonize perfectly with Knife Juggler (2). When one of the minions dies, there appears a new unit to replace it, which allows an additional knife throw for the Knife Juggler (2). If Faerlina plays Worshipper (3), destroy it immediately, because it ensures Faerlina with 3 attack points per turn.
The final stage: With a bit of luck, and maintaining balance between attack and control, the opponent should be drawing its last breath. Use the Guardians of Doom (5), to ensure yourself with well 5 damage points with Charge. Also, use the Dark Iron Dwarves (4), to increase the strength of attack in your units and play a strong body 4/4. Defender of Argus (4) may provide both allies with Taunt, Which will slow down the enemy and attack his face.
Maexxna is the last boss of the first wing. It is the great mother of spiders that has a very strong poison and an irritating hero power. It is a beast so, it does not have any specific class. Still, it has its special cards.
Hero Power: Web (3) - Retreat a random minion to the opponent's hand
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1) x2
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Scarlet Crusader (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
The initial stage: Just like in the case of Faerlina, try to keep lots of your units in the battlefield to bring down the effects of the opponent's power on you. Maexxna mainly uses her spiders, like e.g. Nerubian Egg (2) or Haunted Creeper (2). In themselves, they are not too dangerous, but they have the annoying effects of Deathrattle, which activates after the death of these minions.
The middle stage: Keep eliminating the enemy units, even if it means losing your own in the process. Meaxxna has several very strong units, which can tip the scales at any moment. Also, play your Knife Jugglers (2), who are perfect for eliminating creepers.
The final stage: If you are in control and you have brought the enemy's health down, below a half, you can try to finish it off. Use cards like, e.g. Abusive Sergeant (1) and Dark Iron Dwarf (4), to obtain a shot to your attack and get to the opponent's face. Two turns should be enough to finish the opponent off.
Reward: Nerubian Egg (2) and Maexxna (6)
Just like in the case of the previous bosses, Maexxna's health rises to 45 and her power became slightly modified. Now, the opponent can return 2 minions to your hand and, in addition to that, for free. This is why, it uses this power in each turn. It is both lethal and helpful.
Hero Power: Web (0) - Retreat a random minion to the opponent's hand
Recommended Deck: Paladin - Healer/Charge
Neutral Cards (12)
Class Cards (18)
Stonetusk Boar (1) x2
Gift of Power (1) x2
Voodoo Doctor (1) x2
Humility (1) x2
Bluegill Warrior (2) x2
Equality (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3) x2
Holy Light (2) x2
Wolfrider (3) x2
Truesilver Champion (4) x2
Argent Commander (6) x2
Gift of Kings (4) x2
Consecration (4) x2
Hammer of Wrath (4) x2
Guardian of Kings (7) x2
The initial stage: Maexxna is going to use its power at the beginning of each turn, which will make it considerably more difficult for you to play your minions. There is a way, though. Two, to be precise: Battle cry and Charge. Thanks to the cards with these abilities, each return may be profitable to you. The opponent starts with two minions in the battlefield- Haunted Creepers (2). You need two cards in the initial turns: Voodoo Doctor (1)/ Earthen Ring Farseer (3) and Consecration (4). After you use the former, you will be able to heal your hero in each turn and Consecration (4) will allow you to destroy the Haunted Creepers (2), thanks to which, thee appear 4 creepers 1/1. This is the important element of this game. You need to fill the enemy's side with minions with 1 attack points, as quickly as possible, to take only 7 damage points per turn. To prevent losing your minions, you can only play 2 units per turn, because it is as much as Maexxna's power returns to your hand. Control the opponent's side, so that there are only minions with 1 or 2 attack left and use Voodoo Doctor (1) or Earthen Ring Farseer (3), to heal your character. Positioning them perfectly may require several restarts.
The middle stage: If you managed to deploy your units in the opponent's half efficiently, you can counter attack. Use on Earthen Ring Farseer (3) and one of the minions with Charge, like e.g. Bluegill Warrior (2) or Wolfrider (3). Attack the enemy hero only to weaken him slowly. Use the Truesilver Champion (4) for attacking the hero (16 damage points for two cards), and leave Consecration(4) and Hammer of Wrath (4) for the more dangerous minions. Slow use the Holy Light (2), whenever there is an opportunity to restore a larger portion of health.
The final stage: Start using one of the Guardian of the Kings (7), to heal 6 health points per turn, and a minion with Charge, and attack the opponent's face. If the opponent's health drops sufficiently low, you can give up healing and focus on attacking. Make sure, at the same time, that you do not die yourself., within a turn or two. Play the Argent Commander (6) and Wolfrider (3), to ensure yourself with strong 7 damage points per turn. Just remember to play 2 minions only and you should not have major problems in this battle.
Class challenges are battles against normal bosses, using predefined decks. The opponents behave in nearly identical way, as in the normal mode and their difficulty levels are similar. What makes it challenging is that you need to defeat the opponent with a deck that you do not know, for which you are rewarded with the class card from the Naxxramas collection.
There are two class challenges in the Arachnid Quarter: druid and rogue.
The druid's challenge pits the player against Great Widow Faerlina and her hero power, thanks to which she can launch a random projectile per each card in the player's hand. The class card in this match is Poison Seeds (4), which allows you to eliminate all the minions in the battlefield and summon Treants 2/2 instead.
Below, you can find the make0up of the druid's deck in this challenge:
Neutral Cards (14)
Class Cards (16)
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Invigorate (0) x2
Echoing Ooze (2) x2
Naturalize (1)
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Claw (1) x2
Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) x5
Power of the Wild (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Hogger (6)
Mark of Nature (3) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4)
Poison Seeds (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
The initial stage: The pattern is the same in the case of each battle against Faelina - hold as few cards in your hand as possible to limit t the number of projectiles. In this deck, there are cards of low summon cost, which is why it should not be problematic to get rid of all of them from the hand. Start the game with Haunted Creepers (2) and Nerubian Eggs (2), then focus on controlling the battlefield. You can use the Power of the Wild (2), Mark of Nature (2) or Mark of the Wild (3), to add attack points to Nerubian Eggs (2) and destroy them on one of the opponents, which will summon a Nerubian 4/4.
The middle stage: Continue attacking. Use reinforcing cards to provide minions with Taunt and protect the more valuable units. What is ideal for this is Stoneskin Gargoyles (3), which regenerates your health at the beginning of each turn. In combination with Mark of Nature (3), they can create a barrier with Taunt and statistics 1/8 or even higher.
The final stage: Keep Swipe (4) for the more important targets. Use the help of Hogger (6), to ensure yourself with a steady inflow of minions 2/2 with Taunt. If the opponent gains a considerable advantage in the battlefield, you can use Poison Seeds (4), to replace all of the minions with Treant 2/2 that is easier to deal with. Remember to get rid of the cards in your hand and her power should not be a threat to you.
Reward: Poison Seeds (4)
The Rogue needs to face Maexxna that has a very unpleasant power to return a random card back into the opponent's hand. The Rogue's class card is Anub'ar Ambusher (4), with strong statistics 5/5, however the Deathrattle effect returns a random card, back into the player's hand.
Below, you can find the make-up of the Rogue's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (25)
Class Cards (5)
Elven Archer (1) x2
Into the Shadows (0)
Murloc Tidecaller (1)
Defias Ringleader (2)
Voodoo Doctor (1)
SI: 7 Agent (3)
Youthful Brewmaster (2)
Anub'ar Ambusher (4) x2
Novice Engineer (2)
Sunfury Protector (2)
Echoing Ooze (2) x4
Big Game Hunter (3)
Razorfen Hunter (3)
Tinkmaster Overspark (3)
Mind Control Tech (3)
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Gnomish Inventor (4)
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Loatheb (5)
Stampeding Kodo (5) x2
Elune Priestess(6)
Frost Elemental (6)
Alexstrasza (9)
The initial stage: The key to victory is retaining high numbers of units in the battlefield, which is why you should start playing your minions immediately, even if you were to waste their Battle cry. There is a high probability that any of them will be returned back to your hand By Maexxna's power, thanks to which you will be able to play it again and activate its power again. Play the Echoing Ooze (2), whenever the opportunity arises. If the opponent returns this card to your hand, you will be able to play it again and create new clones.
The middle stage: Play an aggressive game. Eliminate only the major threats, like e.g. Shade of Naxxramas (3) or Sludge Belcher (5). The majority of these units should have 1-3 attack points, but this is perfectly enough, if you keep the table full. Use Sunfury Protector (2) and Defender of Argus (4) on the Echoing Ooze (2), to give it Taunt, which it passes over to the clone.
The final stage: If you have played aggressively and did not obtain expensive cards only, Maexxna should be at the brink of dying now. If she still has too many health points, you can use Alexstrasza (9), to bring down the health points to 15 points, or heal yourself to reach 15. The opponent may also play the Sea Giant (10), which is why it is better to keep the Big Game Hunter (3) for this eventuality.
Reward: Anub'ar Ambusher (4)
Noth is the first boss in the Plague Quarter, who has the standard 30 health points, in he is a Mage, by his class. He has a bit unique hero power, which remains active for the whole time and does not cost at all. Its effect is summoning a skeleton 1/1 after the death of a player's minion.
Hero Power: Raise Dead (Passive) - Each time enemy minion dies, summon Skeleton 1/1
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Geomancer Kobold (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem(3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Protector (8) x2
The initial stage: The first boss is exceptionally easy, especially with the above druid deck. Skeletons 1/1/ are little problem to your minions and the majority of them are killed by your opponent. You only need to watch out for the numerous Secrets that your opponent is using, including Duplicate (3), which activates after one of his minions dies and gives him 2 cards with a copy of that unit. Play just like in the case of a Normal battle. Use Wild Growth (2), to speed up mana inflow and Harvest Golems (3) for the elimination of the weaker units. Also, use Invigorate (0), to summon the heavier units, like Chillwind Yeti (4) or Druid of the Claw (5).
The middle stage: If you have already played your strong minions with Taunt, you can focus on attacking the enemy hero. Keep Keeper of the Grove (4) for the Silence effect, which will come in handy against the annoying units with Taunt and Deathrattle, like e.g. Unstable Ghoul (2) or Fen Creeper (5). You can eliminate Skeletons 1/1 with your own hero power.
The final stage: Play your Ironbark Defenders (8), to block the opponent one and for all. If you can kill the enemy hero, but he has a Secret active, try to attack in a way that will deplete his health to the lowest level possible, before the last attack. Noth often uses Ice Block (3), that puts his death off by one turn. The lowest his health before he uses Secret, the easier it is going to be to kill him in the next turn.
Reward: Stoneskin Gargoyle (3)
In the Heroic mode, Noth's health went up to 45 points and his passive power grew in importance. Instead of Skeletons 1/1, the opponent now summons Skeletons 5/5, whenever a player's minion dies
Hero Power: Raise Dead (Passive) - Each time enemy minion dies, summon Skeleton 5/5
Recommended Deck: Druid - Heroic Noth
Neutral Cards (10)
Class Cards (20)
Loatheb (5)
Invigorate (0) x2
Maexxna (6)
Naturalize (1)
Boulderfist Ogre (6) x2
Claw (1) x2
Sun worshipper (6) x2
Wild Growth (2) x2
Lord of the Arena (6) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Stormcity Champion (7) x2
Healing Touch (3)
Swipe (4) x2
Poison Seeds (4) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Starfire (6) x2
Ironbark Protector (8) x2
The initial stage: The opponent's behavior is similar to that in the Normal version but, each death of your minion may have grave consequences. Pay attention to health of your units and perform profitable exchanges. Also, do not be stingy with spells against the summoned Skeletons 5/5, since the opponent does not have too many units of that high statistics. Start with Wild Growth (2) and Invigorate (0), to increase your mana supplies and summon the stronger units, like e.g. Loatheb (5) and Druid of the Claw (5). Also use Claw (1) in combination with the druid's power to ensure yourself with strong 3 attack points for the elimination of the weaker units.
The middle stage: Play Maexxna (6), who is ideal for the elimination of the annoying skeletons 5/5 and protect her with units with Taunt. Try to hold not more than 2-3 minions in the battlefield. Noth has very strong Plague (6), which destroys all units that are not skeletons.
The final stage: Play Boulderfist Ogre (6) and Ironbark Defender (8), for a good punch. Reinforce them with Stormwind Champion (7) and, if you want it, Mark of the Wild (2), to raise their health. Keep Naturalization (1) for a critical target that you cannot get rid of in any other way. Use Starfire (6) against Skeletons 5/5. If the situation is tough, you can use Poison Seeds (4), to turn all of the opponent's units into Treants 2/2. Use it only if you do not have any other units on the table. Otherwise, the spell will kill your minions and turn them into Treants 2/2, but will also summon Skeletons 5/, controlled by the opponent.
Heigan the Unclean - this is the name of the next boss in the Plaque Quarter. He has the standard 30 health points, and he is a Warlock. His hero power allows him to deal 2 damage points to the left-most enemy unit (as seen from the player's perspective). Additionally, the cost to use this power is only 1 mana, thanks to which it is activated, nearly, every turn.
Hero Power: Eruption (1) - Deal 2 damage points to the left-most enemy minion
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Geomancer Kobold (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem(3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Protector (8) x2
The initial stage: Due to Haigen's unpleasant power, you are going to need a deck with more vigorous minions, and druid is perfect for that. During the match, you only need to pay attention to playing minions with the highest amount of health on the left, which will allow them to take on damage from the opponent's power. The rest is a standard thing. Use Wild Growth (2) and Invigorate (0), to get a shot of mana and start playing minions, such as Chillwind Yeti (4), Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) and Druid of the Claw (5).
The middle stage: The best unit to take damage from the opponent's power is Keeper of the Grove (4) or Sen'jinu Shieldmasta (4) in combination with Mark of the Wild (2). Thanks to this, the rest of your minions, with higher attack statistics, will have more freedom, while eliminating the enemy minions and attacking the boss.
The final stage: Continue attacking. You can play Sun worshipper (6) or Stonebark Defender (8) to the left side to absorb the majority of damage, for some time. Also, pay attention to health level of your units, especially if there are many of them. Heigan has Shadowflame (4), that he casts on one of his minions and destroy it to deal damage to the enemy minions, which equals the attack of the destroyed card. Usually, it is, around, 4 damage points, which is why you should try and keep the majority of your minions above that value. Reward: Unstable Ghoul (2)
Apart from the increased 45 pt. and a more aggressive playing style, Heroic Heigan also receives a considerably stronger hero power, which now deals 3 damage points and is completely free to use. This means that he is going to be using this power at the beginning of each turn, which may be problematic for the weaker minions.
Hero Power: Eruption (0) - Deal 3 damage points to the left-most enemy minion
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Control the Unclean
Neutral Cards (18)
Class Cards (13)
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Sunfury Protector (2)
Sacrificial Pact (0) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Power Overwhelming (1) x2
Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) x2
Blood Imp (1)
Gurubashi Berserker (5) x2
Shadow Bolt (3) x2
Sludge Belcher (5) x2
Life Tap (3) x2
Sun worshipper (6) x2
Siphon Soul (6) x2
Frost Elemental (6) x2
Stormcity Champion (7) x2
The initial stage: It is immensely important to position your units well in the match. On the left side of the table, you should always deploy the minions with the highest health level, or the ones with special abilities, such as Nerubian Egg (2) and Gurubashi Berserker (5). The opponent is always going to use his power at the beginning of his turn, before playing cards and minions. Additionally Heigan starts the battle with the Voidcaller (4) on the table and has the tendency to reinforce that with Demonfire (2). Try to get the Sacrificial Pact (0) at the beginning of the game to eliminate the threat.
The middle stage: At first, play defensively and try to create a strong barrier of minions. Play Nerubian Eggs (2) on the left, thanks to which Haigen's power turns them into Nerubians 4/4. The Stone Gargoyle (3) is ideal for taking these 3 damage points, because his health regenerates at the beginning of your turn. You can deploy the Gurubashi Berserker (5), whose Enrage uses Power Overwhelming (1) against Haunted Creeper (2) or Nerubian Egg (2), to strengthen their attack and eliminate the more dangerous units. Also, remember about the offensive spells, such as Soulfire (0) and Shadow Bolt (3), Thanks to which you can destroy the Voidcallers (4).
The final stage: Play the Stormcity Champion (7), to lend strength to the remaining minions. Keep Siphon Soul (6) for Hagen's strongest demons: Doomguard (5) and Dread Infernal (6). You can also use Frost Elemental (6), to freeze them for one turn and deal damage to the enemy hero.
Loatheb is the final boss of the Plague Quarter and, probably, the most interesting one. He has lots of health, whose value reaches 75 points, and a very interesting mechanics that reinforces the attack of his units and helps bring that steep value down. His hero power works like the one of the Hunter on steroids - 2 mana points for 3 damage points for the enemy hero.
Hero Power: Necrotic Aura (3) - Deal3 damage points to the enemy hero
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Naxx Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
The initial stage: Do not let yourself be scared by the opponent's high health level. There are special mechanics which, during the game, strengthens up all of your minions in the field, by 8 points. The key is having lots of units on the table to increase the effectiveness of this mechanics. To receive that boost, you need to destroy the enemy Spore (0), which appears after the opponent uses one of two spells: Sporeburst (1), which deals 1 damage point to all enemy minions, and Deathbloom (5), which deals 5 damage points to one of the minions. Just like in the case of the Zoo deck, play as effectively as possible, use up all of the mana available to you and try keeping control, up until spores appear.
The middle stage: As soon as the Spore (0) appears, use a minion of the lowest attack and destroy it. Just remember that you need to play all of the units into the battlefield, thanks to which they receive boost to their attack. The effect is constant and it is added to the next ones, which is why it is a good idea to wait for 2-3 spores to appear, to destroy them all in one turn and receive 16-24 additional damage points for each minion. Still, you should watch the health of your minions, because it remains unchanged, which makes them easy to lose. Reinforced with units, always attack the enemy hero.
The final stage: Use Shieldmasta (0), Voidwalker (1) and Defender of Argus (4), to ensure yourself with several minions with Taunt. They will protect the remaining units with their boosted attacks. Attack the spores with Soulfire (0). This way, you exchange 4 damage points for, at least 8 pt. and you do not need to use to attack with a minion to destroy the Spore. An ideal solution is to play the Doomguard (5) right before the destruction of the spores , which will ensure it with an immediate attack with buffs.
Reward: Sludge Belcher (5) and Loatheb (5)
Loatheb's heroic version has the dreaded 99 health points and a mana cost of the power lowered to 0, due to which he uses it every turn. The appropriate exploitation of the spore mechanics and healing your own hero are required to succeed here.
Hero Power: Necrotic aura (0) - Deal 3 damage points to the enemy hero
Recommended Deck: Priest - Heroic Loatheb
Neutral Cards (16)
Class Cards (14)
Elven Archer (1) x2
Young Priestess (1) x2
Argent Squire (1)
Power Word: Shield (1) x2
Lightwarden (1)
Holy Smite (1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2
Voodoo Doctor (1) x2
Lightwell (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Holy Nova (5) x2
Loot Hoarder (2)
Holy Fire (6) x2
Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) x2
Ironforge Rifleman (3)
Earthen Ring Farseer (3) x2
The initial stage: Just like in the case of the Normal mode, the important element here is the spore mechanics. It appears right after the enemy uses Sporeburst (1) and Deathbloom (5). Destroying Spore (0) provides all of the player's units on the table with permanent +8 attack points. Loatheb starts off with a little help from Sludge Belcher (5) and a Spore (0). The best way to eliminate the former is by using Shadow Word: Pain (2). Start deploying your weaker minions, like e.g. Argent Squire (1), Shieldmasta (1) or Haunted Creeper (2). Use the Elven Archer (1) and Ironforge Rifleman (3), to destroy the Spore without the necessity to attack with the unit.
The middle stage: Remember to heal. Heal your hero with his hero power and minions: Voodoo Doctor (1), Earthen Ring Farseer (3) and Lightwell (2). Before healing, you can play Lightwarden (1), to boost her attack with 2 points per each healing of the hero or a minion. Also, play Young Priestess (1) and heal your minions to obtain new cards.
The final stage: Use the units reinforced with the spore to attack the enemy hero. Use Power Word: Shield (1), to raise the health of the strengthened minion above 5 points, which will shield it from Deathbloom (5). Save Holy Fire (6) for stronger units and emergency healing, and Holy Nova (5) is going to be ideal for destroying multiple spores in one attack.
Class challenges are battles against normal bosses, using predefined decks. The opponents behave in nearly identical way, as in the normal mode and their difficulty levels are similar. What makes it challenging is that you need to defeat the opponent with a deck that you do not know, for which you are rewarded with the class card from the Naxxramas collection.
Plague Quarter has two types of class challenges: Hunter and Mage.
The hunter's class challenge has a very unique deck, which consists mainly of one type of cards - Web Spinner (1). This card has the Deathrattle effect which, after it is activated, provides the player with a random beast card. The opponent in this challenge is Loatheb in the Normal mode.
To a large extent, the course of the battle depends on the beast cards that you receive. Even though, with the Web Spinners (1) 1/1 themselves, it is possible to destroy the Spore (1), to buff your attack and finish the opponent off.
The initial stage: There aren't too many options here. Start throwing Web Spinners (1) and try to eliminate single units with it. If you have received cheap beast cards, like e.g. Swamp Raptor (2), River Crocolisk (2) or Ironfur Grizzly (3), you can play them, instead of Web Spinners (1). Still, try to throw in, at least, one each turn to ensure yourself with new cards.
The middle stage: The Spores appear after two kinds of spells are used: Sporeburst (1) and Deathbloom (5). As soon as a spore appears in the battlefield, throw in as many units s possible and destroy it to make all your units receive +8 to attack. With the buffed units, try to attack the enemy hero and attack minions only if necessary.
The final stage: Remember to deploy Web Spinners (1) on a regular basis. Even if all of them die killed by Sporeburst (1) you will receive more beast cards anyway. If you get a card with Stealth, like e.g. Jungle Panther (3) or Stranglethorn Tiger (5), keep them in hiding for a moment and destroy several of the spores. Thanks to this, you will be able to buff their attacks, without exposing them to danger and attack when the moment is right.
Reward: Web Spinner (1)
Mage's challenge is based mainly on Secrets and cards that harmonize with them. The special challenge cards is also Secret - Duplicate (3). This card makes 2 copies of own unit that has been destroyed by the opponent and puts it in the player's hand. The opponent in the challenge is Heigan the Unclean.
Below, you can find the make-up of mage's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (18)
Class Cards (12)
Undertaker (1) x2
Duplicate (3) x2
Secretkeeper (1) x2
Counterspell (3)
Bloodmage Thalnos (2)
Ice Barrier (3)
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Ice Block (3)
Mad Scientist (2) x4
Mirror Entity (3)
Loot Hoarder (2) x2
Kirin Tor Mage (3) x2
Baron Rivendare (4)
Sludge Belcher (5) x2
Vaporize (3)
Kairn Bloodhoof (6)
Ethereal Arcanist (4) x2
Sylvanas Windrunner (6)
The initial stage: The whole fun consists in manipulating the Secret cards in an appropriate way, and units that profit, like e.g. Secretkeeper (1) or Ethereal Arcanist (4). Start with playing the Undertaker (1), to prepare it for the cards with Deathrattle, such as e.g. Bloodmage Thalnos (2) or Loot Hoarder (2). Also, use the Mad Scientists (2). After their death, a random Secret from your deck is played. Also, do not forget about deploying your units properly. Heigan's hero power deals 2 damage to the left-most enemy minion.
The middle stage: Remember that Secrets activate only during the opponent's turn. Try to attack the enemy hero and leave the exchange between minions to him. Make a good use of the new legendary unit - Baron Rivendare (4). His special effect activates Deathrattle twice, over the player's minions. Thanks to this, you can get very interesting effects, such as two Secrets after the death of one Mad Scientist (2) or two Nerubians 4/4 for one Nerubian Egg (4).
The final stage: Play so as always to have, at least, one active Secret (Ice Block (3) should do). When they are active, the Ethereal Arcanist (4) receives +2/2 at the end of each turn and it may quickly turn into a powerful leading unit. The Sludge Belcher is the only card with Taunt in this deck, which is why it is a good idea to play it with Duplicate (3) active. The enemy will have to get rid of it, usually in the first place, thanks to which you will receive 2 copies of that unit.
Reward: Duplicate (3)
The first opponent that welcomes you at the Military Quarter is Instructor Razuvious. The class that corresponds to him is Warrior and his health pool equals to 40. He also has his hero power, which allows him to deal 3 damage points to enemy minions, or the player's hero.
Hero Power: Unbalancing Strike (3) - Deal 3 points of damage
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Kobold Geomancer (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun Worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Defender (8) x2
Initial Stage: In this battle, you need to stay away from two things: the opponent's hero power and his weapon - Great Runic Blade(3). As for the power, simply try to keep your minions' health above 3 points. Razuvious's weapon deals 5 damage to minions and twice as much to the enemy hero (10 points). This means that the opponent can kill your hero in three blows. For this reason, you need lots of minions with Taunt that will take on the sword blows. At the beginning of the battle, you also receive a special card- Mind Control Crystal (1). Use it to seize control over two Apprentices 0/7 with Taunt, who will be protecting you in the initial turns. You can also play the Mark of the Wild (2) on them, to give them the option to attack. Apart from that, use the standard cards, such as the Wild Growth (2) and Invigorate (0), to reach higher mana levels.
Middle Stage: Try to keep, at least, two minions with Taunt, for the whole time and units such as Chillwind Yeti (4) and Harvest Golem (3), use for attacking the opponent and destroying his minions. Also remember about the Kobold geomancer (2), which you can play before the offensive spells, such as, e.g. Swipe (4) or Wrath (2), in order to raise their strength by one.
Final Stage: Play the Lord of the Arena (6) and Ironbark Defenders (8), to block the enemy. The opponent is reluctant towards using his weapon on minions with high attack ratio. Use the weaker units and offensive spells to keep control over the battlefield and use the abovementioned minions to attack Razovious.
Rewards: Dancing Swords (3)
The Heroic version of Instructor Razuvious has many improvements, as compared to the normal one. The pool of his health has been increased to 55 points and his power now deals 4 damage, at the cost of 1 mana. Additionally, his Great Runic Blade (3) has gained in strength and now deals 10 damage points to minions and 20 damage points to the enemy hero.
Hero Power: Unbalancing Strike (1) - Deal 4 damage points
Recommended Deck: Priest - Rogue
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Ancient Watcher (2) x2
Circle of Healing (0) x2
Sunfury Protector (2) x2
Young Priestess (1) x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) x2
Power Word: Shield (1) x2
Deathwish (3) x2
Inner Fire (1) x2
Mogu'shan Warden (4) x2
Mind Vision (1) x2
Stampeding Kodo (5)
Divine Spirit (2) x2
Sludge Belcher (5) x2
Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2
Thoughtsteal (3) x2
Holy Nova (5)
Initial Stage: In this battle, the opponent's sword deals 20 damage points to your hero and may kill him in two blows. This is why you should uphold the units with Taunt. Also, remember about the opponent's power, which deals 4 damage points. Keep the health of your units above that value, and you should have no problems withstanding the 20 damage in your face. Start by seizing the apprentices 0/7 with the Mind Control Crystal (1). Use Power Word: Shield (1) and Divine Spirit (2), to double the Apprentice's health, and use the Inner Fire (1) spell on him, to provide him with the attack value equal to his health. Focus entirely on attacking the enemy hero. Do not waste health of your minions on fighting the enemy units.
Middle Stage: The key to success, in this fight, is to seize the opponent's weapon. Play Mind Vision (1) and Thoughtsteal (3), to obtain the opponent's cards. As soon as you intercept Great Runic Blade (3), start using it immediately, against the enemy hero. The sword has two charges, which gives 40 damage points altogether. Throw in the Deathwish (3), Mogu'shan Warden (4) and Sludge Belcher (5), to slow down the opponent.
Final Stage: If you have managed to steal, at least, one sword, the conclusion to the battle should be foregone. Use all of your minions against the enemy hero. If you are blocked off by Deathwish (3), use spell Shadow Word: Pain (2) or Stampeding Kodo (5), to remove the card from the battlefield. If you need to heal your units, play the Circle of Healing (0), to restore 4 health points to everyone. You need to watch out, because the spell also heals the enemy units.
Gothik the Harvester is the second boss at the Military Quarter. He has the standard 30 health points and a specific hero power, which allows him to draw in an additional card with each use. Additionally, Gothik has quite a vast array of class spells of the Warlock and several standard cards from Naxxramas.
Hero Power: Harvest (2) - Draw a card
Recommended Deck: Warlock- Naxx Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1) x2
Flame Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker(1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Scarlet Crusader (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Initial Stage: Gothik has several types of unique minions with Deathrattle. Once they are destroyed, they summon their spectral counterparts to the side of the player, which do not have attack, but they occupy space on the table and deal 1 damage point to the hero, at the beginning of his turn. However, if you endow them with the capability to attack, you will be able to play them just like the rest of the minions. Start by throwing in cards of cost of 1, e.g. Argent Squire (1), Fire Imp (1) or Voidwalker (1), and then play as efficiently as possible, trying to use up all the available mana in each turn.
Middle Stage: Use cards, such as Dire Wolf Alpha (2), Shattered Sun Cleric (3) and Defender of Argus (4), to enable the specters, on your half of the table, to attack. Try to play aggressively flood the table with your units and attack the face of the opponent,
Final Stage: Play the Dark Iron Dwarf (4) and Abusive Sergeant (1), to provide your units with one-time buff to attack. When the opponent is at the verge of dying, throw in the Doomguard (5), to gain additional 5 damage points and bring his health down to zero.
Rewards: Spectral Knight (5)
Gothik returns in his heroic version. His health has been boosted to 45 points, and his power now costs 1 mana and not only draws one card, but also increases the mana pool by one crystal, which now allows him to reach quickly higher mana levels.
Hero Power: Harvest (1) - Draw a card. You receive one mana crystal
Recommended Deck: Shaman - Bloodlust
Neutral Cards (7)
Class Cards (23)
Faerie Dragon (2) x2
Lightning Bolt (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Rockbiter Weapon (1) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Earth Shock (1)
Dire Wolf Alpha (2)
Ancestral Spirit (2) x2
Reincarnate (2)
Flametongue Totem (2) x2
Lightning Storm (3) x2
Feral Spirit (3) x2
Mana Tide Totem (3) x2
Unbound Elemental (3) x2
Evil Charm (3) x2
Bloodlust (5)
Fire Elemental(6) x2
Initial Stage: With Gothik, also his specters return, which appear on your half of the table, after you destroy the enemy units. These specters deal 1 point to the hero, at the beginning of his turn and do not have attack statistics. You can provide them with the ability to attack, by using cards, such as Dire Wolf Alpha (2), Flametongue Totem (2) or Rockbiter Weapon (1). Start by playing cheap units, such as Nerubian Egg (2) and Faerie Dragon (2). Use Ancestral Spirit (2) or Reincarnate (2) on the Nerubian Eggs (2), to activate their Deathrattle and summon another egg.
Middle Stage: The opponent gains mana fast so, you need to play an aggressive game but, do not forget about controlling the battlefield. If the opponent floods his half with minions, you can have quite a problem with regaining control. Use Lightning Storm (3), to eliminate the majority of weak opponents. Leave Lightning (1) and Rockbiter Weapon (1) as a finisher, for the stronger units. If you need more cards, throw Mana Tide Totem (3) in and try to protect it with a totem with Taunt.
Final Stage: Use the Fire elemental (6), to eliminate the weaker units and ensure yourself with body 6/5 in the battlefield. Keep Evil Charm (3) for more threatening targets, or the specters on your half, to decrease damage taken and ensure yourself with an emergency unit with Taunt. If you have, at least, 4 minions in the field, you can play Bloodlust (5), to ensure everyone with +3 to attack. However, it is best if left for the final blow to the enemy hero.
The Four Horsemen, in spite of what the name suggests, are merely one opponent. Three of them are minions 1/7 that occupy the battlefield, where the last one is presented as the hero, also with 7 health points, and his power allows him to draw two additional cards, at the cost of 5 mana.
Hero Power: Damned Shadow (5) - Draw 2 cards
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Kobold Geomancer (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun Worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Defender (8) x2
Initial Stage: Although the enemy hero only has 7 health points, his three companions always protect him from any damage. To attack the hero, you first need to eliminate the horsemen in the battlefield. The opponent uses no other minions, only weapon cards and paladin Secrets. The Horsemen only deal 3 damage points in each turn, which is why you do not need to hurry too much. Increase the growth of mana, using Wild Growth (2) and Invigorate (0), and then start playing your own units, e.g. Chillwind Yeti (4), Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) or Druid of the Claw (5).
Middle Stage: watch out for the opponent's Secrets. He uses Penance (1), Redemption (1) and Vengeance (1). Use Harvest Golems (3), to alleviate the effect of the Penance (1), and if one of the Horsemen comes back to life, as a result of Redemption (1), you can use the druid's hero power to send him back to the afterlife. Watch out for the Mark of the Horsemen (5), which provides all of the opponents with +1/+1 and buffs the opponent's weapon by 1/1.
Final Stage: If you have eliminated all of the horsemen, you can focus on the enemy hero. Use Swipe (4) and Druid of the Claw (6) with Charge, to bring down his 7 health points. You only need to watch out for his weapon. Once all three horsemen are dead, his weapon receives +3 to attack, due to which it deals now 4 damage points. This may be dangerous if your hero is low on health also.
Rewards: Deathwish (3), Baron Rivendare (4)
Dja vu?
The final boss of the Heroic mode are the Four Horsemen. They have received quite a boost now, in the form of the doubled health of the hero (14 points) and attack increased to, in the case of the Horsemen in the battlefield. Additionally, the weapon Runic Blade (3) has received +1 to attack and +6 to attack, when all the horsemen are dead. The Hero power does not change.
Hero Power: Damned Shadow (5) - Draw 2 cards
Recommended Deck: Priest - Horsemen Slayer
Neutral Cards (14)
Class Cards (16)
Unstable Ghoul (2) x2
Young Priestess (1) x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) x2
Power Word: Shield (1) x2
Deathwish (3) x2
Holy Smite (1) x2
Volcanic Fury (3) x2
Mind Vision (1) x2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2
Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2
Sludge Belcher (5) x2
Lightwell (2)
Spectral Knight (5)
Mind Blast (2) x2
Maexxna (6)
Shadow Word: Death(3)
Holy Nova (5) x2
Initial Stage: Before you can attack the enemy hero, you need to eliminate the Horsemen in the battlefield. Start by playing the Unstable Ghoul(2), to slow them down a little. You can eliminate two of the horsemen with the Shadow Word: Pain (2), and if they are brought back to life, with paladin's Secret, use the Deathrattle effect of the Unstable Ghoul (2) or Holy Smite (1), to get rid of them for good.
Middle Stage: Play the units with Taunt, to protect your hero and bring down the health of the Horsemen. Deathwish (3) is ideal for this type of battles, because the Death does not summon any enemy minion. Also, play Lightwell (2) behind the minions with Taunt, thanks to which they will be receiving healing every turn.
Final Stage: Play Spectral Knight (5) and keep attacking the enemy Horsemen with it. The opponent mainly uses spell cards to eliminate your minions however, this unit is resistant to them. Meaxxna (6) is also perfect against the Horsemen, because a single blow from her destroys any unit, regardless of health level. Once you eliminate all of the Horsemen, use Mind Blast (2), to bring down the health of the enemy hero to 4 health points, and then eliminate him either with your minions or spell cards.
Class challenges are battles against normal bosses, using predefined decks. The opponents behave in nearly identical way, as in the normal mode and their difficulty levels are similar. What makes it challenging is that you need to defeat the opponent with a deck that you do not know, for which you are rewarded with the class card from the Naxxramas collection.
There are two class challenges in the Military Quarter: shaman's and warlock's.
Shaman's class challenge concerns, mainly the cards with Deathrattle and buffing cards. The special summoning card is Reincarnate (4), which allows the user to destroy any minion and return it back to life, with full health. As the opponent, here comes Gothik the Harvester again, with his irritating specters and 30 health points, just like in the regular mode.
Below, you can find the make-up of the shaman's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (17)
Class Cards (13)
Nerubian Egg (2) x4
Rockbiter Weapon (1) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x3
Reincarnate (2) x2
Sunfury Protector (3) x2
Flametongue Totem (2) x3
Tinkmaster Overspark (3)
Lightning Storm (3) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Evil Charm (3) x2
Cult Master (4)
Earth Elemental (5) x2
Feugen (5)
Stalagg (5)
Cairne Bloodhoof (6)
Sylvanas Windrunner (6)
Initial Stage: Remember that some of the enemy units come back to life, after they are destroyed, as specters. Use the Flametongue Totem (2), Sunfury Protector (3) and Argent Defender (4), to provide them with the ability to attack. play an aggressive game and attack the enemy minions only if necessary.
Middle Stage: Play the Earth Elemental (5), to reinforce your position. Make sure only that you are prepared for the next turn, because you will have 3 mana crystals less. Keep Evil Charm (3) for the units with Taunt or the minions that turn into specters. The Reincarnate (2) spell is perfect against units, such as Sylvanas Windrunner (6), Cairne Bloodhoof (6) or Nerubian Egg (2). By destroying them, the spell also activates the Deathrattle effect and restores the unit with its health full.
Final Stage: Continue attacking the enemy units, as often as possible. If you need more cards, play the Cult Master (4) and send several buffed specters to turn them into cards. The opponent also has the tendency for using Corruption (1) on the stronger units. In such a situation, use Reincarnate (2), to save your unit.
Rewards: Reincarnate (2)
A total Dja vu
The second class challenge is for the Warlock and it revolves around Demon cards. The special class card is Voidcaller (4) with the ability of Deathrattle, which summons random demon from hand, the battlefield. The opponent in this battle are the four Horsemen of the normal mode.
Below, you can find the make-up of the Warlock's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (5)
Class Cards (25)
Unstable Ghoul (2) x2
Soulfire (0)
Impmaster (3) x2
Sacrificial Pact (0)
Illidan Stormrage (6)
Voidwalker (1) x2
Demonfire (2) x2
Shadow Bolt (3)
Twisting Nether (3) x2
Sense demons (3) x2
Drain Life (3) x2
Voidcaller (4) x6
Bane of Doom (5)
Doomguard (5) x2
Dreaded Infernal (6) x2
Lord Jaraxxus (9)
Initial Stage: Just like in the normal mode, your task is to defeat the three Horsemen in the battlefield. Only then, will you be able to attack the enemy hero. The opponent does not play any additional units, but he plays lots of class spells of the mage, paladin, warlock and priest. He also has one kind of weapon. First, you need to survive the first 3 turns . Play Unstable Ghoul(2) and Voidwalker (1), to slow down the enemy. Also, use Sense demons (3), to obtain additional demons.
Middle Stage: Start emptying your hand of the accumulated Voidcallers (4). Their death will ensure you with an additional demon on the table (if you have any in your hand) so, do not bother with their health. Focus on the Horsemen, eliminate one after another. Also, watch out for the possible Secrets, such as Repentance (1), which can return dead Horsemen to life.
Final Stage: You should already have a well-developed army of Demons. Voidcaller (4) is best for summoning demons such as Doomguard (5) or Dreaded Infernal (6), thanks to which you will be able to skip the negative effects of those cards. If you are low on health, play Sacrificial Pact (0) on a Voidcaller (4), to heal 5 health points and summon another Demon. You can also use Lord Jaraxxus (9), to set your health at the level of 15 points and ensure yourself with several useful skills, such as weapon 3/8 and summon Infernal 6/6 for 2 mana.
Rewards: Voidcaller (4)
Patchwerk is a huge abomination made up of the fragments of dead creatures. It is quite an unusual opponent, because he has no cards and only his Hero power, which costs 4 mans and allows him to destroy any minion, as well as a weapon 2/8 - Hook (3). This weapon also has the Deathrattle effect, which returns the card to the opponent's hand, who can play it again.
Hero Power: Hateful Strike (4) - Destroy a minion
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Naxx Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Fire Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker (1) x2
Shieldmasta (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Initial Stage: While playing Zoo you should encounter no major problems with this opponent. Just ensure yourself with 2-3 minions with Taunt, e.g. Voidwalker (1) or Shieldmasta (1). You can slow use Defender of Argus (4), to provide the other minions with Taunt. Patchwerk only uses his weapon and always attacks your hero with it. Only the minions with Taunt can block his blow. A single attack from this boss deals 5 damage points, which means that he is capable of killing your hero within 6 turns. Start by playing cards of cost of one, such as Fire Imp(1), Voidwalker (1) or Argent Squire (1). play as efficiently as possible and try to use up the whole mana available to you.
Middle Stage: Do not worry too much about the opponent's power. He throws all of his minions into the battlefield and attacks his opponent with them. With empty hand, use Soulfire (0), to deal additional 4 damage points. A good move is to play the Argent Defender (4), to provide Taunt to the Nerubian Eggs (2). the enemy will have to eliminate them, which will summon more minions 4/4.
Final Stage: If you did not get too expensive cards, the opponent should be down within 6-7 turns. Remember to buff the attack with the Abusive Sergeant (1), Shattered Sun Cleric (3) and Dark Iron Dwarf (4), to speed up the decline of the opponent's health.
Rewards: Undertaker (1)
Heroic Patchwerk Returns to battle. His upgraded version has 45 health points and a modified Hook (3), which now deals 4 damage points, but has the Windfury, which enables him to attack twice. This battle requires a good share of minions with Taunt and requires you to maintain a good control of the opponent.
Hero Power: Hateful Strike (4) - Destroy a minion
Recommended Deck: Mage -Patchwerk Control
Neutral Cards (12)
Class Cards (18)
Faerie Dragon (2) x2
Ice Lance (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Mirror Image (1) x2
Sunfury Protector (2) x2
Mana Wyrm (1) x2
Mad Scientist (2) x2
Frost Bolt (2) x2
Deathwish (3) x2
Sorcerer's Apprentice (2) x2
Darklight Oracle (3) x2
Duplicate (3) x2
Ice Barrier(3) x2
Arcane Intellect (3) x2
Water Elemental (4) x2
Initial Stage: The key to success here is controlling the opponent with Freeze and slowing him down, using minions with Taunt. Start by playing the Mana Wyrm (1) and, if possible, use Coin (0), to play Mirror Image (1), which will buff the Mana Wyrm (1) and summon two units with Taunt. Then start playing Faerie Dragons (2) and Sorcerer's Apprentice (2), to decrease mana cost of spells.
Middle Stage: Use the Ice Lance (1) and Frost Bolt (2), to freeze the opponent for one turn. Use the Sunfury Protector (2) to provide the other minions with Taunt. The best for that are the Nerubian Eggs (2) and Faerie Dragons (2). Remember about the opponent's power, which allows him to destroy any opponent (with the exception of Faerie Dragon (2)). He usually uses it to destroy units with Taunt.
Final Stage: If you need cards, play Arcane Intellect (3) or Darklight Oracle (3). Use Duplicate (3) to copy the more useful minions, such as Sunfury Protector (2) or Faerie Dragon (2). Also, remember about the Ice Barrier Secret (2), which can absorb the enemy's 2 blows.
Another opponent of the quarter is Grobbulus. He has the standard 30 health points and an active hero power, which costs him 2 mana and deal 1 damage point to all minions. If any of them is destroyed, slime is summoned, to the aid Grobbulus. Additionally, the opponent has lots of cards that buff the minion attack, such as Cold Blood (1).
Hero Power: Poison Cloud (2) - Deal 1 damage point to all minions. If any dies, summon slime
Recommended Deck: Druid - Rampdruid
Neutral Cards (13)
Class Cards (17)
Kobold Geomancer (2)
Invigorate (0) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Sun Worshipper (6) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Lord of the Arena (6)
Saturate (5)
Ironbark Defender (8) x2
Initial Stage: You need to watch out for two things in this battle: minions with 1health point and cards that buff the opponent. Try not to leave your minions with 1 health point, because Grobbulus will eliminate them with his power and obtain Slime 2/2, thanks to this. Heal them or destroy them on the enemy minions, if necessary. As for the buffing cards, you need to watch out, first of all, for the Mutating Injection (3), which provides units with +4/+4 and Taunt. Start by winding up the pace. Play Wild Growth (2), to speed up mana influx, and use Invigorate (0) to summon the more expensive units. Also, play Harvest Golems (3) to eliminate the smaller opponents.
Middle Stage: Throw in the lighter minions with Taunt, e.g. Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) and Druid of the Claw (5). Try to keep the Keeper of the Grove (4) for the Silence, which is going to e useful against the units buffed with Mutating Injection (3). If the opponent accumulates a greater number of smaller units (Echoing Ooze (2), Slime 2/2), you can play the Kobold geomancer (2) and Swipe (4) combination, to clear the boss's side. Grobbulus has almost no offensive spells, with the exception of Batter (2), which deals 2 damage points to a unit and draws a card if the unit survives.
Final Stage: Start summoning the more expensive minions, such as Sun Worshipper (6), Lord of the Arena (6) and Ironbark Defender (8). They should effectively block the attacks of the opponent. Ignore the weaker minions and focus on attacking the enemy hero. If health of any of your units drops to 1, use the Earthen Ring Farseer (3) or Mark of the Wild (2) to raise their health to safe levels.
Rewards: Mad Scientist (2)
Grobbulus in the heroic version has been upgraded to 45 health points, and his power now deals 2 damage points to all minions and is completely free. This means that the opponent will be dealing damage to your minions, but also to the hero, which will damage him for 2 each turn.
Hero Power: Poison Cloud (0) - Deal 2 damage points to all opponents. If any opponent dies, summon Slime
Recommended Deck: Druid - Gigantic defense
Neutral Cards (6)
Class Cards (24)
Earthen Ring Farseer (3) x2
Invigorate (0) x2
Gurubashi Berserker (5) x2
Naturalization (1) x2
Sludge Belcher (5) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Wild Growth (2) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Healing Touch (3) x2
Mark of Nature (3) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Saturate (5) x2
Starfall (5) x2
Ancient of War (7) x2
Ironbark Defender (8) x2
Initial Stage: Grobbulus's power now deals 2 damage points to your minions and to the hero. For that reason, you should be using Druid's power whenever possible, to decrease damage to 1 point. Start by boosting mana, using Wild Growth (2). Try to keep the battlefield under control. Keep using Wrath (2) and druid's power to destroy the opponent's minor minions.
Middle Stage: Throw in the Sludge Belcher (5) and Gurubashi Berserker (5). You can buff the former with Mark of the Wild (2) or Mark of Nature (3), and the latter will be excellent against the opponent, thanks to Enrage, which provides it with +3 to attack, with each attack of the opponent landed. You can heal the units with Earthen Ring Farseer (3), and with the Healing Touch (3), you can heal your hero. Also, use Saturate (5), to draw 3 cards or obtain 2 mana crystals, which will allow you to play your heaviest minions.
Final Stage: Start summoning the Ancients of War (7) and Ironbark Defenders(8). try to keep them alive and attack the enemy hero with them. It is best to use Swipe (4) against the annoying Haunted Creepers (5), and Starfall (5) is ideal to remove Slime 2/2 and Echoing Ooze (2). Naturalization (1) destroys any unit, but also provides the opponent with 2 cards, which is why you should keep it for exceptional threats., e.g. the strong units buffed with Mutating Injection (3).
Gluth is a corpse-eating dead dog and the third boss at the Construct Quarter. The functioning of his power is similar to that of the paladin's Equality (2) and decreases health of all the minions in the battlefield to 1. The opponent also has quite a few minions with Deathrattle and a weapon that becomes stronger with each death of a unit with this ability.
Hero Power: Decimate (2) - Change health of all minions to 1
Recommended Deck: Shaman- Control
Neutral Cards (8)
Class Cards (22)
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Lightning Bolt (1) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Rockbiter Weapon (1) x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) x2
Earth Shock (1) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Stormforged Axe (2) x2
Flametongue Totem (2) x2
Lightning Storm (3) x2
Feral Spirit (3) x2
Mana Tide Totem (3)
Unbound Elemental (3) x2
Evil Charm (3) x2
Bloodlust (5)
Fire Elemental(6) x2
Initial Stage: Gluth likes starting the game with playing his weapon 1/5 - Jaws (1). In itself, it is not too dangerous, but after connecting it with his power, he is capable of destroying any minion. Additionally, the weapon receives +2 to attack, per each killed opponent with Deathrattle. It is best to get rid of Swamp Ooze (2) as quickly as possible, at the beginning and play it to destroy Gluth's weapon. Leave the other Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) Also, play Haunted Creepers (2), which are very good in this battle, because of their health and the Deathrattle effect, which summons two spiders 1/1. Also, try to use hero power, as often as possible and summon random totems.
Middle Stage: Throw in the Unbound Elementals (3) and buff them with spells, such as Feral Spirit (3), Lightning Bolt (1) or with weapon Stormforged Axe (2). Also, deploy Nerubian Eggs (2) and add to their attack, using the Defender of Argus (4), Flametongue Totem or(2) or the Rockbiter weapon (1), and destroy them on the enemy units, to summon the Nerubian 4/4. You only need to make sure not to destroy them when the opponent has deployed his weapon, because this will buff its attack by 2 points.
Final Stage: Lightning Storm (3) is your only AoE spell so, use it with care. Play the Fire elemental (6), to remove the weaker units and obtain a strong minion. Try to keep, at least one minion with Taunt, at all times, to make it reinforce the more valuable minions against the opponent's weapon. f you have, at least, 2-3 units in the battlefield, play Bloodlust (5), to provide them all with +3 to attack and get rid of the opponent.
Rewards: Zombie (1)
Gluth is back in the heroic mode.
His health has been boosted to 45 points and his power is free to use and decreases health only in the enemy minions. Additionally, Gluth's weapon -Jaws (1) - has been powered up to 3/5.
Hero Power: Decimate (0) - Change health of the enemy minions to 1
Recommended Deck: Warlock- Zoo against Gluth
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Elven Archer (1)
Soulfire (0) x2
Argent Squire (1) x2
Fire Imp (1) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Voidwalker (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Scarlet Crusader (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Initial Stage: You need to play in the way similar to the Normal mode. Try to obtain the Acidic Swamp Ooze (2) in the starting hand. to get rid of Gluth's weapon, if necessary. The opponent starts with two minions in the battlefield: Unstable Ghoul(2) and Zombie (1). Start by playing the Fire Imp (1), to eliminate the Unstable Ghoul (2)/Zombie (1). Then throw in the Nerubian Eggs (2) and Haunted Creepers (2) to have them eliminate the weaker units.
Middle Stage: Try not to deploy too many units, because the opponent may play more Unstable Ghouls (2) or Haunted Creepers (5), whose Deathrattle effect will destroy most of your minions. You can, on the other hand, play freely your own cards with Deathrattle, such as Harvest Golem (3) or Haunted Creeper (2), as well as the units with Divine Shield (Argent Squire (1), Scarlet Crusader (3)). If you need to, you can get rid of the stronger units, throw in the Dire Wolf Alpha (2), Abusive Sergeant (1) or Dark Iron Dwarf (4), to buff your units and perform a profitable exchange. Try to keep the battlefield under control and attack the hero with loose minions. Also, destroy Zombie (1), to restore 5 health points to your hero.
Final Stage: Keep your health above 6 points, because the opponent has several offensive spells that allow him to attack, just like in the case of the weapon. Play the Defender of Argus (4), to provide the minions with Taunt and protect your hero. Use Soulfire (0) against units such as Haunted Creepers (4) and Sludge Belcher (5), and summon the Doomguard (5) at the very end, to finish the opponent off, pr get rid of the especially dangerous units, if necessary.
The great construct Thadius, that is designed to be Frankenstein's monster's lookalike, is the final boss of the Construct Quarter. He has the standard 30 health points, and his power is free to use. Thadius also uses a number of spells based on electricity, such as Lightning Bolt (1) or Forked Lightning (2).
Hero Power: Alter poles (0) - Switch attack and health in all opponents
Recommended Deck: Warlock - Thadius Zoo
Neutral Cards (22)
Class Cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Fire Imp (1) x2
Novice (1) x2
Voidwalker (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Deathwish (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Initial Stage: Thadius is a relatively easy opponents and Zoo is dealing well with him. His hero power does not cause too much trouble, because the health and attack statistics, in most minions, are on a similar level. Start by deploying the cheapest units, such as Fire Imp (1), Voidwalker (1) and Argent Squire (1). Try to use up the whole mana available to you.
Middle Stage: Play Nerubian Eggs (2), to have the opponent's power destroy them and turn into minions 4/4. Deathwish (3) may be especially useful, because its attack changes to 8. As soon as this happens, attack the face of the opponent. Keep his low health in mind, as well as the fact that his death summons a random unit to his aid. Keep playing a very aggressive game, for the whole time. Thadius often delays playing the individual units and usually, he does not play too strong cards.
Final Stage: With relatively decent cards, you should be able to deal with the opponent within 5-7- turns Do not hesitate to play Soulfire (0) against the opponent, because you want to finish him off, as quickly as possible and the extra 4 damage points will help you a lot. Also, do not await the empty hand to be able to play the Doomguard (5), which can potentially deal 5 points at the moment of playing and, as many as 7 points in the following turn. He is worthy the 2 weaker cards that you sacrifice for him.
Rewards: Weeping Soul (4), Feugen (5), Stalag (5)
The final heroic boss is Thadius, with his power to switch statistics of the units, and health increased to 45. The unpleasant addition are Feugen (5) and Stelag (5), which appear at the opponent's side, after the beginning of the game. They can quickly end the battle, if you do not have the appropriate cards in your starting hand.
Hero Power: Switch poles (0) - Switch attack with health in all opponents
Recommended Deck: Warlock -Thadius slayer
Neutral Cards (24)
Class Cards (6)
Undertaker (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Leper Gnome (1) x2
Corruption (1) x2
Zombie (1) x2
Void Terror (3)
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Shadow Flame (4)
Unstable Ghoul (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Loot Hoarder (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Dancing Swords (3) x2
Baron Rivendare (4)
Feugen (5)
Stalag (5)
Sludge Belcher (5)
Initial Stage: The basic thing is to eliminate Feugen (5) and Stelag (5), who appear at the beginning of the opponent's turn. Use Soulfire (0) to eliminate one of them and use Corruption (1) on the other. Then, play the Undertaker (1) and start buffing it with units with Deathrattle, such as Zombie (1), Leper Gnome (1) or Nerubian Egg (2).
Middle Stage: For the whole time, pay attention to the health of your units, to know what they will look like after the switch takes place in the next turn. Try to control the opponent's side and attack the enemy hero with the remaining minions. Play Baron Rivendare (4), whose power activates all of the Deathrattle effects twice, which perfectly harmonizes with units, such as Nerubian Egg (2), Loot Hoarder (2) and Haunted Creeper (2).
Final Stage: If you eliminated the opponent's Feugen (5) and Stelag (5), you can play your own ones. The death of either will summon the mighty Thadius 11/11, who is perfect for attacking the opponent's face. If the opponent gains considerable advantage in the battlefield, use Shadow Flame (4) on a friendly unit with high attack level to clear the opponent's side and regain control.
Class challenges are battles against normal bosses, using predefined decks. The opponents behave in nearly identical way, as in the normal mode and their difficulty levels are similar. What makes it challenging is that you need to defeat the opponent with a deck that you do not know, for which you are rewarded with the class card from the Naxxramas collection.
There are two class challenges at the Military Quarter: warrior and priest.
The Warrior's class challenge pits you against Grobbulus and his armies of Slimes again. The special card of the challenge is a weapon card, this time- Death's Bite (4). The weapon has 4 attack points, 2 durability points and the Deathrattle effect, which deals 1 damage point to all minions and it activates after the weapon is destroyed. The ready-made Warrior deck is built basing on minions with Enrage and several offensive, and buffing, spells.
Below, you can find the make-up of the Warrior's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (15)
Class Cards (15)
Amani Berserker (2) x2
Execute (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Amok (2) x2
Acolyte of Pain (3) x2
Battle Rage (2) x2
Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) x2
Armorsmith (2) x2
Raging Worgen (3) x2
Cleave (2) x2
Tauren Warrior (3) x2
Frothing Berserker (3) x2
Spiteful Smith (5)
Death's Bite (4) x2
Darkscale Healer (5) x2
Garrosh Hellscream (8)
Initial Stage: This battle is based, mainly on the Enrage ability of your minions, which may be problematic, if you fail to activate it. Additionally Grobbulus uses very powerful buffing cards, such as Mutating Injection (3), which boosts the statistics of his minions. This may be really problematic for this deck, because it lacks certain offensive spells or cards with Silence. You need to try to activate Enrage on your minions and, apart from that, keep them above 1 health point, to prevent them from being destroyed by the opponent's power. Start by playing Armorsmith (2) and Amani Berserker (2). The former ensures you with additional armor, whereas Amani Berserker (2) should be able to kill, at least, two enemy minions.
Middle Stage: If you have the Frothing berserker (3), play it before attacking the enemy minions to ensure it with immediate buff. Use Tauren Warrior (3) only when the situation is critical, to save the more valuable units (e.g. ones with Enrage active), because this is the only card with Taunt in this deck. Also play Nerubian Eggs (2), which should be destroyed by the opponent's power, sooner or later. Keep Battle Rage (2) for Slime 2/2 or finish off the stronger units with it. It is best to play this card when there are two enemy minions, in the battlefield, only. This will ensure you with a certain hit.
Final Stage: Get armed with Death's Bite (4), to eliminate the additional minions. try to play several minions with Enrage, before you strike the second blow. The Deathrattle effect of this weapon deals 1 damage point to everyone, which activates their Enrage. Leave Execute (1) for the minions buffed with Mutating Injection (3), and use Battle Rage (2) only if you have any wounded units in the battlefield, which will allow you to draw more cards. Also play Amok (2) on the wounded units, to buff them with +3/+3. Finally, deploy Garrosh Hellscream (8) combined with Deathrattle effect against Death Bite (4), to activate Enrage immediately and attack the enemy hero.
Rewards: Death's Bite (4)
The second class challenge in the Construct Quarter is the Priest's. The opponent in this case is Thadius, with his power of switching statistics of the units, and his class card is the Dark Cultist (3), whose Deathrattle effect provides a random friendly minion with +3 to health. The read-made deck is based, mainly on buffs to health of the units and on using the enemy forces to own advantage.
Below, you can find the make-up of the Priest's deck for this challenge.
Neutral Cards (10)
Class Cards (20)
Zombie (1) x2
Power Word: Shield (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x3
Inner Fire (1) x2
Mad Alchemist (2) x2
Divine Spirit (2) x2
Deathwish (3) x2
Dark Cultist (3) x2
Maexxna (6)
Auchenai Soulpriest(4) x2
Mindgames (4) x2
Shadow Madness (4)
Lightspawn (4) x2
Cabal Shadow Priest (6) x2
Temple Enforcer (6) x2
Prophet Velen (7)
Initial Stage: The only thing that you need to pay attention to, in this battle, are the statistics of the units in the battlefield. Thadius's Hero Power switches health and attack of all the units at the beginning of his turn. You can easily take advantage of that, by increasing health of your minions , to receive a higher attack value, per turn. Start by playing Zombie (1) and Nerubian Egg (2), which will be destroyed and turn into a Nerubian 4/4. Summon Deathwish (3) and use Internal Fire (1) on him, to turn him into a giant 8/8. Then, focus on attacking the enemy hero.
Middle Stage: Try to attack, mainly, the face of the opponent and, for the exchange with the enemy minions, use Dark Cultist (3) and Maexxna (6). If you have Inner Fire (2), you can play against the Deathwish (3) or Maexxna (6), to double their health to 16, and use then the Inner Fire (1), to create a powerful minion 16/16. You can do the same with the Lightspawn(4).
Final Stage: If you need additional cards, use Power Word: Shield (1). Play the Temple Enforcer (6), to provide +3 health to one of the minions and ensure yourself with a decent body of 6/6 in the battlefield. If you require some direct damage, play the Auchenai Soulpriest (4), which will allow you to deal 2 damage points with the Priest's hero power. You can also use the Cabal Shadow Priest (6), to seize control of the weaker enemy units.
Rewards: Dark Cultist (3)
Sapphiron is a giant undead blue dragon who has been sent to Naxxramas to serve Kel'Thuzad and to protect him. He is the penultimate challenge in the Curse of Naxxramas adventure and the first boss in the Frostwyrm Lair. He has the regular amount of 30 Hit Point and his hero power allows him to destroy all enemy minions that are not Frozen.
Hero power: Frost Breath (0) - Destroy all enemy minions that aren't Frozen.
Recommended deck: Druid - Rampdruid Sapphiron
Neutral cards (12)
Class cards (18)
Kobold Geomancer (2)
Innervate (0) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Mark of the Wild (2) x2
Earthen Ring Farseer (3)
Wild Growth (2) x2
Chillwind Yeti (4) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2
Healing Touch (3)
Boulderfist Ogre (6) x2
Keeper of the Grove (4) x2
Sunwalker (6) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Druid of the Claw (5) x2
Nourish (5)
Ironbark Protector (8) x2
Initial phase: Sapphiron has a very interesting playstyle. His power kills every minion that are not Frozen or aren't adjacent to the special minion called Frozen Champion (5). This minion will appear at the beginning of your battle on your side of the table and is completely passive, however it protects adjacent minions from the enemy's hero power. Since it applies to adjacent minions only, you can have on your battlefield only 2 minions at the same time, one on the left and one on the right of Frozen Champion (5). You should increase your mana income by using Wild Growth (2). After that play your Harvest Golems (3) on both sides of Frozen Champion (5) and use them to eliminate enemy small minions. You can use Mark of the Wild (2) to increase golem's strength and to gain minions with Taunt. Nonetheless you should not use Mark of the Wild (2) on Frozen Champion (5) since even though his initial 2/10 may be tempting you will need this minion to win the battle, so you basically have to keep him alive.
Middle phase: Start playing some stronger minions such as Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4), Chillwind Yeti (4) and Druid of the Claw (5). Keep trying to attack the enemy hero as often as possible, leaving to him all the trading. You should save your Keepers of the Grove (4) and use them only when you will see a good use for their Silence. Silence is especially strong against Sludge Belchers (5) with their Taunt and Deathrattle. It is the best to use Swipe (4) when you have Kobold Geomancer (2) in the game, even if Kobold has to die during the enemy turn.
Final phase: Play your strongest minions such as Boulderfist Ogre and Ironbark Protector (8) and proceed your offense. If you need more cards use Nourish (5). This card can also be used to give you 2 mana crystals in earlier parts of the game. Save your only Healing Touch (3) to heal Frozen Champion (5). Sometimes Sapphiron uses area of effect spells and minions with Deathrattle that will damage every minion on the board, so you should look out for your Frozen Champion (5) health and heal him if necessary.
Reward: Echoing Ooze (2)
Heroic Sapphiron increased his amount of hit points to 45, however his hero power stays unchanged. The biggest difference between this challenge and the normal one is the removal of Frozen Champion (5) from the battlefield. It means that all your minions that are not Frozen will be destroyed immediately at the beginning of the enemy turn.
Hero power: Frost Breath (0) - Destroy all enemy minions that aren't Frozen.
Recommended deck: Druid - Control Sapphiron
Neutral cards (8)
Class cards (22)
Bluegill Warrior (2) x2
Claw (1) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Naturalize (1) x2
Arcane Golem (3) x2
Wrath (2) x2
Wolfrider (3) x2
Healing Touch (3) x2
Mark of Nature (3) x2
Savage Roar (3)
Bite (4) x2
Poison Seeds (4) x2
Swipe (4) x2
Starfall (5) x2
Starfire (6) x2
Force of Nature (6)
Initial phase: During this fight you have to force your enemy to draw Fatigue from his deck. Focus on keeping the board clear and don't let your opponent to keep more than one active minion. In first few turns use cards such as Bluegill Warrior (2), Claw (1) and Wrath (2) to eliminate enemy minions. Play Nerubian Egg (2) as well - when they will be destroyed by the enemy's hero power they will turn into 4/4 Nerubians. Use your hero power especially to attack the enemy and try to not use it on stronger minions and focus on saving your precious life instead.
Middle phase: Probably the biggest problem will be enemy Spectral Knights (5) which may not be targeted by your spell cards. However you still have few cards that may help you defeat them. You can play both Bite (4) and Claw (1) at the same time to kill one of them while losing no hit points during the process. Another option is to play Bluegill Warrior (2) strengthened with the Mark of Nature (3). Try also to eliminate Necroknights (5) since they will destroy adjacent minions as well. Use your Arcane Golems (3) and Wolfriders (3) to eliminate weaker minions or to finish off stronger ones that are already damaged from your spells.
Final phase: Keep your life above the amount of 8 hit points. Sapphiron has very unpleasant spell called Pure Cold (5) which deals to your hero exactly 8 damage. If Sapphiron will have plenty of minions you can use the combo of Poison Seeds (4) and Starfall (5) and clear his board this way. Save your Naturalize (1) for the final turns when your enemy will have only few cards in his deck. To finish him off you can use the Force of Nature (6) and Savage Roar (3) combo dealing this way 12 points of damage.
Kel'Thuzad is a leader of the Naxxramas Necropolis and also the final boss of this adventure. He does not like to play fair - what will you notice during your battle. He has 30 hit points and 10 points of armor. His hero power can Freeze your hero and deal him 2 points of damage. Additionally Kel'Thuzad possesses many different offensive spells from different classes such as Shadow Bolt (3), Frost Shock (1) or Blizzard (6).
Hero power: Frost Blast (0) - Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero and Freeze it. / Chains (8) - Take control of a random enemy minion until end of turn.
Recommended deck: Warlock - Naxx Zoo
Neutral cards (22)
Class cards (8)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Soulfire (0) x2
Abusive Sergeant (1)
Flame Imp (1) x2
Shieldbearer (1) x2
Voidwalker (1) x2
Young Priestess (1) x2
Doomguard (5) x2
Dire Wolf Alpha (2) x2
Haunted Creeper (2) x2
Knife Juggler (2) x2
Nerubian Egg (2) x2
Harvest Golem (3) x2
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Dark Iron Dwarf (4) x2
Defender of Argus (4) x2
Initial phase: Start with playing all your minions that cost only one mana such as Argent Squire (1), Voidwalker (1), and Flame Imp (1) and focus entirely on attacking your enemy's face. Play more minions using as much mana as you can. You have to create a strong squad on the battlefield before you will be able to defeat your enemy. Once you finish this task Kel'Thuzad will interrupt your turn and summon two 3/3 Guardians of Icecrown (4) with Taunt. To eliminate them it's best to use the Abusive Sergeant (1) or Dark Iron Dwarf (4). They may strengthen the attack value of your weaker minions such as Argent Squire (1) or Haunted Creeper (2). Additionally Kel'Thuzad's hero power will transform into the Chains. From now on it costs 8 mana and allows him to take control over your random minion until the end of turn.
Middle phase: You shouldn't summon to many minions at the same time. Your enemy has a tendency to play Abominations (5) which can destroy most of your minions with their Deathrattle. Try to control the board with valuable trades and let the rest of you minions attack your opponent. Use Defender of Argus (4) on Nerubian Eggs (2) to provide you small minions with Taunt and Deathrattle that will summon for you 4/4 Nerubians.
Final phase: Keep Soulfires (0) against stronger minions such as Abomination (5) or Sludge Belcher (5). Play also Doomguards (5) to provide yourself strong minions with Charge. Still look out for Abominations (4) and spells with area of effect from your enemy. Use also your small minions with Taunt such as Shieldbearer (1) or Voidwalker (1) in hope they will tank any damage from minions taken away from you by Kel'Thuzad's hero power.
Reward: Shade of Naxxramas (3), Kel'Thuzad (8)
Heroic version of Kel'Thuzad is the very last challenge in the Naxxramas adventure. His life is increased to 45 hit points and he also has 20 armor instead of 10. His first hero power now deals 3 points of damage instead of 2 and his second power, which will appear after you will destroy his armor, has a permanent effect instead of temporary effect. Also once his armor is shred he will summon his Guardians of Icecrown (4) with Taunt who are now 5/5 instead of 3/3.
Hero power: Frost Blast (0) - Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero and Freeze it / Chains (8) - Take control of a random enemy minion.
Recommended deck: Cleric - Kel'Thuzad's Devastation
Neutral cards (14)
Class cards (16)
Loot Hoarder (2) x2
Silence (0) x2
Nerub'ar Weblord (2) x2
Holy Smite (1) x2
Novice Engineer (2) x2
Inner Fire (1) x2
Deathlord (3) x2
Northshire Cleric (1) x2
Demolisher (3) x2
Power Word: Shield (1) x2
Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) x2
Divine Spirit (2) x2
Mogu'shan Warden (4) x2
Lightwell (2) x2
Mind Blast (2) x2
Initial phase: In this fight it's essential to combo cards Divine Spirit (2) and Inner Fire (1) to strengthen minions with a lot of health. After that use their power to attack your enemy. At first play few small minions such as Loot Hoarder (2) and Novice Engineer (2) to get some power on the battlefield and to keep the income of useful cards. You can also play Lightwell (2) and Northshire Cleric (1) to heal yourself and your minions while drawing new cards at the same time.
Middle phase: The best target for your combo is 2/8 Deathlord (3) with Taunt. Use on him Power Word: Shield (1), Divine Spirit (2) and Inner Fire (1) (in this order) to make him a 20/20 colossus. Try to damage Kel'Thuzad's armor as much as you can and once you manage to do that attack with your strengthened minion. Kel'Thuzad will interrupt your turn when you will destroy his armor so try to deal him as much damage as possible before he will do that. Now you have to also defeat Guardians of Icecrown (4) with Taunt. You can use on them Silence (0) and keep attacking with your strengthened minion.
Final phase: If you got every card you need and you strengthened your minions you should be able to finish your opponent in only few turns. If you will lose one of your fatties you can just repeat the whole combo with another Deathlord (3) or Mogu'shan Warden (4). In the last resort use your spells on weaker minions such as Stoneskin Gargoyle (3) which regenerates himself at the beginning of your turn or Demolisher (3). Don't play too many minions at the same time since your enemy can play the spell Twisting Nether (8) which destroys every minion on the battlefield. Mind Blasts (2) will deal 5 damage each what may save your life if your opponent will hide himself behind the wall of minions with Taunt.
In Class Challenges player may duel with normal bosses but has to use a special decks prepared by the creators of the Naxxramas adventure. Your opponents act nearly identical as they used to in normal challenges and are nearly as difficult. For the difficulty of beating your enemy with unknown deck you will get a class card from the Naxxramas collection.
The Frostwyrm Lair has one class challenge that involves a paladin's deck.
The Paladin Class Challenge is based mostly on cards that will strengthen your minions. The special class card is a new Secret - Avenge (1). This card activates itself after a friendly minion dies and gives another friendly minion +3/+2. You will fight against Kel'Thuzad from the normal mode - he has 30 hit points and 10 points of armor.
Underneath you will find the list describing your deck from this challenge.
Neutral cards (20)
Class cards (10)
Argent Squire (1) x2
Avenge (1) x2
Lepper Gnome (1) x2
Blessing of Might (1) x2
Worgen Infiltrator (1) x2
Argent Protector (2) x2
Echoing Ooze (2) x6
Divine Favor (3) x2
Ironbeak Owl (2) x2
Blessing of Kings (4)
Knife Juggler (2)
Avenging Wrath (6)
Blood Knight (3)
Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2
Cult Master (4)
Defender of Argus (4)
Initial phase: The battle will be focused mostly on strengthening your own minions, especially Echoing Ooze (2) whose Battlecry creates his own copy at the end of turn he was summoned. Start with playing Argent Squire (1), Lepper Gnome (1) or Worgen Infiltrator (1) and use them to gain control over the battlefield. Don't be afraid of using Echoing ooze (2) without power ups since you have even 6 of them in your deck. Summon Knife Juggler (2) which may deal few extra point of damage when you will play new minions.
Middle phase: Keep watching your enemy's armor. Once you will destroy it he will finish your turn and summon two Guardians of Icecrown (4) with Taunt so it's better to be prepared earlier by strengthening your minions. If you have Divine Favor (3) you can just play your cheap cards and after that use this spell to get as many cards as your enemy has in his hand. Use Blessing of Might (1) and Argent Protector (2) on your Echoing Ooze (2), to get two 4/2 minions with the Divine Shield and you will be able to use them to successfully trade with enemy minions. If you need to use Silence for example on Sludge Belcher (5) you can use Ironbeak Owl (2). Also use Avenge (1) if you have some free mana to strengthen a random minion by +3/+2 after one of your minions death.
Final phase: If you have Cult Master (4) you can play it when you want to trade with enemy minions and in result you will draw one extra card for every destroyed friendly minion. If you have 6 mana you may use Blessing of Kings (4) or Defender of Argus (4) on Echoing Ooze (2) to get two 5/6 minions or two 2/3 minions with Taunt. Remember about the Battlecry of Blood Knight (3) who will get +3/+3 for every absorbed Divine Shield. If you will use two Argent Squires (1) and after that you will use Blood Knight (3) you will instantly make him a 9/9 minion.
Reward: Avenge (1)